How to fix overwatch characters:

How to fix overwatch characters:

Headshots deal 300 damage while bodyshots only deal 50 and reaload time is increased from 1 second to 5

Bastion's machine gun can only hold 100 rounds

Discord orb increases damage by 25% instead of 50%

Can only revive 3 players maximum as well as reduced pistol damage from 50 to 25

Can only be about 25 feet away from the objective without immediately dying

>nerfing zenyatta

mercy's pistol is 20 damage IIRC

>plz nerf characters I can't counter

Sweet mother of mercy get good

>while bodyshots only deal 50 and reaload time is increased from 1 second to 5


lol no. This game is unbalanced as fuck. Git gudder scrublord

>feel like I'm kicking ass
>Don't even get a medal for eliminations

Feels bad man.

>complaining about Mercy damage . toppest fucking kek

Did your team win ?

Get good.

The game is for the most part entirely balanced as is. With only minor buffs and nerfs needed.

Zenyatta needs 50 armor on his health (logic being he is an omnic) needs to have a smaller critical hitbox & slightly better mobility whilst shooting

When reaper consumes the souls of enemies they will be revived with 50% health

That's basically all I want changed.

Yeah we won. Steam rolled attacks on Russian industries map, didn't even get the first point.

>Proposes crippling nerfs due to inability to adapt
>Tells others to get good
Have you considered that video games may just not be for you?

The game is balanced, fuck off.

How to fix overwatch characters:
>thickening mods
>sluttier skins
>nude skins

>When reaper consumes the souls of enemies they will be revived with 50% health
How is that fucking minor?


A hook hitbox that's not the size of a truck
Slightly longer startup time on throw or reduced hook speed
No more hooking through fucking walls

>zen nerf

ur litrally retard

Lol I can adapt and I have. Blizzard fails to make a balanced game so I balanced it for them. Fuck off Blizzcuck

The priest gains control of his own mind, unless something hijacked his brain in the interim since the casting, in which case he will control that creature‘s (in his own body) mind.

Not hard.

It's just to give a counter mercy revive. Probably shouldn't be that drastic. Maybe 75%.

But you get the idea

Frogposter go home

also it would be retarded, cuz you heal full in the fountain

So what, you're too shit to be able to kill people that you feel that, if you kill them once, you should get a handicap so it's easier for you to kill them again and again?

This is hardest bait I've seen in my life. Please, nobody fall for it.

>Thinking I'm doing average edge
>Realize I have 3 gold medals and I was pretty much a target for the enemy team
I almost had PoTG too but this hanzo shoot and q in a closed are where 3 of my team where passing, guess what happened. I really felt like I was simply killing easy targets and pushing the car, took 5 min to finish the match.

Wew lad

>How to fix overwatch characters:

Have every character do randomly 1-1000 damage with every shot, and randomize all life totals to 1-1000 every ten seconds. All skills should have random properties and be shuffled every second.

desu I think the game is balanced pretty well right now so I'm just doing this for shits and giggles

Shots in sniper mode take up 5 rounds of ammo instead of 3

You can no longer reload turret form ammo by exiting and reentering turret form

More mobility

The time it takes to revive increases subtly for each hero you're reviving

Faster Dragonblade swing speed/recovery

There you go OP, fixed

>nerfing zenyatta

just sneeze at him and he dies

This would be a fun Brawl mode

why do the shittest players never respond to text chat


The jump pack should be nerfed desu

nothing wrong with Widowmaker, she's fixed.

Remove Lucio's little jump when he does his drop the beat Ult.

>Mfw when I drop the beat, but get sniped before he hits the ground due to his little jump.

Is there anything to combat desperation plays right at the end of games?

Like you've put up a great defense all game long and have basically stopped the payload dead multiple times, good team work etc etc.

The enemy teams shits it seeing they have 30 seconds left and just shits out a parade of Ults one after another. Pushing it past a checkpoint or taking the last objective.

Like they have had a shit awful compostition for the entire game and within the last minute they shit out a Mercy, a Lucio and two Winstons leaving you no time to react and switch characters like your meant to.

Play shitty game get shitty results

None of those characters need nerfing.
Play better.

Only things that need nerf now that cowboy is nerf is roadhog hook and ult. Hook needs to be remove and and ult damage needs to go down. Oh yeah and weeaboo katana damage needs to be increased by like 1.5x to better reflect the superiority of Japanese steel.

Then maybe I'll buy the game again since I still have it for free after chargeback the purchase lmao.

Fucking this. I can duel almost any other character in the game yet for some reason I am not allowed to actually kill any of them because I do so little damage even with headshots that they can all use their escape mechanics to slowly fuck off back to their team.

The only time I get to actually have a bit of fun fighting people is fucking off from my team to kill Widows a mile away.

You don't lose your ult if you die before the beat drops so what's the problem?

All ults have some startup animation.

>All ults have some startup animation.

You're going to make him useless 90% of the time like that.
Most people already see the hook coming a mile away.



her leg is detached though

>hook needs to be remove
I can smell the salt

Yet theres fuck all they can do about it. Think your outside of its range? Too bad, think your behind that wall? Too bad. Think you might be able to get away using that escape skill? Too bad fuck you here left click melee.

Meanwhile, the res is completing.

Still goes off.

The only one of these that weren't retarded was the Bastion change.

It's gonna be people like you crying about Pudge all over again, isn't it?
Hog is a colossal target, he has no mobility, you should not be engaging him at close range.

Literally git gud, preferably get some non-shitter sniper on your team.

>fails to make balanced game
>i balance it for them

Daily reminder that instead of nerfing characters, Blizzard should take the Valve route and make everyone else stronger.

This generally makes the game as a whole more dangerous and fun IMHO

Is there an animated version of this?

This is not a moba, theres no way to simply completely avoid a frontline damage centered tank, not with the amount of choke points and capture areas that are in this game. In addition to that the hook has a fucking retarded range in the first place.

Yeah hes a big target but he can also eat Tracer Ults like they were nothing and shrug off Tires like a piece of piss. Hes in every single last Pub game because he has a straight forward gameplay loop of see something move throw hook in general direction hold down M1 then Melee. Rinse Reapeat and heal if you have no Mercy.

I would actually prefer to see him given some other facet to work with, some other mechanic other than brainlessly throwing hooks at everything.

I mean fuck they even do it behind players backs when a simple left click would kill. Nope gotta do my sick hook combo for my sick card at the end of the game.

Give Roadhog something.

Hes TOO balanced to the point of uselessness.
You know how in RPGs jack of all trade characters tend to suck because anything they can do another character can do better? Roadhog is kinda like that.


Widowmaker should be removed from the game completely


A team shouldn't be rewarded for dying. If a close range class was in the fray next to ton of enemies they killed without dying, why shouldn't that ult be penalized? Full health on something that spammable is already dumb as fuck in a push-heavy game.

>nerf mercy pistol
this bait is real
>i fell for it

not being rewarded
some ults can seriously cause a group to explode
the counter is having a mercy that is still alive
if she is still alive you failed to do your job

> D.Va
No movement loss when firing weapon (This was a change made when she used to have a higher DPS so it needs reverting now)

> Hanzo
Reduce his health to 150.

> Torb
Increase how long his Ultimate takes to charge

> Reinhardt
If already Charging, take priority over Roadhog's hooks. If the hook catches you from behind, Roadhog gets dragged along with you.

> Symmetra
Shields increase based on a % based system

> Genji
Can't interrupt deflection.

> McCree
Roll doesn't reload weapon automatically.

> Mei
Remove from game

>Failed to do your job

It goes through fucking walls. She can be killed at the start of a fight and make it back from spawning to res everyone at the end of one. Through a fucking wall.

The Bastion idea is actually a good one hidden in the retardation.

>roll doesn't reload
literally what's the point then

only if she has someone to tether herself to otherwise she is as slow as everyone else.
>tfw everyone leaves the spawn and are too far away to fly to

>stupid fucks at least one of you wait 50 meters away so i can latch onto you

>Shields increase based on a % based system

I was thinking about this earlier and I love the idea.

>Here's a list of characters I have trouble with, they should be nerfed!

>Sniper class with massive mobility and utility
>full power shot charges in about a second
>reload time literally nonexistent because when sniping she can fire like 20 bullets before reloading
>the two above points mean that she can take as many shots as she needs as fast as possible to land one lucky headshot

Widowmaker is, objectively, the biggest shitter character in this game. Give her sniper mode 4 rounds before she has to reload and MAYBE I'll be convinced that she doesn't need to just be removed from the game completely.

Roll is meant to be a movement option. It gets you into somebody's face for the Flashbang combo, get to points quicker, or allows you to get out of dodge easier to get out of the line of sight of turrets or Ultimates.

Instead, it's being used so he can keep melting through the bigger guys, even with the damage nerf.

For the record, if it doesn't reload it should also have a shorter cool-down time to compensate.

Can't pick up health kits while wraith walking.

Faster run speed. That's about it. He's a ninja but moves way too slowly.

Either make bodyshots deal less damage or fix those broken fucking hitboxes.

Even without having someone to tether to I have personally killed a Mercy at the start of a big team fight only for her to make it back at the end and res 4 people. Its dis-enheartening, theres nothing you can do to stop it because she can hook onto ghosts and as soon as the H in Heroes is spoken the Ult is going to go off. Mercy is pure fucking aids.

200 Health :^) Would'nt want her to die to a Winston before at least grappling away and making him chase her once. Would'nt want to punish her for getting flanked by a Lucio and having to duel him with her Soldier 76 tier machine gun.

>having healing orb heals you for whatever your target has healed

>not how it fucking works

100 of his 150 HP is shield, that's why he regenerates.

They need to help roadhog out. He feeds ults too much but other than that he is fine

Reaper would be a must more tolerable character if everyone who played him didn't use his Shift and Ultimate like they were fucking panic buttons.

>Oh shit, I'm about to die. Better wraith walk away and pick up a health kit to bring me back to full health before turning around and 1-shotting the guy following me!

>These guys ganged up on me but my shift is on cooldown! Looks like I'll have to press Q and get POTG again!

>This is not a moba, theres no way to simply completely avoid a frontline damage centered tank
You have a full extra dimension to work with. Zenyatta, Widow, Hanzo, Pharah, Genji, McCree, all of these characters can eat Hog for breakfast.
Yeah he doesn't die automatically from ults, but Junkrat barely has to aim to pump him full of grenades. He doesn't really have much of a way to avoid them and Junkrat doesn't need to even have him in his line of sight.

>I mean fuck they even do it behind players backs when a simple left click would kill. Nope gotta do my sick hook combo for my sick card at the end of the game.
Sounds like you're just upset. Some people don't like to take risks, deal with it. If they want to waste their hook cooldown, it's their loss.

Takes slightly longer to freeze someone
No turning slowdown

>nerfing Zenyatta


>>No movement loss when firing weapon (This was a change made when she used to have a higher DPS so it needs reverting now)
then she's entirely like winston instead of almost like him. she needs to be balanced in some other way

hanzo is already dogshit tier


>mei is op xd!!

ok youre a retard nvm then i wont bother

>Be roadhog
>Go behind cover, cant see shit just to use Take a breather
>As soon as I press it I die
>Watch the kill cam, hanzo shoots an arrow past me and I fucking die, you can't even see my body

>how to fix overwatch characters
>make them more like tf2

Hog can one shot all of those characters, think your out of range? You never ever know when your out of range because there seems to be no set ruleset when it comes to the hook. Like I said when its thrown out on reaction its next to impossible to avoid. You can bait it out but thats horribly risky because while you might think you were completely behind that wall the hook might think otherwise and it always ALWAYS takes priority. Its having to go through the whole song and dance of being pulled to the Roadhog and trying to escape but never being able to escape so why bother trying to do it in the first place.

Its frustration. Its pure frustration. Like if the hook just killed me on contact I would be more happy with that. At least then I can spawn and get on with trying to kill him better this time.

This is the true light.

>tfw you get 3 potgs as Mercy that save the game including a quintuple rez on Lijiang tower

>mei is a pyro now with puff and sting

>buy game
>Constantly matched with level 60+ people at level 2
>Get utterly stomped

Why is this happening?

Last night that is

People have been telling me it's based on skill level but I've not paid it much mind.

For what it's worth, me and my buddies who are all around mid-30s stomped a team of 90s and 100s last night on Watchpoint Gibraltor.

Just increase him. 175. He gets killed by stray fucking fire.

>tfw getting potg for booping 4 people off the side of Lijang Tower.

Feels so much better than just bringing people back from the dead.

Possibly the most retarded list of potential changes I've ever heard.

>think your out of range?
All of those characters can fuck him up out of range. Shit, I main Pharah, unless there's some surface next to me so I can E myself quickly in some direction, I'm a prime Hook and hitscan weapon target.
Even then I don't find Hog difficult to deal with.
His hook does have a range, you need to calm your mind down and pay attention.

That's a good feel too, but that was my first time ever rezzing the entire team at once and it helped us keep the cap and win. This was also the same night I finally bought my valkyrie skin and a highlight intro.

>wears a suit of power armor
>less HP than some dudes in leather or less
Why is this allowed?

Balance reasons, the characters physical appearance has nothing to do with their stats.

Oh and yeah I quite possibly am upset outside of fan the hammer kills nothing quite irritates me as much as bring hooked out of a Blink, or a Rewind or something that no one would ever be able to react to like a flying Lucio through a doorway. Its like everyone that gets really angry about Mei, I can live with Mei because I rarely actually ever come across one. Roadhog is in every single last game and if hes not there from the start, someone will change to him at some point.