How do we save Halo?

How do we save Halo?

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Romance option

By posting more thic female elites.

Did those even exist in actual halo games? how the fuck did they breed more? there had to be females somewhere

ignore everything past reach. EVERYTHING.

Fire 343 Studios and give Guoh mo money to draw more elites.

>female elites
>having hair

Image ruined.

It's a wig

>female elites
>not on muh dick

Chief x Arby romance
That's the only fucking way I'm buying a Halo game ever again, fuck you 343 I can't belive you would let a woman kill off Rookie

I want to fuck that thing on the left.


>Female elites
>Better for your dick than male elites
Damn, get some taste user.

Remove 343.

>Elites see strength as attractive
>Entire planet of aliens fawns over Spartans for being unbeatable warriors wanting them as mates

fuck off faggot go get your own thread

how do Elites eat if they have no lower jaw? those teeth/mandibles really don't look designed to replace both a jaw and a tongue, they look like they're designed for grasping and holding, like a squid's tentacles (hence: squid-lip)

>getting space AIDS
You faggots never learn.

Hire the team working on SPV3 to make a new game and ret con everything post Reach.

This guy knows whats up, straightfags btfo

>cross-planetary diseases
>between two species with 100% chemically different metabolisms
>a thing
no, I don't think so

Definitely alien tits.

We include Elites a lot more. I do not give a fuck about Palmer and all the other neo-spartan cunts.

We pretend it ended with Halo 3

being gay is a literal meme

>implying space faggots wouldn't also suffer from space AIDS for having nasty disease ridden assholes
Gay people lol

I'd be okay with it ending after ODST

You're a meme

There should have been a Mass Effect tier ladder of character bond and dating system. Anyone based on their taste could date either a human or an alien or even Cortana. MC being a virgin asexual faggot ruin entire experience.

Halo 4 could have been a space opera, user. Picture no MC, no Cortana, no Forerunner bullshit. Just a rouge elite ops team of Humans, Elites, Grunts, Hunters, and Engineers trying to stop ONI and the Storm.

If the obvious twist doesn't happen in H6 I'll be fucking pissed.
I'll spoiler the tl;dr of it.
The precursors created the domain
The precursors (d)evolved into the flood
Cortana is corrupted by the flood without even knowing about it

>He fell for the HIV meme

Seriously, mentally AND physically ill

It's nice to see that you care about our ass health so much user but don't worrry! We have invented something magical in the future, we call it "taking a shower".

An AI uprising, in fucking halo of all things, is the dumbest shit.

post more


that one's 99% likely to have a dick

how exactly did the Domain survive if the Halo array supposedly nukes any and all neural systems in the galaxy? That shit was 100% neural physics, it should have been toasted

It does


>retards dont know what female elites canonically look like

>Anything from legends
That particular thing was confirmed non canon anyways.

MS hid it up their ass.
You're right, of course. The domain was massively fucked after a simple testfiring of a Halo. It barely survived that, yet the planetary scale Halocaust it somehow fucking survived.

yes we do


Jesus you cocktease shit, POST MORE

more african settings

Blow it up

>tfw no qt sangheili gf

Not canon. The only canon episode of the animes is Odd One Out.
Fuck you I can pretend

Christ what the fuck is that?!

why would a reptile need breasts?

Well God most likely created space aids to keep you faggots down.

>must be a reptile

God doesn't exist though, if he didn't want us to live he wouldn't let us be born in the first place

To feed their youngs

to attract mates


You mean the one with the Spartan with the Overloaded joke number fighting the monster from Digimon the Movie with superpowered humans, Cave children and a Trex?

That's an ayylmao, not a reptile.

>God doesn't exist
>get space aids
>die as i have lived, as a degenerate
>get sent to hell for blasphemy

brutes > elites


2 ton warrior punching an alien bear

Why does it still look uncool?

>God doesn't exist

gonna need pictures to prove your point

I miss old pre-crash Narse.

Your not seeing the other two Kids in normal clothing and the T. Rex

Post more elite babes

Cool cool
That's just a picture of a polar bear, not exactly an argument

I think you're right.

Reboot the entire series, and make it an anthology of super soldiers fighting an alien threat.

Allow Gayposting

just play halo online and quit with the waifu faggotry


go shit up somewhere else

That shit's even worse than 5.

>gay posting
>shit up

uhhhhhnn im getting sweaty.

post more fem elites
alternatively tell me where to get more


No you
females are a meme, stop being attrated to memes

why was this a cutscene, and not a boss fight? surely they could have deleted one of the THREE (3) bossfights with the Warden to make room for it

I'd imagine something like a crab, they tear food into pieces with their mouth/hands and then just stuff it down to get digested.

>implying it isn't

only blueboard one i got

Those hips....

I think I need to be saved tbqftrh

Because Captain King.

THICC alien bitches

I can't even spell correctly anymore, time to go to bed and dream of committing sodomy with male sangheili

then all of the teeth on those mandibles are useless

Got any links to the non blueboard ones?

how big is your collection user? care to put it up online for an user?

>what are mods
it's like your willingly playing the shitty version of the game

>not an argument

very minor

hidden board will help you out my friend

how does bear know what apples is????

Are there mods to fix the movement acceleration, weapon spread, lack of static item times, and shit maps?

>hidden board

Have you ever tried catching? There are few pleasures in life greater than a great black cock in your asshole. White sauce spicing your insides.

what, canonically, do female elites look like anyway
>inb4 halo legends

They don't

>Female Elites
>Having breasts or sexually compatible organs with humans

see OP pic

In Glasslands, they were described as looking exactly like the males, but a little shorter, and they smelled a little differently. And Shadow of Intent has a female Elite on the cover on the left.

>hidden board will help you out my friend