What are we doing about this, Sup Forumsbros?
What are we doing about this, Sup Forumsbros?
I'm trying to get some money together to preorder it, but my cable bill just went up to $210 so I have to cancel that.
Gonna buy it OP
Oh shit that's the size?
Sold. My old One was having drive troubles anyway so fuck it.
Jesus christ! What are you paying for?
>cable bill
Don't you have netflix or the internet?
>especially at $210
Honestly im just going to wait for the scorpio. That shit sounds insane. Unless gamestop has a special trade-in bonus. Then ill get rid of my box and just get the whyteeeeeee
There are places where you can't get internet except as a bundle with cable.
It's fucking bullshit.
Suck my dick, Comcast.
Gonna throw it out the window because all the Xbox "exclusives" are also coming for the PC now. Seems like Microsoft decided to drop the entire gen after being decimated hard by Sony and are instead opting to go straight into the next gen with Scorpio.
Serves me right for buying an Xboner for Scalebound. Not that it coming to PC is any help since the game looked like shit anyway.
Honestly? I'm getting both most likely. Then probably sell Whytee to a friend for super cheap.
I got the white xbox with sunset overdrive bundle about 2 years ago or so. Kinda mad the new one is white and better.
>Xbox is no longer huge
Why bother
I pay 50€ a year for my 100mb/s internet with no "bandwidth limits". How in the fuck can you pay $210 for cable. Why haven't people revolted yet?
if you're stuck in a place where a cable package is required for internet then :( the struggle is real
if not then stop paying for cable retard
what's the point of these threads?
Sup Forums is not a single unit that needs to take action
>friend has family over for someone's birthday
>his cousin brings his girlfriend who no one likes
>friend: "hey you guys wanna watch shawshank redemption?"
>cousins gf: "is that the one that takes place in Afghanistan?"
>everyone starts laughing, including friend who notoriously has a great laugh, and his cousin
>she gets mad and storms into friends room
>later friend tries to go play Xbox in his room
>it won't read the disc for some reason
>he takes out the disc to find cake frosting all over the bottom of the disc, smell of frosting inside the disc drive
>can no longer play disc versions
I hear they broke up recently. She had moved into friend's cousin's parent's house out of nowhere, shared a joint bank account, and basically hung out with each other all the time.
what are you doing, son?
>pc gets xbone games
>still buying xbone
This can't be real.
God damn how young and retarded are you people? It's required to bundle here and after a year the price jumps up. Haven't you ever dealt with the cable company? We just cancel it, then reorder it and the you get the deal price again.
Still looks a bit bigger than a PS4 but at least it has an internal power supply and can stand vertical now.
>what are we doing
i want this meme to die
I think we need to discuss this more than whatever OP is talking about
Cheaper than a high enough end computer though kek
>A year
Fuck you and your shitty country.
If your cable company has a monopoly on high speed internet in your area they might not let you do that.
Is it the cheapest 4K UHD Blu-ray player, Sup Forums?
>50€ a year for my 100mb/s
yeah that´s bullshit
You are getting fucked in the ass fag
Microsoft are being so nice that they're making not owning an Xbox necessary. Xbox is now just for people who solely game console or really, really hate Windows 10.
Xbox One is no longer catering to everyone, and that's great. Like Phil said it's all about options and tearing down walls.
Buying one, I already have an Xbox One but it got moved to my workout room for streaming duty.
While I don't think i'll play a ton of games on it (I will buy all the cross buy games on it though) I need a 4k bluray player/streaming box for my game room.
Hate using PS4 for streaming. It get so fucking loud. Like louder then it gets when playing a game.
Or who can't afford a bad ass computer
Maybe not by the time it's available but it's a good bit of added value. It's what sold a lot of PS2s back in the day.
i thought this was supposed to be 40% than the original xbone
Is Gamestop or Best Buy doing a decent trade-up offer? If I can get the new one for $100 I'll do it.
It is. It doesn't seem smaller because it's been trimmed from all 3 sides
Nothing because I don't care
I'm debating getting one. The 2TB one is nice, but I come to a crossroads.
I want the console because currently my xbone has most split screen games so it's most played when friends come over, but then there Scorpio next year and I could just wait for that but if I want good grafix and don't care about VR, then I don't see the point in getting one when I already have a pretty good PC. But then again, people are saying the games would run so much better on Scorpio and it may even have its own exclusives
>still has a power brick
This is like asking me if i want a RAZR flip phone at this point
Where are you from??
how did i do?
What's the point of getting this when Scorpio comes out next year?
Honest question, because I'm actually somewhat tempted to buy this, even though I primarily game on the pc.
I won't buy it, Xbox has no games.
>one thread has some sony shill defending uncharted 4
>this thread is full of ms shills
Silly Microsoft, you should put marketing money into making games.
>still has a power brick
Does it? I could have sworn having it internal was one of the selling points.
But it doesn't
calm down bruh, just wanted to know what we are doing about it.
not at all
Right. But with a mid range computer you likely already own you can play the same games at a similar graphical level to the xbone, with little to no upgrades. Then spend your money on a PS4k and you have all of the exclusives in glorious HD.
Fuck off, Dan.
What's the appeal of this thing?
It still barely has any games. Was the size that important to some people?
>50€ a year
No you don't, fuck off.
the press conference made the xbonio look way smaller than that
I already have a PC so nothing.
Does anyone know if you'll need an xbox live membership to play the ports on PC?
>powerdvd will never support 4K blu-rays
Move to any nordic country if you want a real internet connection. My recommendation is Sweden, they'll get you hooked up with an even better deal than the one I have, although my ISP is a Swedish company.
Sonyggers so assblasted that people are actually buying xbones. Welcome to the fold xbros enjoy your S models
Pretty much this. Feels good to be PC and PS4 idort masterrace.
Hey PCuck's, Have you even played Killer Instinct,Forza,Gears,Halo on PC? Are the ports garbage? (Had an xbone, sold it, wanna get free KI but it won't let me)
>move to a third world country
Actually I just realised I'm happy with paying more for my internet
Continue ignoring it.
Waiting for Shitstop to offer some trade-in value for my old Xbone.
not him but i'm from northern europe and my 1Gb/s internet costs me 150 euro a year
Nobody is assblasted. Its just clearly a mistake to buy an xbone with the cross platform releases in the near future. PC + PS4 (and/or nintendo if you are into that kind of thing) is now the only intelligent desiscion. If you can only pick one of the former, go PC. Its not even a discussion anymore.
As a sonygger, there isn't even a reason for that anymore. Destiny, Disgaea 5 and Bloodborne are the only exclusives out right now and Destiny was shit. If you buy it for shit like Nier and Persona 5 you are going to be waiting a long time. Might as well wait for a sale otherwise enjoy your 6 month paperweight.
>everything I don't like is shills
sonyshills are in maximum damage control mode
Lol, the black console is bigger than the white console. I see what you did there Microsoft.
Tell me where you live, I'd like to find a Shangri-La where ghettos don't exist.
>The original model looks like a large, sophisticated machine (for the time period)
>Slim version looks like cheap plastic/chinese knockoff
EVERY FUCKING TIME. Well ok, not every time. The 360 was the only one that reversed this process, so why is the bone going backwards?
Goddamn I really miss my fat PS3. Really pissed Slims were all the stores had after my fat one died.
I think the slim is cute and the super slim is an abomination. the original fat is the coolest looking and my favorite, it's a shame they break if you don't open em up and fuck with thermal paste
>Destiny was shit
Opinion discarded. It was and is a good game even though it wasnt what bungie made it seem.
Some people need to calm the fuck down. My gf has an aunt like that. She doesn't speak English so if you laugh even a room away she'll assume it's about her and lose her shit
>but my cable bill just went up to $210 so I have to cancel that.
I hate normies so much
Rural places may only have one choice of service provider.
So a cable company can have a field day setting rates due to no competition.
Stillborn console. Who will buy this when Scorpio is coming next year? Who would pick up a console that's already outdated?
>even though it wasnt what bungie made it seem.
Also not even what they wanted to make. Apparently things with Activision got really shafty and everyone had to settle with a product that was pretty far from what they intended.
>murricans think they aren't third worlders
i dont own a xbox one i was waiting for the price to drop now is the perfect time
I have a one and I was on the verge of selling it until Phil said its gonna get keyboard + mouse support. I'd love to plop it on my desk and play some halo with a kb+m
Throw-away story, Same repetitive missions, lazy cliffhanger ending, bullet sponge enemies. Lazy voice-acting. I wanted it to be good, I was hoping for something like an open world Halo on PS4 but I regret the 60$ I spent on it.
>I'd love to plop it on my desk and play some halo with a kb+m
Well halo 5 forge is gonna be free for pc with no matchmaking or single player so you can probably play with Sup Forums online in custom games.
don't you have that in america? it's fairly new here, but i got it little over a year ago
If the Scorpio is really everything they say its going to be, it's going to cost quite a bit. The fact that they're keeping the format the same for each console is going to be the real selling point. Any one of them will play Xbone compatible games and they're all cross buy. Its just a budget difference at this point.
>Low end
Xbox One
Xbox One S
>High end
Windows 10 with high end graphics card and cpu.
>defending destiny
>a shitty normie shooter with bullet sponges as bosses, insta kill abilities about as braindead to use as overwatch ultimates, and slow as shit movement to top it all off
>I'd love to plop it on my desk and play some halo with a kb+m
me too but who knows how well it'll be supported. wouldn't be surprised if it forces mouse acceleration for all titles
I havent seen a nigger, or any other person of color for that matter, where i live for as long as i have lived there. Large cities are shit for sure but the vast majority of america isnt city, and is about as far from 3rd world as it gets.
>i own 2 acres of land
>the remaining land around me is either forest or farm field
>i can shoot guns on my property without anyone calling the cops, soley because nobody hears me
>i still get 100Mbps (yeah im aware there is faster internet but 100Mbps is plenty for any online activity currently) internet despite living in the middle of nowhere
If thats third world to you, you live in a 6,000 sq ft mansion and eat beluga caviar for every meal
google fiber offers that, but it's only in a few cities right now.
America's infrastructure is incredibly dated and very expensive to rebuild, so the US is stuck with shit internet speeds until telecom companies decide to get off their asses and get to work.
Yeah, if the execution is shit then I'll sell it.
Again, opinion discarded. Nobody plays an MMO like game for the story, and as far as MMO like games go, name another one with a better story. Go ahead, i will wait.
How did you get decent internet in the middle of nowhere? Satellite or did you have cable laid?
I literally bought a ps4 today for sony exclusives and the show(lol normie). Ill grab gears 4 on pc once reviews come out that its not retarfed and broken like UE was. I want that elite gears controller too.
Speaking of UE anyone on Sup Forums play it on pc? Is the population non existant? Is the game fixed? What about Quantum Break on pc?
Cable. Satilite internet is pure garbage and ive never heard of 100Mbps satilite connections. Maybe i havent looked hard enough but i have no reason to.
You're wrong, though. Phil Spencer was interviewed by Giant Bomb's Jeff Gertsmann and he literally said to him that the Xbox One S and the Xbox One are the same console, the only differences being 'better colors' if you own a TV that has HDR support and 4k blu-ray support. That's it. He openly said games will have the same resolution, same framerate, same everything on both the Xbox One and Xbox One S.
Essentially, it's low-mid end = Xbox One and Xbox One S, mid-high end = Scorpio, high end = PC, according to him.
The problem is that we all know games will be made (and shown during conferences) running on a Scorpio after it gets released, so it'll be a low framerate fest for owners of the original Xbox One that get hyped for upcoming games. Sure, all games will be compatible with all platforms, but at what cost?
I don't think I'm wrong, you essentially just agreed with me and reiterated what I said you dumb bitch.
>Pretending the game was marketed as an MMO and not as Bungies FPS playstation adventure
There is tons of better FPS out on the market
But whatever, MMO's that had a better story than Destiny, what is
>Star Wars TOR