Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't it "make love to"?

Her sister is better

OP's pic isn't Lightning

Learn grammar before posting Snow

whats wrong with your picture op? looks liek she has skin cancer

Who doesn't?


More games need this.




fuck off Snow, you're a pedophile chad



shit sorry here's the larger version

>18 in XIII
>21 in XIII-2
Whatever you say americans

More like pajeets
Poo in loos average age of getting married is 24


Easily the best character in the XIII universe, along with Sahz and Vanille.

Shame XIII-1 left such a bad taste in everyone's mouth that XIII-2 gets hate by association.


She just gave blood and hasn't eaten her cookie yet.

She koo

>Best characters

How can one's taste be this shit?

I'm sorry you're waifu Lightning is garbage user, but Vanille has some of the best characterization in XIII-1, and the game's (still shit) story would be better if she was the main character.

Vanille is a walking advert for earplugs
Fucking kiwis


I want to have DAP with Serah!

That doesn't refute or change my point user.



>hundreds of manhours were wasted to model that hair
>gameplay still sucks shit
Why is vidya industry so assbackwards


modeling artists aren't necessarily great level designers, user

13-2 is pretty great famalam, if a bit undertuned.
If it had a hard mode it'd be perfect.



Here's hoping for good drops for the summoner banner



Wooooooooo! Comon sentinal grimoire!!!!!!!!! Or.....SOMETHING! Week one player, stacked as FUCK, I need a wall!!! Planet protector can only go so far without hastevas well

don't let the thread die

Are lightningfags so insecure that they need to hijack her sister's thread?

Why is Sarah constantly orgasming in the game?

SG is starting to fall short of the power creep. save your mythril for Tidus' OSB, it's broken as fuck.

Celeste won't, with her Indonesian blade! Yes, Indonesian.

it's Vanille who does it all the time

Mog either. He'll dance the night away.


Vanille a hoe

double anal penetration

Thanks bra. They're prolly weaker than me tho. Week one playa

Not our fault there isn't as much content of her.
You wanna post, go right ahead friendo


the sell out videos are pretty good

But you only have one dick......

So I guess someone would have to supply another.

Is it worth it to just skip XIII and play XIII-2 and LR?

I tried playing XIII a while ago and quit, and I'm not really interested in replaying the ~10 hours I already played.

Should I just watch all the cutscenes then play XIII-2?

I don't play conkers

But.....are her armpits as nice as lightnings?




you aren't missing anything in terms of gameplay, just watch the movie


in XIII-2 you can have fun collecting pokemans and fragments, while in LR you can collect gear, minmax skills and increase stats till your waifu is broken

No. Read XIII's story with the synopisis or logs or whatever in XIII-2.

To answer your question, yes, but don't watch a movie just read the shit in the game.

XIII-2's datalog is too short and vague
Square listened to people complaining that the datalog in XIII had too much information so they overcompansated for that.

You don't really need to know what happened in XIII to understand XIII-2. In fact, you won't understand XIII-2 even if you had played XIII.

What I mean is, just go in. It's not that important.


>You don't really need to know what happened in XIII to understand XIII-2.
it's that exact mentality that led to massive shitposting during XIII-2's release, with a fuckton of people shitposting WHY IS SERAH ALIVE, WHO IS ETRO, FUCKING GAME ASSPULLING STUFF IN THE LORE
>you won't understand XIII-2
it's just as complex as Back to the Future 1. it follows the problems with paradoxes down to a T.


sauce pls


I want to fuck Serah's tight thin teen body until she breaks and stick my cock inside her socks at the thigh and blow


For Lightning? Or Serah?

Serah is far superior

Remember she had mr. 33 cm before you

But lightnings armpits!!!!!!



Dont care she turns me on

But it's Lightning. Her armpits are all she has.

Serah has a better bust, ass, younger, and is nicer too boot.

Wait a second, is that the church in Midgar's slums?
How did they get there?

Extremely fuckable yes but Serah is a hot teen with a better personality and imo design

>calling the purest form of love lewd
user, I......

Don't mind me

Just posting superior a superior FF girl from a superior (okay, debatable) FF game

Usually, yeah, but "with" implies that both people are equal in the fucking.

Ask the guys who use XNA Lara

Best threesome

Serah is such a cuck amirite? XD

>Superior FF girl
No, she's just female Chewbacca.

>Superior FF game
Hell no. When you have to make three versions of the same game (Original, IZJS, Zodiac Age) to fix your core features, your game isn't very good.

But....b-but.....armpits!!!!! Lickable!!!! Smooth!!! No hair!!!! Serahs are hairy!!!!!!! And stinky!!!!! Damn Im drunk.

>Three versions

Better than three sequels.

>show a little cleavage

>Three sequels
>thinks FF13-2 and LR are sequels
>Thinks there are three of them when there is only two.

Yeah, learn to count and read dude. FF13-2 and LR are subseries. Categorized under Final Fantasy Spinoff and NOT MAIN ENTRY. You are thinking Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood and Revelations.


Dont get me wrong I would jackhammer Lightning's armpits but Serah hits so many fetishes



Hnn my cock