Grandma dies

>Grandma dies
>Dad forces me to attend her funeral
>Don't care about her
>Have never met my extended family
>Bring my PSVita with me
>Get to Florida
>Day of the funeral
>At the memorial for grandma
>Everyone stands around talking
>Sit nervously by myself
>Shift in my chair and start to sweat
>Dad left my side to talk to his family members
>Think no one is watching me
>Pull my vita out of my pocket
>Quietly huddle over it and load up Marvel vs Capcom 3
>"Wow, user you sure are quiet!"
>Uncle or cousin or whatever the fuck walks over to me and starts talking to me
>Flick my head up
>Asks me how long it took to get there
>Sputter out 8 hours
>It was a 14 hour drive
>He notices me on my console and pulls a flash of a grimace
>Tears start to well up in my eyes
>Dad walks over to me and tells me to put the toy away and come take pictures with the "family"
>At this point everyone in the room is staring at me
>My heart races and I realize what a bad idea playing video games at a time like this was
>Start to cry in my chair
>Get up and go hide in the bathroom for the rest of the funeral
>Entire extended family is staring at me as I walk out, dead eyed and some even smiling
>Dad screams at the top of his lungs at me in the car
>Just keep crying and can't stop
>We have to skip the after party because of my behavior

I hate my dad for dragging me to stupid shit like that.

I didn't belong there.

Have video games ever gotten you guys in trouble?

Average Vita owner.

Pure autism


How old are you?

You have to be 18 to post here, my friend.

I'm willing to bet this isn't even bait

Are you like 12?

Jesus christ this better be pasta.

>I didn't belong there
You dont belong here either.

Are you literally autistic?

You are autistic as fuck but I still felt very bad for you, fuck your dad

>be me
>I play vidya gaems
>my parents think Im wasting my life
>to be factual, I am
>keep doing it anyway
>feel depressed when I reflect on the decade wasted
>dont know who to blame

You have something wrong with your brain, user. Do you have empathy? Are you a sociopath?

Great thread. Best OC I've seen.

I'd probably have a similar story but my dad never let me have a handheld.

Damn consolefags are really autistic


Trolled you :^)

its a fuckin pasta

> it's another faggot-quotes-everyone episode

> A family member just died
> This is a difficult time
> You should be on your best behavior so you don't do something bad and make your father angry at you
> Which is your fault, of course

Your dad sounds like a prick. How old are you?

There's autism...

and then there's OP

You are the PS Vita

>inb4 ass blasted vita owner makes some 3ds pasta in a desperate attempt to save face

>grandmother dies
>don't give a fuck
What the hell is wrong with you, user?? I don't care whether you knew her or not; she's a blood relative!
I don't blame you, though. I blame your dad for not teaching you how a human being acts.

Funerals are bullshit. I feel like it's a last middle finger to the people you leave behind. Fuck the stuffy, ominous clothing and solemnity. I want a party. Take the 6k or whatever it costs to dump a body in a whole in the ground and spend it on a huge party. I want people laughing and mourning openly, with drinks in their hands and good food on their plate. Don't feel weird about being disconnected from your typical funeral, it's pretty normal.

nice copypasta you fag

You say this now and maybe you are right when its with someone you didn't really about, but when someone you really loved passes that isnt how you will want to act

What leads to people like Sup Forums being socially awkward?

I doubt anyone who owns a PS Vita knows how to love another human being.

Low quality bait mate.

Honestly, considering my Family is Christian as fuck I'm surprised they all seem to forget that if someone dies, had a good life and met the prerequisites, it was to be celebrated seeing as how they're literally ascending to a Christian's Ideal Paradise.

what lead you to believe in that pasta?

It's an excuse for me to discuss the demographics of Sup Forums aside from the dudebros

I'm 29

Too many hugs from mommy and not enough hugs from daddy

>be an adult
>get asked to attend a family event
>"no thanks, I'm busy that day"
>spend it playing vidya

>play 3ds
>enjoy it


The idea wasn't mine actually, it was my dads. He passed away last year and that's what we did for him. We rented a party boat and invited most of the close family. Had him cremated and scattered the ashes in the sea, off the boat. It wasn't disrespectful at all, almost everyone was in tears. He was really well loved. But he was the kind of person that lived life for every moment, and soon we were telling stories, remembering good times with him. Lots of tears, but lots of happiness in the form of fond memories, and the strengthening of the bonds between the family and friends he left behind.

>staring at somebody crying during a funeral

Bullshit move along


Is there a guy that just takes pictures of his cat reacting to food?

Where does he post these pictures?

it's a russian guy and his wife