>tfw Saturday night
>tfw you downloaded 5 games from your Steam backlog
>tfw forgot to buy chips
Tfw Saturday night
Do you have cola?
Ask mom to go buy some
Ask onii-chan to buy some for you.
I can't remember the name of this. Hamtoro?
Hamtaro actually
>want to finally complete Morrowind
>install on steam
>missing audio files
>reinstall doesn't work
kill me
Go to the store and buy whatever foodstuffs you want you piece of shit
You also forgot to stop being a degenerate.
>tfw she told me to fuck off out of her room and go buy it myself
;_; sisters are the worst
>Want to play modded morrowind
>Don't actually want to go througu the trouble of modding it again
>Dont want to download some shit tier mod package either
Life is fucking suffering.
Your brother is a girl?
Dumb hamposter
>Eating finger-contact food while playing video games.
>bag is 50% air
>still the best chips ever
>eating while gaming
What shitty games do you play?
dumb nugget poster
Stupid Hamtaro poster
Time Clickers
>not having cheeto-chopsticks
Fucking casuals
Way to assume user's brother is a girl. Check your privilege
Paizuri just doesn't work in 3D
What a party pooper
ima need dat link
>I can be a big retarded social autist slob because this cute little anime girl is pandering to what a fucking loser I am.
Where did anime go wrong?
die dumb hamster poster
they didn't listen to Anno
>he doesn't like cute hamster grill
What a faggot
Fuck yea. Just bought these two games and have a bunch of weed and Dr. Pepper with real sugar.
The fuck is this ugly hamster shit
Instead of video games I've been doing crafts and hobbies. My saturday night will be soda, weed, perler beads galore! I'm stoked.
I just had a big bag of Doritos
Everyone who actually enjoyed Umaru should be lined up and shot in the street.
It panders to people that are toxic to the anime industry and our society as a whole.
>Megaman versions of other characters.
This shit needed to stop like 5 years ago.
>muh manime
Anime has always been degenerate filth. Before it was for autistic mecha manchildren and now it's for autistic moepigs.
>toxic to the anime industry
Holy shit this nerd really cares about his Chinese cartoons huh LOL
I've experienced paizuri before but I can't even begin to imagine how good breasts of that size and softness must feel.
only thing that makes me angrier is tf2 version of reaction images/gifs
luckily i don't see those as often anymore
gurren lagaan is gay and so are you
What game is she playing?
Don't listen to them user, I hope you have fun. I wanna make a few of these myself.
>tfw saturday night
>lightning strike and power outage
>surge protector and everything else that was plugged in is fine
>get to spend the next few hours testing components to hopefully find the issue
Himouto is a bad show and you are a bad poster.
How is Rabi-Ribi? Been thinking about grabbing it and Kero Blaster since I got paid.
>5 games
>for 3-10 whatever hours
It's dope. Not much played so far. It's cute and sexy with all the good elements of a platformer/bullethell/roguelite
Mortal Kombat
I feel like those beads are too big. Even in that image you lose the character to all the little holes.
They're fun as shit fellow user. Takes a while for each creation but god damn is it sweet when they're done. Can put them on wall, make drink coasters, etc. etc.
On the side that gets ironed they blend together quite well. Here's a sort of comparison to the front and the ironed side of perlers.
Her head is above the PSP, how can she even see it also
>bought soundbar on tuesday
>hooked it up and worked flawlessly
>come saturday
>was going to watch some movies and play some vidya
>it doesnt work, just gets constant static
>already threw away the box
Wow, I never thought I'd find the most insecure Sup Forums poster on a falseflag thread
It's 2016, post mates exists
>bout to play exclusive games on my master race Sony PS4 system
>I remembered to bring the mountain dew and chicken tendies.
>tfw too hung over to play anything
chips are gross! please only eat healthy things and take care of your body
that feel when you're waifu will never be umaruified
>Coke 2Liter
>fresh bag of Ruffles
>just finished RE7 demo download
>almost to the best part of Deus Ex 1
>big ass bottle of makgeolli
we in this
Hitomi Tanaka is my pornfu