6 teraflops

>6 teraflops
>4k gaming 60fps

how are they doing it?

what does 6 teraflops even mean?

it means it'll kick your PCs ass .

Your gaming experience will be so immersive you will be cancer riddled and feeble by the end of it so make sure to stock up on those snacks.

It measures how big of a flop it is. Right now it's flopping at a rate of 6 trillion times per second.

i dont know, but it is fucking 6!!!!!! Eat that sony fags.


for real?

if it only was a playstation

by cutting corners s always


If this is fucking true then Microsoft won the entire fucking thing.

source or fuck off

>$399 not really tho


Scorpio! He'll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth. Beware of Scorpio! His twisted twin obsessions are his plot to rule the world, and his employees' health. He'll welcome you into his lair, like the nobleman welcomes his guest. With free dental care and a stock plan that helps you invest! But beware of his generous pensions, plus three weeks paid vacation each year. And on Fridays the lunchroom serves hot dogs and burgers and beer! He loves German beer!

>4k 60fps*

oh wow sure
*only on the main menu

Still overpriced considering that they charge you monthly for online.

6 tflops is almost as powerful as the 1070. It won't be able to do 4k 60fps, but it'll be able to do 4k at console framerates. In other words, "silky smooth 20-30 fps"


Its not.

Its going to be 500 dollars again.


The regular xbone is less raw power than an r9 260x, but there's plenty of games that run at 60fps on it which would never run at 60fps on PC. Basically, consoles are capable of 4k gaming at 60fps, but PC's aren't.

It means it'll kick your budget PC from 2014's ass

Except the 1080 is already running 4k 60 fps.


Maye in 20 years.


That's an $800 video card. Doesn't count.

>hilarious pipe dream
>plz rally behind us and buy our new box!
>we totally didnt just completely fail to launch a box just recently and then completely shit on and abandon those people!


probably more than that unless they want to sell it at a bigger loss.

It could cost $20 and suck your dick. Still has no games.

6 billion floating point operations per second.

Its coming out late 2017 so I imagine making the console won't be that insane by then.

>Except the 1080 is already running 4k 60 fps.

>900p medium-low setting with everything turned off

Optimisation only brings it up to a certain point. You can't build a PC that'll beat a console at console price (with new + quality components), that's just the nature of economies of scale. But you can spend an extra $150 and blow it out of the park.

>durr how are they gonna sell it so cheap
>implying a 300mm2 die purchased on bulk will be expensive in 18 months

If this machine costs any more than $399 you're getting ripped off.

It'll make any pregnant woman within 100 yards miscarriage in chromatic aberration


They aren't. It will be significantly more than that. I have no idea where you got that price but with that technology they'd be selling at a MASSIVE loss.

>6 teraflops
>4k gaming 60fps
6 teraflops is not nearly enough for that. 4k 30fps is a stretch
it's confirmed to be $599

Also it's coming out at the end of 2017

Fucking read people it's not that hard.

processing speed.

Yeah I hate chromatic abortion.

There's nothing Xbox can't do.

by porting all their games to Spyware 10 so there's really no reason to buy an xbone

>people on Sup Forums make it clear they know nothing about computers
I love these threads.

>4k gaming 60fps
why do people think this means a fucking thing? you just spouted it like a buzzword

my pc can run Dishonored, TF2, etc at 4k 60fps but not gta V or Witcher 3

Link confirming price? I find it hard to believe they've given an actual price a year and a half in advance.

>6 teraflops
>4k gaming 60fps
>highest quality pixels

can I switch my PS4 in now plz

>there's plenty of games that run at 60fps on it which would never run at 60fps on PC
name them

k gaming 60fps
hope you didn't expect an actual improvement of the poly count, cause with that power the games will look like emulated console games on a PC

They'll release an update for windows 10 that turns every windows 10 machine into an Xbox One. That's how they're going to reach their goal.

Gears Of War 2

>Today's midrange PC performance late next year
>People think this is good
Xbone is deader then ever

Halo 3

because it's

Scorpio is coming out in q3 2017 last I heard
so by then, a PC of the same exact cost would probably be millions times better

>force everyone to download Windows 10
>turn their pc into an xbone and offer games

like raping someone then sending a get well soon card


but halo 3 runs at 30 fps.

Bungie even went as far as to claim that 60 frames would feel unnatural.

And we all know how that went with reach.

>500 dollars again
We'll be lucky if this isn't another $699 fiasco again. (if they do plan on delivering the power they're promising)


[Citation needed]

>4k gaming

Where the fuck did they say that? All they said was 4k video playback.

If they did i would be delighted. Disabling non-critical parts of the system to free up resources would be godly

I think Microsoft really overestimated the general intelligence of gamers. You fucking idiot.

They are taking two years ...

The bone version runs at 60



Oh yeah just rewatched the E3 reveal, they were talking about 4k gaming.

It'll be fucking 20fps when displaying anything more than a sparse corridor regardless.

It means that it's about as powerful as a gtx 970.

still more powerful than ps4 neo

>muh teraflops
too bad it still hamstrung by a netbook CPU

How the fuck are they suggesting 6 teraflops is ever going to run 4k?

I absolutely refuse to believe that you can maintain 4k 30fps with just 6 teraflops.

>we haven't achieved 1080/30 when we promised 1080/60
>so now we're promising 4k for our next console

phill won't lie

well technically he hasn't lied
he never said anything about framerate

So will the 4.5 and Scorpio surpass a i5 4460 and a GTX 960 now?

>he doesn't have the GTX 1080 with 9 buzzwordflops
Get with the times console peasants

doesn't it still use a jaguar processor?

that would be a bottleneck but with a 960 is still worse than what they have, so I don't know, we'll only know when there are reports on how it performs

>Still believing the TFLOP myth
Polaris 10 only has 5 TFLOP but still beats out last gen's 7 TFLOP GPU

yes. by a large margin

Someone tolds me this is all buzz misleading people on purpose.

>Gaming isn't 4k, movies and videos will be. Games will still be 1080p
>6 teraflops is aboud the same powr as a mid range GPU
>The entire thing is only slightly more powerful than the PS4.

Can a Sup Forums guy confirm this?

This is not a 6 teraflop GPU but a 6 teraflop system. So it's probably a 4 teraflop GPU with a 2 teraflop CPU

Also it will release in 2 years time. It'll not be impressive at all by then.

Also at a price level that will net be competitive with self-build PC's

>another $699 fiasco
where was the first fiasco? in spanish chumbawumba-land?

>k 60fps
ayy lmao

this is exactly what I have. I bought a pc with a budget of $400 and got that and now its biting me in the ass. I thought the 960 would keep me relevant longer than my xbox one and wii u would, but now that's not the case

Teraflops is largely meaningless by itself. We need to know the other specs.

For example the GTX 1070 has 6.5teraflops, yet it outperforms the GTX Titan X which has 7 teraflops.

Trying to work out performance from teraflops alone is like trying to work out which car is faster based off their MPG ratings.

6 teraflop gpu, +6 tera flop cloud

Pretty much.

6TFLOPS is enough to run current console graphics at 4k. PS4 Neo will aim for the same thing with a more modern architecture and thus needs less FLOPS to do the same.

CPUs have almost no FLOPS



>6TFLOPS is enough to run current console graphics at 4k. PS4 Neo will aim for the same thing with a more modern architecture and thus needs less FLOPS to do the same.
pony apologist already

>hating on big phill when he actualy merged console and pc, and is focusing on power in new console like pc tech, just like in good old days
Fuck off, salty nignog a
But all I all, they wont deliver 4k and 60 fps. But stable 60 fps, high stettings and 1080p is good enough though for a console.

6 tflops is only enough for 30fps 4K at current console graphical settings. Even that is pretty hard to pull off actually. I don't really believe them when they say it'll be capable of running 4K.

My PC which should have ~9 tflops on paper runs most games around 30fps on 4k. That says a lot.

Consoles right now are still having trouble running video games in 1080p and 60fps. Doing it in 4k and 60fps at 400 dollars is a lie.

My R9 290 runs at 4.8 TFLOPS an 295 is close to 6 TFLOPS

Merging console was where gaming went wrong
things where much better when console and pc gaming where 2 entirely different markets

Even 980ti could run 99% of games on high-ultra 4k 60 fps. I don't why retards on Sup Forums think 4k 60fps gaming is something unique or hardly achievable.

Dynamic Resolution Scaling. Haivng a game scale from 1080p to 4K in realtime, is how they will do it. As long as the game is able to render at 4K at some point in time during gameplay, even once, for a few seconds; it technically satisfies the claim that the game runs at 4K.

>2 Teraflops CPU

Nig, kill yourself. Like, right now.

CPUs measure, in GFLOPs. The most powerful CPU on the planet barely hits 75 GFLOPs.

>2 tflop cpu

u wot mate

not even remotely close

Fuck off mate I own a 980ti

I can absolutely ensure you that you can't play maxed out games at 60fps on 4k.

Witcher 3 -nope
GTA 5 -nope
Battlefield -nope
Fallout 4 -nope

Basically all games normies would want to play at 4k wouldn't run at 60fps.

980ti also has more than 6teraflops

Wait is the GPU alone 6 Tflops?

If it is then that's absolutely insane. A 1070 is around 7 Tflops and a 1080 is 9 Tflops. Seeing what the current consoles can do in well optimized games like Uncharted/Killzone/Quantum Break/etc. makes me actually kind of believe this claim.

A PS4 is 1.8 Tflops and an Xbone is 1.4 Tflops, that means that this thing is gonna be 3x more powerful than the PS4, and over 4x more powerful than the xbone. If its CPU doesn't bottleneck its GPU, then were talking about insane graphical quality.

However, I hope they stay away from higher resolutions and instead stick with 1080p. Very few people have a 4K TV right now and games would look much better if they instead focus on improving lighting, shadows, reflections, geometry quality, object density, draw distance, frame rate, etc.

PC will still look better since the gtx 11XX series will be out by then and the AMD 500 series will be out as well, but honestly if I can get solid 60fps 1080p on a console then im done with PC gaming.