Other urls found in this thread:

Now you know the alien is tethered to the player. It will pretty much be within a certain range of the player at all times.

How in the world do I actually traverse the level when this fucking dick can hop down at any point right behind me.





Check your motion sensor, when its out check behind you every now and then as the motion sensor does not detect things behind you. Don't run anywhere as that attracts the alien immediately. Don't use your gun, use the flamethrower sparingly. Once you figure out the boundaries of the ai, the game becomes piss easy.

Nigga, I don't think you understand. It literally keeps spawning in front of me so that I'm forced to either backtrack or hide somewhere for five minutes. It also completes its patrol super quickly so that I never really have time to progress before I'm again in its line of sight.

Then again, I'm playing the game on nightmare, so I guess this is what I signed up for. It's just really frustrating at the moment since I feel like it's almost physically impossible to move more than one room at a time without getting killed, and even that's a dicey proposition.

I got up to the part where you eject the fucker into space without dying once on nightmare. Use noise makers. Git gud.

>he actually uses items

You're casual as fuck, retard.

You should have started the game on Hard or Nightmare with the Unpredictable Alien mod so that it isn't tethered to your position.

Stop hiding in lockers and vents and keep moving. The only way to win is to get past it and keep ahead of it.

I beat it on the hardest setting with no kills. In the beginning I was playing it straight - thought the game was unbearably hard and long.

Then I learned to trick the system. Throw something that makes noise, sprint as far as you can before the Alien notices you, do a quick click of the flamethrower, and keep running in whatever direction you need to go before you can save.

Simply don't be a pussy and the game is actually very easy. Later on you can literally run through levels and blast flamethrower.

One way is to throw a pipe bomb, molotov, or use the flamethrower. Another is to only crouch when moving and when he drops immidiately find cover whether in a cabinate locker, or under a desk or under within a vent etc. If you do happen to hide in plain sight (under a table or in a corner) make sure its in a very dark place, light will help the alien spot you.

I wish I didn't have to game the system to beat it on Nightmare, but I guess that's how it goes. Thanks, user.

Nice deflection, baby.


Crouch walk. If you walk and change your speed at all, the Alien will be triggered and go after you. Crouch and stay crouched and you'll be fine.

Only downside was that I could barely explore the game and basically read none of the chat logs / extra content.

Keep the motion tracker off when he is nearby and keep moving, after a while he figures out where you are at no matter what you do. You can't wait for him to despawn so you need to map your movements between different hiding spots. Always have a hiding spot in mind.

Hide behind things instead of in lockers if you can. Especially boxes that you can circle around.

Items help of course but I usually don't use them. The hardest sections is the first main conflict room where you have to open the elevator, Medical center, and some area near the very end with a loop like structure. Oh, and one secret area that you will love once you get to it.

I beat it on Nightmare with no mods so it's possible.

Same, though I didn't really care about the story all that much.

- Never hide in lockers/cabinets except as a last resort.
- Every time a living thing enters the range of your motion detector, you'll hear a boop noise. This happens even when the motion detector isn't out. If you hear a fuzzy boop noise in an empty area (no droids), he comin'.
- The flamethrower/molotov illumination can be seen. If you're trying to hide while holding it, you're a lot more visible.
- Don't try to crouch-walk everywhere or play it overly safe. The alien isn't going to go away. You will need to take chances, and turn your back to interact with keypads or open doors.
- Motion Detector is fuckin' garbage. If you have a fleshy mass between your ears and a set of headphones, you can tell what is happening without needing it.

Is wrong. The alien works on a tether. It will always move to within X distance of you and continue roaming.

That's why it's better to make good distance gains by walking instead of crawling. Getting ahead of the alien and sprinting works too, but that'll just get you killed or have you miss objects/objectives if you don't know where you're going.

Did you not collect all the logs? What about the achievement?

>Did you not collect all the logs? What about the achievement?
Nah, I didn't get anything. I was the gaming / exploiting the Alien A.I on the hardest setting.

I was sprinting between objectives while locking him out of his attack animation.

Yeah, that's the disappointing part. I want to thoroughly explore the ship, but it doesn't seem like I can take my sweet time with the way the Alien works (it seems to hone in the longer you stay in a certain spot).

I loved some parts of Nightmare mode, like the glitchy tracker and difficulty but removing the hud made no sense.

Removing the map made scene but I think it would have been neat if you could still check it at terminals, bit like the blueprints in Alien 3 SNES.

>What about the achievement?
You are human filth

just wait till you get to the medical bay.
It´s where I quit. A shame too, because I was really enjoying the game untill I got to that point.

>telling others to get good
>literally reducing the game to short-circuiting the Alien with constant noisemakers

Fuck off, you lazy shit.

Tethered to the player and hones in the longer the player stays in a spot? That's some shit.

The logs can wait for an easy playthrough.

There is a speedrun strat where you repeatably crouch and strafe to silent run. I bound crouch to a side key on my mouse to do it easily. It doesn't really break the game, just lets you move a bit faster without being loud.

Smell, now ignore it.

I'm at/around the Medical Bay right now. Have to get medical supplies for that injured person. Just watched Lungard's video about Patient Zero being infected by a chestburster. The level is a loop, I think, so the Xenomorph never leaves. Very annoying that I can't explore it at all, but have to basically find my 15-second opening and move on.

Then you didn't go far and missed a fucking lot.

Such a shame as is not as hard as you faggots pretend it to be

Yeah, I want to play it because I know it´s a good game. I just got frustrated with it.

In my version of the Medical Bay there was a locker that the Alien would NEVER go into even if he was chasing me into it.

Thus I didn't have an issue with that stage. Did anyone else experience that?

This is what rebuffs me from the game.

If you don't make noise, he'll go away.
That's the first real meeting with the alien. It's also coincidentally where most people start popping off in the forums or just drop the game completely.
>Loop part plus reactor.
Bretty good.

Absolute rubbish.. You can take your time and pick up everything. I did that and I played on Nightmare first playthrough without a flashlight. I'd forgotten how to change the battery and forgot the flashlight existed not long after. Had to use the flamethrower for light, and all interactable things glowed orange anyway.

You can check the general layout of the area at power rerouting terminals.

In this case, the achievements indicate how much of the game was actually played. This Delta guy apparently skipped a huge portion of the content, and he even said he was just getting it done as quickly as possible. It's relevant to the conversation, calm your autism.

I absolutely love Alien Isolation. Played it 5 times on hard and 2 times on Nightmare. Playing it on hard again. Going for a no-saves-run in the long term. Just can't get warmed up for the DLC content at all, meh.


>Absolute rubbish.. You can take your time and pick up everything

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

Stop trying to gloss past the flaws of the game just because your boyfriend probably made it. It's not perfect, and the fact it almost discourages exploring during certain parts is one reason for that.

Take your own advice and calm your autism, you biased mong.

You can when you launch the bioorganic dildo into space.

>projecting this hard

Nobody said you had to abuse use of the items, just using them because they're literally an integral part of the gameplay.

Only lazy one is you, wanting free handouts from the game. Nigger.

Obviously, that was meant to be AMA. I'm tired.

You're a casual. Don't get so upset that you can't play the game without handicaps.


Nice one, Captain Sperg.


>it's casual to use the items given to you in a game

Confirmed for retard. Kindly turn yourself into the nearest shelter, you filthy animal.

Yes, that's literally the meaning of a handicap. Hush now, don't be so mad at your shortcomings.

No, not it isn't. Of course I shouldn't be surprised a shitposting brat like you wouldn't know how game design works.

The alien won't follow you into receptionist areas beside Dr Kuhlman. If you think about what happens and the illusion the developers were trying to keep, it makes sense.

Not sure what locker you're talking about though.

>It's impossible to do this thing you did. Multiple times.

It sounds like you completed half the game, got frustrated and quit. I've finished it 6+ times and the DLC's too. Something tells me i'm significantly more experienced regarding the possibilities and mechanics of the game.

The "items are for casuals" and "the game is literally impossible!!" shitposter are one and the same. Thank you for keeping an A:I thread going.

>tells me I'm shitposting
>literally can't not speak in memes

o i am laffin

keep being caz

>i-if y-you use your grenade In Call of Halo 7 or anything but the pistol you're playing it wrong!

This is how fucking retarded you sound

Why do this game DLCs sound like they came out of a californian college?

Resources aren't handicaps, retard. Stop redefining words and twisting semantics.

Might as well play with a hacked television remove cuz controllers or keyboards and mice are handicaps, rite?

Get rid of that monitor or TV screen you're playing on, it's a handicap. You HAVE to beat the game by sound alone or you're a casual PLEB.

>I can't read

Not surprised.

There's a difference between effectively rendering the Alien moot by distracting it for overly long periods of time and using items with counterplay. The fact you're unable to make this distinction is sad, but par for the course on Sup Forums.

Yeah, no. Nice try, though, fatty.

You are indeed shitposting when you think being told to use items mean spam them like a retard. Only casual here is you if you're that incapable of using them strategically as intended.

>people showing off how good they are at this game instead of talking about why it's good.

>use them strategically
>literally make the Alien not move for half an hour.


Yeah, I doubt you took your sweet ass time in every moment of the game. Thus, your argument is false.

Go back to your seventh playthrough, faggot.

How the fuck do you do the alien hive segment without dying? I played the game through my first playthrough on the hardest difficulty and holy fucking shit the amount of times I died there was ridiculous. Do easier difficulties cause less aliens to spawn?

And guess what, tardino? You can effectively render the alien a non-issue for a time by using the items wisely.

Got some humans nearby? Throw the noisemaker near them and they'll provide a distraction. Your inability to think beyond "Grrr, this game is treating me like a baby!" is astounding.

How do you know how the grenade in Call of Halo 7 works you mongoloid?

>>literally make the Alien not move for half an hour.

And there's the shitposting again. Nothing in the game makes the alien go away for that long. Starting to sound like you didn't even play the game, kiddo.

No, I dont think difficulty changes the amount of Xenos in that level. Try your best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can smell the stench of your cheese-encrusted neckbeard from here.

But yeah, keep being caz.

Sorry, I'm certainly not as decorated of an Isolationist as you, King Sperg.

>How do you know the world is round, heathen?

You excel at thinking of terrible counterpoints, I'll give you that much.

I bought this game on sale not expecting that much. It turned out to be one of my favorite games in a long time. The audio is exquisite, and my favorite thing is how thought out all the mechanics are. The game runs incredibly well too.

I think the moment that really endeared this game to me came pretty early. It was shortly after you get out of medical and are looking for some item. You come across a group of survivors who are scavenging for supplies and are wandering around with itchy trigger fingers. I figured I would sneak past them by using a noisemaker and crawl around behind them while they were distracted. Aiming carefully, I pick a nice bright spot in the middle for all of them to stare at, and launch, starting to sneak around. All of a sudden I hear a cacaphony coming through the vents, and the alien erupts out into the middle of the room and starts eviscerating the survivors. I'm trying to sneak across the room into a corner or vent while listening to the alien tear them limb from limb.

It blew me away, I thought the alien was scripted and had no idea that the mechanics could interact like that. It was a total "holy shit" moment and made me fall in love with this game.

>guy complains about how hard the alien is
>give strats on how to overcome it
EVERY single thread has a group of people saying they gave up after the first real alien threat, medical. The problem is that people sit around waiting for the threat to despawn like in Amnesia when you are supposed to treat this like a survival game and be resourceful and aggressively move forward.

Are you just gonna use memes and insults, or actually address arguments with your own arguments?

Are you retarded? I've told you multiple times you're a casual for using items "strategically" (i.e. literally freezing up the Alien so it offers zero threat for an overlong period of time).

During the return trip to the elevator at the beginning of the game I always chuck a noisemaker into the room (or just make some noise) and shut the door. It's really entertaining listening to the survivors get ripped apart.

Keep on meming, sprout.

Well yeah, I agree that is annoying. But does it have to devolve into the shit flinging fest that this thread has become? I just want to circle jerk about this excellent game.

Patience and a flamethrower.

Thank you for your blessing, sport.

>comparing the factuality of the shape of the earth to a grenade in a video game that doesn't exist

THAT was your reply? How much hard liquor did your mom belt down during her term with you? Go on kid, write your reply, I'll wait.

>people liking this game
>literally my thoughts during the last part of the game

You're a casual if you find ways to cheat the system instead of letting it fuck you over?

>literally freezing up the alien so it offers zero threat

Alright, you've just confirmed you've never played the game. None of the items "freeze" the alien, retard. They'll distract it, but never for more than maybe half a minute. And with the AI literally designed to "wise up" to overuse of the items, the concept of strategic use is far from "casualization" by any stretch of the word. Seriously, do yourself a favor and just quit while you have some dignity to maintain in this thread instead of just shouting memes and insults at people.

I'm the guy giving people shit for using items. I'll be diplomatic if they can accept that the game is much more satisfying to play without items (i.e. a more realistic Alien experience, since it's obviously evolved to the point where your fifteenth noisemaker shouldn't freeze it again).

>actually being this fucking dumb

It's actually sad now. I'd love to elaborate on why you're an idiot, but I'm pretty sure it'd go over your head.

So you admit you're cheating the system, caz?

The core of the game is running around avoiding the Alien, that's all there really is to talk about. I always ran past the Working Joes so I don't have much to talk about, the survivors all get killed by the alien.

The fight is just between two people. The thread is dead anyway.

>person who made the video loves the game but realizes the game has some silly moments

i laugh at you life senpai-a-lam

I bought this game a year ago on sale, still haven't touched it, should I watch the first movie before it?

>dignity to maintain
>on an anonymous website



>implying it isn't effectively rendered a non-threat, i.e. "frozen"

Dam Son, you really don't like people pointing out flaws about the things you like.

Not necessary but it's definitely more pleasurable to watch the movie first.

>If you fuck around too long at the start the Alien can show up to rape you before the scripted first appearance

Two aliens regardless. The facehuggers are all in scripted locations though. Flipping that last switch is fucking tense, I know. You're in a V like corridor with two aliens stomping around.

I didn't learn this until my 5th or so playthrough but you can kill facehuggers with the wrench by swinging when they're nearby. It'll go into a scripted animation where you (silently) squash it. Until I found that out, I was using the flamethrower and making Mr Alien come running.

You should watch the movie for context, also because its one of the greatest movies of all time.

You're acting like a fucking child who thinks using what the game literally gives you is a bad thing. By your own definitions, it's casual to fucking use potions in Zelda and pick up the heart containers.

For one, nobody once in this thread ever said "just toss a noisemaker" as the go-to answer like it'll work like cinch every time. The game literally deters you from abusing your resources, even the flamethrower won't do shit if you keep spraying the alien like you're fucking Dale Gribble in space.

Yeah, i saw some guy fucking around while waiting for the tram. I thought that part was scripted but the alien came and fucked him up. Fucking Based.

Because it literally isn't "frozen". People have run when using things like the noisemaker or smokebombs and have been fucked over because the alien became alerted to them. It doesn't lock up on the item until it's done. Hell, there's a webm of someone touching the alien while it's looking at a noisemaker and being killed.

You are fantastically retarded with your bullshit and hoop jumping.

>gets called out for making a stuipid reply
>you're retarded but I won't explain why because I cant

He does it again! The only thing you have elaborated on lad is that the only thing you are capable of is shit posting and attempting awful ad hominem.

>he uses potions


Personally I haven't played far enough yet to get to the alien. I don't cheat the system, but if it lets you do something cheap, is it really cheating the system or using a handicap, or is it just taking advantage of something the game let's you do, regardless of if it should let you or not?

>Station has been in chaos for weeks, had acid pissing manbugs crawling through it and suffered at least one major explosion.
>"Gosh! Why isn't everything working perfectly, so I can complete the game in 5 minutes?"

>Chapter 2
>Alien murdered bald guy
>Call transit car, hide behind a box watching out for the Alien
>Transit car comes, go inside and get the prompt to move onto the next area
>Music stops, assume Alien must not be scripted to appear as an enemy that early in the game so I look around the car for collectibles
>Hear noises, turn around
>Alien charging up my ass into the transit car
>Mash prompt for next level while screaming my ass off as the Alien bites my head off

Will you two just shut the fuck up already and go play video games?

You keep calling each other children yet you two are the ones arguing over pointless shit in a VIDEO GAME.

In a League game. I'll reply to you nerds later. Keep the thread alive.

Videogames are for children, dipshit.

>playing AI for the first time
>hiding at the same spot, behind the box near the uncoming train
>get into train
>press button
>alien drops from shaft just as the doors close
>timing was so perfect that I assumed it was scripted
>replays confirmed it wasn't scripted, but coincidentally

I swear, the Alien in this game is so great, you write your own little stories and plots about survivial, escape and horror as you play.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, junior.

Then why does this board exist and enforce an 18+ rule?

Checkmate, Xenomorph.

You forgot to sheath your katana.

Because manchildren aren't forever young.

Counter-checkmate, dragon scum.

>that comment
>even remotely fedora
>not the guy who literally just mentioned he's leaving to play LoL and calling others nerd

Thought you were leaving, bub?

In the loading screen, bub. Thought it was hilarious how much edge he tried to apply to that comment, bub.

>Alien starts climbing out of a vent.
>Panic and whip out my flamethrower to scare it back in.
>Works at first, but then it stops for a second and turns around.
>Panic even harder and spray flames everywhere.
>Get face rapped by the Ayy lmao.

Motherfucker I swear, how am I supposed to get out of this elevator if he keeps popping up as soon as I climb out?

>Hide in lockers like a motherfucker
>Didn't know the Alien learns your hiding patterns nor did I know you could lean back and hold your breath
>Mfw the first time it ripped open the locker

I loved that it learned your hiding spots. Forced me to start hiding under desks and around boxes which was infinitely more stressful than hiding in the locker. The AI in this game is amazing.

Wow, I didn't realize there was that much DLC for the game. Is any of it any good?