That one time Jimmy Kimmel spoke out regarding the ridiculousness of people watching other people play video games and...

>That one time Jimmy Kimmel spoke out regarding the ridiculousness of people watching other people play video games and people took it as an attack on video games and their favorite Youtubers

Jimmy was actually making a point and all those underage Pewdiecucks and Markitards shut him down.
When will you realize that watching "let's players" and "livestreamers" is just about as retarded as it gets

Other urls found in this thread:

>Watching someone play a game you like

>Watching someone play a real life sports game you like, e.g; college football
>perfectly fine

>Jimmy was actually making a point
Saria is my favorite SAGE

>Amerifat consumer drone falls for manufactured controversy contrived by a cucked kike and his writers

I don't like it at all.

>The people making fun of you are retards, so that makes it O.K.

It's stupid and juvenile and it's going to make everyone upset in the long run.

Never understood livestreaming. Watching a streamer play a game you own on the computer you could be playing it on just seems like a sign of a closet cuckold fetish.

With that said, I feel the same way about physical sports since the comparison will likely be made.

there is nothing wrong with watching high level esports tournaments

there is something wrong watching someone scream like a retard and talk in a "funny" voice while playing five nights at freddies

The vast majority of streamers aren't particularly good at anything other than making faces and retarded jokes. They aren't pro players.

If you sat around and watched videos of kids playing games outside in the park instead of going outside yourself, yeah, that's be pretty fucking sad too.

sports games aren't from the perspective of one person, are competitive, and don't have the commentator just talking about his monotonous life, unlike let's plays
watching competitive video games is cool though

I used to watch it to fall asleep.

>watching pewdiepie

>watching EVO
>perfectly fine

Listen little Billy. I know the other boys call you a faggot for not knowing how to throw a football, but you gotta keep on striving to your dream. To suck as many dicks no one ever has, matter how fucking gay it is.

We watch a bunch of ugly and old hags ramble on about sex and their dumb political views, and that's socially acceptable. Yet watching people compete to finish a video game the fastest is 'wrong'.

>there is something wrong with people enjoying things I don't enjoy
Ha, classic Sup Forums.

I watch a friend of mine play some single player games, his stream is comfy as fuck

Sometimes I have trouble believing these shows are real. Then I go into the break room at work and see stacks of celebrity gossip magazines, and I remember that I'm the weird one.

Couch potato syndrome. Some people are too lazy to even push buttons on a controller

You know what else is ridiculous? Variety programs.

Nothing but easy and predictable jokes followed by the audience eavesdropping on celebrities pretending to have a friendly conversation as if they know each other when in fact it's just someone shilling their latest film or whatever.

Honestly, I've never understood why people watch that crap.

>I'm a special snowflake

Do you ever lie awake listening to blink 182 wondering why the girls won't give you a chance?

>the ridiculousness of people watching other people play video games
I agree with this, but at the same time, watching a Talkshow host talk about literally nothing important is on the same level really.
Instead of talking to people yourself, you are just watching two people make small talk.

except there's nothing stopping you from playing a video game. all you have to do is close the web browser and open up steam or walk ten feet to your console.

>if I saw I enjoy something, then that invalidates all of your critiques

No, YOUR post is "classic" Sup Forumstard-posting.

You're bad at understanding my post, and you're misusing "special snowflake" in any case.


Are you paraphrasing "fun is a buzzword"?

Nu-Gamers are the worst. Back in ye olde days, we were ridiculed for even playing games. Guess what we did? We kept doing whatever the fuck we wanted because no one cares what normies think.

You should do whatever you want but like others are saying watching someone play a game well is fine
You pick up on tips, Learn about the game or just genuinely amazed at how they do something
While people like GameGrumps, PDP or Markiplier are just loud noises and fucking about
To each there own but those are two different things.

I only watch streams of shit like fighting games/FPSes where I want to understand how people who are better than me play so I can use that to improve my own game

Would you watch a stream of a guy shooting a basketball poorly in his frontlawn and yelling sometimes?

I too have seen that episode of South Park

Video games are as much a spectator sport as fucking Sports.

All those Fight Tournaments have proven that.

Someone trying to dictate how valid valid someone else's subjective enjoyment of a subject is, just amounts to bullshit.

America's Funniest Home Videos exists

He literally stated that watching sports was dumb too though

>It's like going to a restaurant, and having someone eat your food for you

Poor analogy aside, we already do something similar: It's called watching cooking shows. There's demand for shows about popular chefs preparing, and serving exquisite, delicious food to a group of people to eat or judge.

When you think about it, there is demand to watch people do almost anything. Talk; Eat; Fuck; Play; Sleep; Shit.

lol whatever you passive aggressive fuck, you're not making any money sitting on here posting threads about how much you hate people making money. there are thousands of streamers on Twitch who are making more money than you'll ever see in a lifetime.

"b-but that's easy, I could do that if I wanted to!"

then do it pussy. start up OBS, get a facecam on your uggo craterface and try to entertain people for hours on end Monday to Friday. OH WAIT, it's hard as shit.

it's always fun to come on here and see the people who will never amount to anything because they bitch about people who are more successful, popular, charming, funny, and have better business sense than them.

Watching cooking shows is like watching dev videos, they are making something. You can also use cooking shows to see how to cook like a pro.

The main difference between watching Let's Plays and LITERALLY EVERY OTHER ANALOGY is that people are either watching someone more talented than themselves, or they're watching someone teach the task/hobby they're performing. Either way, they're not watching them for the epic personalities.

The difference being after watching a stream of a fighting game tournament, you can realistically play that game and learn from the pros to improve your own play. The vast majority of people who watch shit like football aren't going to go out and join a football team

I'm in my late 20's and I can't understand why people my age or much younger want to waste their daylight watching someone play a video game. I've heard explanations ranging from it's entertaining, simple curiosity since they can't get access to the game, just want background noise, or they love the commentary.

Mentally I can process this but I can't help but dismiss it. It doesn't make much of a difference if I personally find this past time a completely retarded way to use your free time.

What really irks me is that there are people willing to throw their money at the groups or individuals that produce this stuff. I can't see the content creators of the genre surviving on this as a career for much longer than a handful of years.

What videogame is this thread discussing?

Realistically, you will never do what they can without thousand of hours of practice, assuming you have the reflexes and dexterity required.

the thing about real sports, is that you need alot of shit to actually get into it. you need to be pretty brawny, have a commitment to brain damage and lots of time and money. with video games, it's pick up a controller and get good. anybody can get into esports. watching people play on digital screens, not actually having to physically do anything, that somethings so asinine. fucking manchilldren who live in a world where big brother wont let them play. I swear, i'll never understand the obsession with watching people when you CAN do it yourself.

Iceland sucks at soccer but I'll still watch their goofy celebrations

all of them Johnny.

eSports and shitty Let's Play bait like FNAF and Goat Simulator

Pewdiepie just got kicked out of his rented home by the landlord for being such a noisy retard. There's nothing to be proud of about this culture

you act like kids are hard to entertain

He could buy the entire fucking complex if he wanted. He's lived in Sweden, the United States, and the UK, and he moves around because he's gotta appear in shit and hang out with friends. Why the fuck would he buy a home?

Exactly. I've said time and again if people like the Game Grumps had a podcast, I'd regularly listen to their shit. Some Let's Players genuinely have some mastery of comedic timing, but they only make jokes while playing a video game in the background

Still better than Conan the Kike bitching about guns and "too many white people involved in everything".

People spend their money on entertainment all the fucking time. It's no different from paying to watch a sports show, other than it being socially acceptable. Why are you letting it irk you in the first place? People "waste" their money on even more questionable shit, yet I don't see you making a blog post about it.

>trying this hard to defend something not worth defending
i shiggy diggy

>I swear, i'll never understand the obsession with watching people when you CAN do it yourself.

There's a difference between doing something, and doing somewhere well. Are you retarded enough to think anyone can pick up speedrunning, and actually compete? Or that they'r want to in the first place?

what the fuck are you talking about, you acting like it's more expensive to kick a football around in the park on a sunday than buy a console. Anybody can get into sports you just go do that sport whether u gota be in a pool or gota get a racket or whatever exac tly the same as getting a controller lol. Why are you talking about brain dramage, American football and rugby (slightly) are the only popular sports where that is an issue. THere is a discussion to be had whether it's worth compromising your future health for the training regimes that atheletes undergo (olympic training etc) but same can be made about ballet and many other vocations where obsessive repretitive movements unsurprisingly put a large toll on the human body. Why are you now talking about big brother. I don't really understand what you mean about watching people when you can do it yourself the reason a lot of people watch professional football or tennis or whatever is because they can't do it themselves they do not have the dedication ability/life w.e. to be able to play at that professional level, it's like saying why read a book when you could write one, why look at a painting when you could paint one etc it's a fucking retarded thing to say and suggests tha you are automatically the best at everything.

>I decide what's worthwhile or not

Way to sound like an asshole.

I'm not talking about buying houses. How many kind of "careers" require you to rape your neighbours' ears? How's that "charming"

Not an argument.

Conan O' Brien? He seems like a cool guy on screen. His video game stuff can be spot on since he doesn't play much. Even when shilling he still criticizes parts of games.

he was absolutely right
everybody who watches fucking let's play's is a fucking moron

>When will you realize that watching "let's players" and "livestreamers" is just about as retarded as it gets

They are all retarded.

However, I like watching competitive gaming that's one of the main things I would watch but other than that fuck these faggot personalities.

if you don't want to do it, why watch somebody else do it? where is the corralation between not wanting to do it, but wanting to watch others do it? that doesn't make sense. you can do it well, with time and patience anyone can do anything so long as you're not a crippled fuck or have down syndrome, but if you had down syndrome you really wouldn't be caught up in this stupid bullshit. anyone CAN pick up speeding, you just make the time to get gud. instead of envying others, make something of yourself.

I can agree on the podcast thing however I know some really lonely people (it's sad) that substitute watching their Let's Players for their lack of social interaction and friendships.

If we're discussing the money exclusively then absolutely. Essentially paying someone's bills for internet entertainment in my personal opinion sits on the same tier as handing a stranger cash without any return for good/services.

I'm not coming from jealousy or anything like that. I love my job working in a laboratory.

It's just plain weird giving someone cash like this.

It's practically impossible to get into a team sport like football or soccer since you need to have several other people, uniforms, and the space/equipment needed to play. Even if you wanted to become a tennis pro, you'd have to always have someone to play against. The only requirement to get into eSports is a console/PC, a control scheme you're comfortable with, and the game you want to focus on

>Watching someone play a real life sports game you like, e.g; college football
Unless they're professional athletes it's fun to watch.

But if they're fucking amateurs who are out of shape then don't watch it.

is ti that that video gamers cant laugh at themselves? like you guys get piss over anything

I always loved watching my friends play single player games when we were kids. Older friends, too. But then they would finger my butthole :c

I don't begrudge any of these youtube "personalities" their money. Obviously people eat that shit up. I'm still going to mock the fans for having shit taste, just like for anything else I think is awful that people like.

The amount of butthurt that resulted from a second-tier late night host making fun of a hobby is pathetic.

>But then they would finger my butthole :c
The average tard who watches LPers.

This, absolutely, the sperglord followers they have are the worst

You can tell the guy who made this post is underage.



It seems like most of the people here think watching let's plays or livestreams has anything to do with the game, if you just want to see the game, yeah, go play it yourself, but it's the person who's supposed to be entertaining, and with so many out there I'm sure if you looked everyone in this thread could find one commentator they enjoyed, If my favorite streamer or youtuber decided to start streaming himself painting or baking or whatever else it wouldn't matter, I'm watching for him/her not for what they're doing

>on screen.
There you have it. After the Orlando shooting, he shilled for anti-gun bullshit during his monologue where he usually told jokes. He basically said
>"I usually keep politics away from my shot, but now I am going to bring politics into my show."
He also had an interview a few years ago where he said he believed there were too many white men
>"in the entertainment industry, and in, well... Everything."

>I'm watching for him/her not for what they're doing

>watching their Let's Players for their lack of social interaction and friendships.

fuck my life

And people who watches television are fucking morons

You are a gigantic faggot.

i'd find it more entertaining seeing an amateur trying to play football than a professional, main reason why i watch gamecenter cx


Oh, look another faggot.

>watching something made by hundreds of people that you can never do alone
>the same as watching some retard play a game poorly and yell

>"we are gamers, games don't cause violence so stop insulting our hobby before we kill you"

The average person is more skilled at games than Pewdiepie
The average person is less skilled at games than people at evo

You aren't alone. I have to read this cunt's bullshit in an IRC channel I idle in talk about her favorite LP videos all day.

Yeah, I watch Diner's Drive In's and Dive's for fucking Guy. Please.

>You messed with the wrong yt community xD

Watching someone watch a movie vs watching someone make a movie

Pure autism.

College football actually requires talent to play, as do most sports on TV. Some video games do, but most of the popular streamers/YouTubers are shit at games and just scream memes to overreact to get views. Your analogy is fucked.

Only about as retarded as this new era of television where everything has to be a reality show.

That's why you watch GCCX?

TamaGe is probably my favorite segment. Developer segments are also interesting. In the earlier seasons you had interviews with producers and developers. Ring Ring Tactics was great too.

There is a large difference between an LPer and a Production like GCCX.

>It's practically impossible to get into a team sport like football or soccer
Yes user there are no city or county public leagues.

No one but professionals play sports.

He was making a joke that he probably didn't even write and it was blown out of proportion because too many people on the internet are hyper sensitive and can't take a joke.

>there are no city or county public leagues
I'm sure there are plenty of cities and towns without either of these things.

gccx is basically an LP with field trips

how do I stop watching let's plays, Sup Forums? I've learned to be ashamed of it but I can't stop.

>I've learned to be ashamed of it

don't know, i just grew bored of them and stopped because of the time difference and whenever i wanted to watch an LP they were always near the end of their stream

Finish your backlog.
Watch movies.

Go outside.

Lets Players are not your friends.

Kill yourself.