What class would Bronn be?

What class would Bronn be?

Also is he a Dex build or a Str build?

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Dex build rogue fighter multiclass.

Dex build with some charisma sprinkled on. He's still a fighter, just one tha focuses on knives.

somekind of Diplomancer with long sword skills, obviously Dex as he never showed any Str.

Some kind of rogue. Str based

He's a quality build.

Reminder that combat requires strength and dexterity and the str vs dex dynamic is retarded dnd/wrpg nonsense

str build with some dex and some int for infuse

High Dex. Average Str.
He mentioned that Speed > Strength in the show at some point.
Also that heavy armor makes you move slow

STR: 12
DEX: 14
CON: 8
INT: 12
WIS: 14
CHA: 14

He's decent all around, but nothing exceptional. He glides under the radar of those who would harm him and makes a tidy profit because of this.

High Dex
High Wis
Average Str

I want bronn to take the throne

>combat requires strength and dexterity

Armed combat doesn't require that much strength desu, dexterity and coordination is always more important.

The correct answer.

class: edgelord
int: 0

Why do you hate him? He'd be miserable on the throne.

Swords should always be a Dex weapon, not some kind of bullshit "no specialization" weapon.

Maces and axes are Str. Swords and spears are Dex. Daggers and knives are Wis, you don't use them in a real fight (unless you're a fookin' legend), they're weapons of opportunity.

Pretty sure he'll take whatever cash the throne has and just fuck off.

I don't know hey, you get some pretty heavy swords out there. More so then light weight ones.

Even the big ass ones need some finesse to hit with properly. If you just wanna wail on someone, a big axe is better suited I reckon.

True, but trying to make the point that Str would be primary stat for a sword with Dex close second.

Dark Souls has got the requirements right. Swords are a strength OR dexterity weapon, and Bronn's the kind of guy with good dexterity, good strength but dirty fighting tactics and charisma. Which is how he got as far as he did.

He's the jack of all memes type of character.

Purely there for comical relief.

a shit build cuz podrick is gonna wreck his arse

Swords generally aren't that sharp, if you were to run your hand along a common medieval sword you wouldn't cut yourself. They required a decent amount of strength to do some real damage.

t. Dex fag

>wearing 50+ lbs of armor and weapons in a fight doesn't require strength

he is multiclass like Path of Exile Duelist

Where did you learn that? Youtube?

All swords are sharp.

bron has achieved ""LE QUIP XDD" class. meaning, D&D butchered his character ever since season 5.

I've always thought of it as more the length of a weapon that determines dex v str imo. A massive Zweihänder is too long to rely on str alone, someone quick and skilled can parry towards the tip and divert it relatively easy, regardless how much str is behind it. An axe on the other hand tends to be shorter, or have more weight concentrated further from the grip and harder to parry because of it.
I know it's not the same (and feel free to call me on it) but I've got a little experience fencing and if someone came at me with an axe and all I had was a sword, all the fancy parry shit in the world (even with something like a longsword) isn't going to stop that axehead crashing into my face. Nothing short of sticking them in the guts first that is.

he'll be killed

>All swords are sharp

Well yes to some degree, but most of the time they weren't the razors that movies and video games make them out to be.

Why would you keep you sword dull? With sharper sword its easier to cut, stab basicly do damage.

I'm sure a 600+ year old sword would be dull by now too you fucking idiot

Too sharp and the sword is weaker. You grind it down to too fine a point and it bends too easy when it meets another object. Sure if the object is soft it'll be like melting through butter. If it meets another blade that's duller then the sharper one will take more damage overall getting more nicks in the blade than the dull one. That means more stress points and it eventually breaks from extended use. The dull one meanwhile might take some damage but it won't get chips flying off near as much.

I meant back when they were freshly produced.

Jesus Christ read a book

Well there is more than just razorsharp and dull. And the hand thing is kinda bad example. You can run basic knife and nothing happens. The knife is still sharp enough to cut paper easily.

A sellsword

Yeah man, axes and large hammers/maces are pretty scary. That shit crushed people through their armor.
I wonder if we'll ever see a flashback/prequal of Robert Baratheon in his prime kicking ass.
Don't really recall a lot of films that do axe/mace wielders justice. I know Gimli in Lotr did something, but not exactly a great example.

You know that sword has cut zones right? Which is the entire base theory behind half swording?
Or that you can have the stab edge razor sharp, but the cut bevel normal sharp? and the rest of the sword somewhat blunt?

They've got Bran at this point who is going to be a one man flashback machine to fill in airtime, so I wouldn't be too surprised.

I've practiced arnis. But that's bamboo sticks. So my basic knowledge was in how and where to hit but not why. That the metal can't be too sharp or its fragile is just basic metallurgy. It's thinnest at the sharpest points so it reacts to stress worse than a spot with more mass.


>That the metal can't be too sharp or its fragile is just basic metallurgy.
No, thats misunderstanding of metallurgy.
Brittle = cuts better, but breaks easier
Soft = It might be sharp, but it will give too much to cut
16th century arming sword = Soft enough to deform on cut, but brittle enough to pierce skin and muscle with minor technique
11th century viking sword or 16th century katana = Somewhat brittle iron sword, where wear is a real issue

Read the rest of my statement. It's not about being brittle or soft at a certain point. If a sword is razor sharp it won't take well to stress. Simply because it's mass is now so low that it can't withstand stress. A razor is a precision instrument where a sword can't be. So yeah, the arming sword mentioned earlier was probably one of the best designs if used with the proper skill and technique.

Its still wrong. Mass isn't area or depth, but depth of flexibility.
There is a reason why Obsidian(vulcanic glass) makes extremely good arrow heads, and surgical tools. But it still break on ANY use.

Then there is the fact Brittle versus Soft is just one of the things you measure in a material. Hard/durable versus weak/breakable is another.
Then there is things like behavior of sound in material, warping to heat, and more.
A sword made after the 15th century can be both razor sharp and durable. A sword made before can't, simply because they can't make good enough metal.
If you where to make a modern cut sword, you would most likely use Titanium or another brittle metal for the cut core, and something a lot softer for the spine.

His build would be obviously BADPUSSY-based.

Such a blunt weapon.

>Game of Normalfags

He's definitely a dex build, not even really quality. He wears leather armor and fights without a shield with just a 1h longsword.

I would want to say quality but he's never really relied on strength. he doesn't wear heavy armor or use heavy weapons. He has slightly more strength than a First Sword of Braavos, but not that much more. He'd probably learn the water dancing style pretty well.

1. Lyanna Mormont with Ser Sixtytwo Proudmen after talking to Davos
2. Ramsay with 2 daggers, Ser Twenty Goodmen, his hounds, no shirt, has been called a bastard, someone stole his wife and his Reek
3. Sons of the Harpy armed with random twigs
4. Jorah who has been promised a whiff of Daenerys' cunt after she has been ravaged by 40 000 Dothraki and their horses
5. Hound who is denied chicken by a cunt who just burned his sept
6. The Bad Pussays
7. Syrio Forel armed with a proper sword on any day other than today
8. Bronn with ser Ten Goodmen and ice picks on a mission to impregnate the Eyrie
9. Brienne having just witnessed Renly's die to Stannis' shadow
10. Jon Snow with his plot armor on
11. Every other asshole ever

Fookin Legend who's been paid his 7 silver, drank pure alcohol from Mormont's head, pissed in a gutter and is in Gin Alley home turf

>leather armor

I thought it's just his jacket.

No, they're not.

t. swordsmith

More like

Str: 12
Dex: 15
Con: 12
Int: 8 (he doesn't even know how to read)
Wis: 11 (he's not really all that wise he's just street smart)
Cha: 14

well in the books he wears armor of boiled leather, and he wears a steel helmet as his only metal armor.

In the show he's wearing studded leather jerkin over a chainmail shirt maybe?

EIther way it's more of a medium armor setup. He doesn't wear heavy armor because it slows you down.

Those armours carry their own weight. You should see vids of people wearing a full set of knight's armours doing cartwheels with ease.
Same goes for greatswords. Weapons are usually so well balanced they're light and easy to wield. In fact katanas are heavy for it's size because it's not as balanced as European swords.

Yes, they are.

t. blacksmith

By jacket I meant this outfit not the armor he wore when we first see him in the show.

Swords were not used as weapons but as toothpicks.

t. historian

I hate shows that sets an ordinary leather jacket as some sort of armor. That shit doesn't even pass as light armor. Swords that cuts through your muscles won't suddenly stop because a thin layer of dead skin is on the way.
Real leather armor is quite heavy to compensate for it being weaker than metal.

naw I was talking about his normal armor.

Which now that I look at it, no chainmail, just a boiled leather lamellar jerkin over like.. what a thermal underwear shirt? What is that shit?

Can confirm, used one to lodge off a stuck salami.
t. museum guard

You know skin is tougher than muscle right? Tough cured hide is stronger than you think, especially with metal studs throughout.

Never expect a show, let alone a fantasy show to get armor right.

Class: Fookin Legend

Or maybe not, I guess I've been out of the loop about the current soap opera thing for a while.

It's for the best. I keep watching this piece of shit show and I don't know why.

Fookin Legend was a different guy and he was a rogue class

Nigga ever heard of parrying?

The problem is that D&D made specializations based on the stats. It's certainly valid to say that some weapons require more dexterity than strength and vice versa.

What the fuck did you just say about me you fucken cunt? I was a fuckin Legend in Gin Alley... a fookin legend. You know how much they paid me to kill a man in kings landing? seven silvers. they told me a mans name and that man never saw daylight again, none of them cocksuckers got away from me and I made over 2100 confirmed silvers. I'm a top ranger and I'm the fastest dirk north of the wall. You are nothing to me but another cunt. I will fuck you til you're dead with a force that has never been seen before north of the wall. I haven't lost a fight since I was nine. maybe its time do ya think? ay? maybe you're the man? eh? cunt? Think again bastid. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of deserters across the haunted forest and we could piss in any gutter and sow five of you. The piss that wipes out your pathetic cunt lieff. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my dirk. Not only am I trained as the best fighter in the Nights watch, but I was a fucking legend in gin alley, a fucking legend. I would take any knight ANY KNIGHT ANY TIME. fucking cunts in steel plate, fucking cowards. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the iron price, You should shut your fuckin hole. you look like a fucking ballsack, ugly lookin stoopid cunt face... I will piss in your cunt mouth and you will drown in it. You're fucken dead bastid!

He's a CHA based build. All of his shit is based off showboating and quips and being clever as opposed to good.

>You are nothing to me but another cunt

Actually when GRRM's original storyboard for the initial planned trilogy was leaked we learned that the throne was originally supposed to end up holding Jaime.

Sadly I need to link to reddit in order to show the letter, though, since that was the avenue through which it was discovered: reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/2uts99/spoilers_all_cleaning_up_those_pictures_fml/

How can anybody watch Game of Thrones

11. Waif on any contract assassination that doesn't involve killing an unarmed little girl

i swer to god if this nigga dies i will fuck