Why the hell was this allowed to be released? It's objectively the worst game in the series.
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I was more pissed at Operation Raccoon City.
Nice meme. It's about as good as RE5, which is still good.
It's not the worst. It was legit good played co-op with a friend and while it wasn't nearly as good single player due to retarded AI, it was still better than RE5.
RE5 is the worst.
it did had the best controls and the mercenaries music is one of the best in series.
I still had fun with it. RE5 too.
speaking of 5.
is there a release date yet for the ps4?
RE4 was good but killed RE and ironically brought it back to relevance. Unfortunately that path to relevance was RE5/6.
That's not Gun Survivor, Outbreak 1, or Gaiden.
>Hundreds of lbs of gunpowder -> ammo you never run out
>Nemesis balanced around all that ammo you get
>Changes emphasis from survival to action with you killing dozens of zombies every other screen
>A fucking dodge button
RE3 kinda of already killed RE tbqh pham.
This. RE5 was like the really shitty younger brother of 4.
At least RE6 has the right controls to fit all the action. Best mercs too
Sorry OP, but nu-neo-Sup Forums fucking loves RE6 for some retarded reason.
They also claim that Resident Evil "was never Survival Horror"
*Resident Evil post-2 was never Survival Horror
RE6 always had defenders, even on release. Tons of posters from Sup Forums went over to /vg/ and had RE6 generals that lasted well after the game came out.
RE6 has my favourite gameplay since 4 so I always enjoyed it at least somewhat.
Even now I don't think I could go back to tank controls, although fixed camera angles would still be neat.
RE3 was meant to be a spinoff and Code Veronica be RE3 so maybe that was it.
Code Veronica was honestly a bigger game changer with those first person proto QTEs.
I see this posted a lot lately.
Where's the source that RE3 was supposed to be a spinoff?
what is with Sup Forums spouting "allowed" this and "allowed" that?
I mean, who is "allowing" these to happen? Who has authority to say "this video game is bad, and therefore we cannot "allow" this game to be release/made"
Videogame cops? lol
>objectively the worst game in the series
You -literally- haven't played a good amount of the series.
Here's one thing I found, it's been known for a while now.
>Capcom turned to a relatively inexperienced team under director Kazuhiro Aoyama, which was busy making a “gaiden”, or spin-off project
Very interesting. I guess that explains why RE3 felt so much more 'actiony' than the others.
Thanks for the link.
I've been trying to copy this guy
been fun as fuck even though i'm nowhere close
I think I lost braincells while playing through RE6. But I also decided to play through it on pro difficulty from the get go and whilst being drunk for most of the time. So maybe I alrrady was retarded.
>So maybe I alrrady was retarded.
Sounds highly plausible.
Play Mercenaries No Mercy with the Last Stand skill on. That skill increases your damage but also enemy damage so you can only take 1-2 hits before getting downed. You'll just naturally pick up on all the shit that guy's doing playing that way.
Don't copy this guy; he does a lot of unnecessary rolls and jump backs for no reason.
That's what makes it fun. Plus it leaves you a lot of room in terms of stamina
We tried to warn you. It's not worth buying at any price.
This comment killed me. Thanks for the laugh.
It's one of the few games that really wished would just end but it just kept going... And there were multiple stories to endure. Was so happy when it was finally over and I never had to play another second of it.
I was so fucking hype for RE6 until the demo came out. I played that shit and actually got depressed. Canceled my preorder and everything.
Eventually found it at a thrift store for $3.50
It wasn't worth $3.50
RE6 is the worst game I have ever finished.
It's a good game.
Problem is that it's a RE game which are supposed to be horror games
Unpopular Opinion but I thought RE5 was a great game. It kind of shit all over the franchise but as a standalone game it was excellent. First game since Army of Two that I felt so intertwined with my co-op partner.
The limited inventory, the boss fights, those fuking alligators, the co-op actions during fighting, how the game was seemingly sexist and ALWAYS fucked over Chris in terms of enemies and RNG, the puzzles (especially the lasers lmfao), getting memed by snakes in the grass, the competent and cool Sheva that we'll never see again, the tank-ish controls contributed nicely and if you played on harder difficulties you REALLY straggled for ammo.
Nice varied set pieces with interesting enemies. Lickers were fuckin SPOOKY first time you encountered that area.
RE6 was shit though. It dropped the moderate pace of RE4 and RE5 in favor of over-the-top, CUHRAZEY action. Didn't retain the careful thoughts over inventory management, gave you way too many guns way too fast, and Transformers-tier Michael Bay bullshit scenes, and a shit/no upgrade system, can't remember. Chris also become a drunk and that shit had me triggered. Helena and Sherry are what kept me going tho, and I hope they bring Sheva back she was surprisingly competent since both her and Chris managed to take down super Wesker.
>The limited inventory
It was shit in 5 too
I am with you on this family, it is a top tier co-op game through and through. I get the impression people who didn't enjoy RE5 probably didn't play it with a buddy.
How play re1 and say not survival horror
RE6 is the ultimate hipster filter. If someone isn't shitting on it because they think the controls suck (i.e. THEY suck at it) or because there are too many QTEs (it's arguably a huge game, the amount of QTEs you do make up a small percentage of it, and they're incredibly easy and make the game faster paced which is fine anyway), then they're shitting on it for some obscure, unknown reason that they refuse to give in detail. Something about it just makes them hate it, but they can't specify what it is.
But I think it's pretty obvious what it is. They sense the big budget / high marketing aspect of the game, when they see the sheer amount of new features it has, the military theme and edgy cool guy theme (hence why they all think Chris and Jake's campaigns are bad), and the over the top B action movie storytelling. These things just disgust them despite them not being inherently bad at all, because they're hipsters.
And this is coming from someone who started the series with Director's Cut in the 90s.
But it's better than 4 and 5 in pretty much every way.
Well said. This will make a lot of hipster faggots cry.
Playing co-op atm it's pretty fun.
6 tries to do its own thing and in terms of the Leon and Jake campaigns it did that thing pretty well
5 is just a bad version of 4
>a man blowing a giraffe
Why the fuck thinks the controls in RE6 are bad?
It's a shit game because it's unbalanced as fuck, has no identity, a story that goes nowhere, it's scripted as fuck, to the point where enemies are invincible until you trigger a scripted event.
It's a bad fucking game to the core, and you're a hipster trying to be "trendy" if you try saying it's good.
I agree completely with you. I wanted RE7 to be another RE4-5 with Jill just finish the story and then reboot it in the next game.
Sup Forums doesn't have friends, so it's hated
>4 hours later you reach the fucking church
>inside there is a bunch of faggots and a giant monster made of tits that ejaculates a blue gas that turns you into a nigger zombie
Good Lord, this game just fucking sucks. I always complain about how short are FPS campaigns but this one is so painful and long that I just want to pay Activision 70 fucking dollars to buy some Cawaduty shit and clear their 4 hours long campaign...
Pic unrelated but let,s post RE girls because this thread is gay.
>Why the fuck thinks the controls in RE6 are bad?
A lot of people, these complaints were bigger around its release before they patched in some more options particularly for the camera.
>has no identity
Code for the "I sense the big budget / high marketing aspect of the game and this disgusts me" nonsense I just mentioned.
>it's scripted as fuck, to the point where enemies are invincible until you trigger a scripted event
Almost every RE game has this you know. There's nothing inherently bad with it either. Or can you explain how it's bad?
>retarded AI
those fucking snipers though
>Mercs plays really well
>No Hunk, Wesker or Infected Piers with mechanics like Krauser
>Carla and Agent juse use moves from other characters
It could have been perfect but Capcom had to fuck up somewhere.
>explain how it's bad
The can be good, it can be bad. I'll give you an example that was present in the demo and Mexer fixed
>playing as Leon
>Enter room
>see zombie on the floor
>shoot it in the head
>bullet goes through the zombie and hits the floor instead. The body had to physics at all
>assume it's meant for decoration
>wall to end of the room
>interact with door
>the fucking zombie wakes up and NOW I have "permission" to shoot it
That shit is fucking infuriating, and RE6 was riddled with this shit. I want to play the game, I don't want the game to play me.
Why would you want a RE8 with all the protagonists on their late 40s?
Excuse the retarded typos. Text prediction is fucking stupid
>Code for the "I sense the big budget / high marketing aspect of the game and this disgusts me" nonsense I just mentioned.
He's not wrong though, the game alternates between really good sequences that make full use of their gameplay mechanics to pretty bland cover shooter, it's like they had no idea what they wanted to do.
New characters are fine. Soft reboots that allow all previous games to stay canon are fine.
Hard reboots are the fucking devil and it's the reason I refuse to read DC comics
I half-agree: both RE5 and RE6 were garbage.
People like to say RE4 ruined the franchise, but RE5 was the 'no turning back' point.
RE stopped being about horror in RE2. Outside of those faggot dogs jumping through the window, the whole spook level was gone from 1.
In one you were in a mysterious fucking mansion where everythings gone wrong. All the suspense is gone in 2.
That said 2 was a bretty good game.
Dino crisis for real though what the fuck happened.
Unpopular opinion, But I loved RE:ORC. At first, I hated that you could Run n Gun, because the still shooting mechanic made the older ones more intense, but I got used to it, and I REALLY loved the PvP of it. Underated as fuck, in my opinion.
RE5 was the last good RE. I wish the story was more about survival horror, but like a previous guy said, RE5 co-op with other people made you have some type of connection with your partner. Sheva AI was fuckin autistic.
Also jesus christ being a kid and having that first zombie turn and stare at you with his fucking pupils and the blood on his mouth in the pitch black night made me shit my fucking pants and run out of the basement.
too fucking spooked to even turn that ps1 off till the next morning.
I still can't unsee the guy sucking off a giraffe in the logo
Then just give us a happy ending with Jill,Chris, Leon, Ada, Sheva, Josh, Claire, etc. Marrying each other and holding hands. After that, they can make all the FPS "Resident Evil" they want.
>Marrying each other and holding hands.
Fuck off.
I remember playing RE3 on the very first mission and now knowing how to aim and shoot after the zombies start closing in on you. As soon as they got close, I unplugged the system and noped the fuck outta there.
I don't even know why anyone would want to play RE6 co-op when RE5 co-op exists. RE5 co-op actually felt like there was teamwork involved, trading ammo and items. Plus the guns selection didn't suck.
Leon and Chris aged like fine wine, specially Chris.
Man, I love merc in RE6, I stil play it from time to time.
I was in such a fucking panic over that cutscene that I ran up the stairs on all fours like a fucking dog because we all know that shit is faster.
It was a riot with a friend. Great game.
Yeah, bro. Shit makes me think if games were actually scary nack then and suck now, or if we were just young. I want a game that makes me feel like that again, but co-op.
My friend and I are replaying RE6 on the Xbone, and so far I'm loving it. Its the perfect bro-down game
>specially Chris
only reason I forced myself through his campaign in 6
>that fucking panda scene
I caved in and bought the RE6 bundle for $10 bux on Steam.
Anyone want to play with me? It'll be my first time and I haven't played an RE since 4.
Only RE I haven't played. Worth it? I heard it was really shit
If it's the only one you haven't played, you may aswell.
Be warned, it's going to be the worst game you will have played all year.
absolute shit, even with other people. i played through the whole game with about 4 different people, it was never once fun
the only real issue (that wasn't introduced by 4 or 5) is the graphical downgrade and extremely dark fucking levels (as in "i can't fucking see")
mercs is def at it's strongest in 6 gameplay wise, which is why it will not feel as good as RE5 or 4. also the writing can approach re5 annoyance
>implying there's anything in series worse than Survivor
0 is worse than 6.
This, don't fall for the "It was fun with friends" meme
it was fun alone too
It's literally the same shit like RE4 and 5.
The only recent RE I enjoyed was Revelations.
I bet you also liked Halo Reach and Phantom Pain
I never played them so I wouldn't know
I miss resident evil outbreak 1 and 2. That was some fun online shittery.
It's worth picking up if you were a fan of RE4/5 and it's on sale.
Full price? Definitely not.
scariest RE games desu
I'll never understand why people enjoy the Revelations games when they're worse than RE5 in all ways possible.