Why are Italians so underrepresented in video games?

Why are Italians so underrepresented in video games?

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pompeiana.org/Resources/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

we're shit

But we are a proud race, with a long history

>most famous video game character of all time is based on Italian stereotypess
>everybody else is part of the Maria
Raw deal. Even Spain has some good characters.

Because they're unimportant nowadays.

You have Mario who is literally the face of gaming, what else do you want? Also Theres a shit ton of games with Romans in them

>inb4 Romans and Italians are not the same

At least you have the most famous characters

Long history of getting fucked in the butt by everybody after the roman empire died


Italy is irrelevant worldwide; even in Europe it's in the same level as Netherlands