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Can this stupid meme just fucking die? The developers confirmed the kid is Kratos's actual flesh and blood son. I don't even like God of War but this shit is getting real annoying.

t. Kratos.


>The developers confirmed the kid is Kratos's actual flesh and blood son.
I don't believe in E3 bullshit, they'd better show who is the kid's mom otherwise he's adopted.

His son already looks like a homo

Its his kid. Kratos is built as fuck and violent as fuck, only passive men end up raising another man's dick product.

Women with children are attracted to "softer" men i.e. men with less testosterone. And yes, they can sense it. This is why so many 4channers have to go after older, more used up women after they realize they won't be getting railed by the males they genuinely wanted to be impregged by.

Its a kid. Testosterone production doesn't kick in until puberty. Kids are supposed to be little faggots. Its your job as a father to remove any estrogen influenced behavior in your sons.


Ape Escape has a better shota

he looks like baby Donte


>I don't believe the people who made this game, which is fiction and not real
>i-it's real in my headcanon

holy shit this is the power of autism

hit a nerve?


you gon ask for a birth certificate next? maybe dna testing? god you're a faggot


>he cares about knowing if his kid is legit or not, what a faggot
hi James

Why does he have a retarded modern haircut in what is supposed to be ancient times?

>he thinks i have a kid at all
hi alt-right

who's to say that haircut didn't exist back then?

ebin strawman

what haircut? all you need to do is push your wet hands against each other on your hair

Nice photoshop.

of course you don't, it's your wife who has one

the hair on the middle of his head is longer and the rest is shaved, that's a haircut

What if the kid's an orphan? Is taking orphan a cuck move now?

>he thinks i have a wife
why the fuck would anyone marry in this day and age? it's just a trap to get your stuff women pull on men

oh, you're an mra instead

>he thinks i have a wife lmao
so you admit she has left you? good

sure why not
and if you aren't you're a cuck

man you're a faggot
i've never touched a woman or been in a relationship in my entire life because i'm not gonna get fooled like that

Why did they even need to put Kratos in this game?
It looks like you end up playing his son anyways.
This is just a cheap marketing technique and I'm not buying this game just because of that.

I mean I wouldn't have bought it anyways because it's just a Last of Us ripoff as far as we know at this point but whatever.

>doesn't ever want to touch a woman
>calls others a faggot

Name recognition. It all has to do with advertising.

If he didn't feel his son swim through his semen into his mother's egg and became a human bean, then yes.

but why is kratos even back?
I didn't like the first game so I stopped playing mid way, then just watched the cut scenes for all the other ones to catch up on the story

shit story by the way

anyway that nigga dead, why back now?

they've already confirmed that you're guaranteed to play as Kratos for the entire game
the kid will have his own AI and you're going to have a specific button to give him orders depending on context

Hello sjw Sonycuck

Have you worshiped Anita today?


They could still have called it God of War but let the protagonist be a god/ whatever from a different mythology.

dude, he gets killed in all 3 main games but comes crawling back from hell, this doesn't mean anything

Oh god that's even worse

Don't try to kill me or my wife's son ever again


>anyway that nigga dead
You must not have watched all the way throught, at the very end of 3 we see his body is gone so he somehow survived and dragged himself north.

>you're going to play as his kid, I don't want the game because of that
>no you won't play as the kid

>wants to fight the femnazi and sjw
>links directly to a fucking rolling stone article giving them sweet sweet adbux

How stupid can you be?

yeah but he came back asura style because his work was not yet finished. He ended it all himself the last time.

Why is his "son" balding already?

Why does the kid look like a slav? Is the mother Baltic/Finnish since the game is set in the North?

As expected of sonycucks.

I said that I wouldn't play it because I thought that we play as a new protagonist but they shoehorned Kratos in as his father as a marketing technique.

Then I said that I wouldn't buy it anyways because at the moment it looks like a TLoU ripoff and, surprise, I was actually right.

he has given up when zeus killed him in 2, it was Gaia who gave him a new reason to keep going
the same could happen now, a norse god can ask for his help

do you guys have a cuck fetish or something? what the fuck, there are literally hundreds of threads everyday where people bring it up in one way or another.

just admit it, deep inside you'd like to watch a big nigger fucking your gf/wife. it's the only explanation for all this bullshit.

Omega detected
>I-I chose not to be with women!
Sure, buddy

>What is adblock

Also nice deflection. Don't be offended because your company is full of cucks that bow down to Anita/SJW. How else would you explain God of War turning into this of all things?

This strawman, holy shit, kid.

>What is adblock

Something most people do not use.

>I hate these guys
>therefore I will advertise for them, for free

wew lad

DONT TALK TO MY WIFES SONS EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>TLoU ripoff
so the mere feature of having a companion AI means it's a TLoU ripoff?
TLoU didn't invent single player campaigns in which the main character doesn't walk alone.
is this game also a Pac Man ripoff because you press buttons to play it?

>How else would you explain God of War turning into this of all things?
>Kratos having a biological son is now SJW
You must be some edgy twelve year old trying to fit in.

no shit sherlock

you forgot the best part
>I'm still hetero tho!

then perhaps he knocked up a maiden while he was slutting around as the god of war, and she moved west and shat out a baby, and then she died so he feels responsibility and went to go raise the boy

Uh duh

>a big nigger fucking your gf/wife.
it has already happened to me, I am not pleased

>Something most people do not use.

Spoken like a true cuck. I bet you enjoy having ads up the ass.

Okay fine I'll link a Sony dick sucking site that has the same stuff instead. Does it make any fucking difference? The facts are still the same.


>Kratos having a biological son is now SJW

His nu-male beard can't fool me. It's his brothers son. Same eyes and same hair.