So, overall, what did you all think of GB's E3 Coverage?
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So, overall, what did you all think of GB's E3 Coverage?
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>Austin is out
One down, two to go. Let's go, Jeff, fire Dan and Alex, you know you want to.
Only newfags don't like alex
I tuned in for the Ubisoft E3 p.c. and stopped after them being so utterly prude about South Park.
I'm glad I didn't watch anything else, eventhough I enjoyed some of their previous p.c. talks.
a lot of what and who you see at GiantBomb E3 is organized by Alex. Jeff said this on the bombcast.
Alex is a cool dude with anxiety
There's no reason for Dan to go but you're probably one of the few who wants him gone that posts the same comments in every thread.
They won't be able to get away with hiring a white guy without their own community losing their shit and getting triggered
Hope its a qt girl
Alex was in Midnight Brown. He has a verse on In the Can.
He's not going anywhere.
>Alex is a cool dude
>Alex will never, ever fucking leave
Why? Austin could be terrible at times but at least he enjoyed things that weren't EA sports games.
Mfw they hire a nigga weab
who cares if shes cute you faggot. i just dont want her to be an annoying cunt.
You can add me to the list of people who would appreciate Giant Bomb more if Dan fucked off, if you're counting them.
The triumphant return of Sara Lima
Austin was fucking garbage, but so is the whole san fran clique.
So it's only going to get worse with whomever they hire.
triggered by le non sjw man?
>Not an SJW
He was educating his father on white privilege in Danswers.
And I mean, this isn't really necessarily SJW behavior, but he mocks Donald Trump on a daily basis and says he's a tool and only follows him because he's a moron.
EZA was better! But GB had some great interviews
I don't like EZA. Why bring them up here anyways?
Go away Sup Forums your father Trump is a retard.
Alex was the tween that Jeff and his HS buddies sexually experimented on. He's got a life debt and will never be fired.
Look, m8, Dan was lecturing his father on white male privilege, you can't tell me that isn't SJW behavior.
>Mocking Trump makes you an SJW
You Trump faggots are more delusional than the SJWs you hate so much.
I literally said
>this isn't really necessarily SJW behavior
I was just mentioning it in case the guy that said Dan wasn't an SJW was a Trump supporter.
Dan is a retarded and obnoxious attention whore and I strongly dislike him
>Alex is a cool dude
fuck off neogaf
>Alex is a cool dude
>Alex didn't "organize" a terrible list of guests (aka twitter friends) at the last moment
>Dave Lang's Motivational speech to Johnny V after Disney Infinity got cancelled
2 Real
Everyone talks about the Triggering, but no one ever talks about the segment right before it that was pretty damn great.
37 minutes and 29 seconds in.
what happened to Austin?
Jeff is godlike
He got tapped to run Vice's new gaming website after the guy who was running it couldn't make it work after 2 years.
People who hate him cheer and say it'll be a good fit. People who like him are bummed but hope he makes a good website somehow cause Vice is full of the worst people to even hold a camera poorly and talk about how fucked up what they are seeing is.
Fuck off with your e-celebrity bullshit. This thread isn't about video games.
(only you guys are talking about the triggering, everyone else talks about how hilarious THAT segment is)
>Ahhhhhh the French
>referring to Sup Forums & Sup Forums as "you guys"
You're not even bothering to hide it anymore, are you tumblr?
I kind of hope Austin's replacement is an insufferable, click baiting, garbage spewing keyboard activist so I can finally just stop going to the site instead of trying and constantly reaslising everything the site does has become a boring waste of time
wait, some of you fags still go to that shithole?
>GB's E3 Coverage
It's garbage. /thread
i would really like to be able to watch content with vinny in it without the fucking dogshit he's saddled with on gb east
he's like the funniest guy they have and it's like they're balancing him out with the worst cancer they can hire so he doesn't overshadow the san francisco guys
it's gonna be another [insert "oppressed group" here] though. they'll be castrated by their legion of sjw fanboys if they dare hire someone funny who doesnt pose "tough questions" about race every 5 seconds.
Gotta take a break from this shithole from time to time
They're a bunch of fuckwits. Only neogaf listens to them.
>yfw austin's replacement is a transgender """"""""woman"""""""""
OH GOD NOT """"""""""""""""""""SAMANTHA"""""""""""""""""" FUCKING KALMAN
I enjoyed it.
I'm still amused at the fact the people are still throwing baby tantrums because they didn't overreact to last year's Sony conference.
> Giant Bomb hiring anything resembling women to speak
Why does it cost to watch their stuff?
The new recruit has to be a weeb.
There's no way GB doesn't replace him with a "diversity" hire, and as far as SJW's go Austin was far more tolerable than anyone I see replacing him.
I was a GB subscriber from 2010 to 2014. Just let it go mang, enjoy the great memories of Jeff, Ryan, and Vinny.
Alex has some really bad moments. He can smother a conversation better than Brad and hits the SJW quota the same as Austin/Patrick. The "First Nation" stuff about Overwatch skins was difficult to listen to on a recent Beastcast.