Why does no one care about Gravity Rush 2

Why does no one care about Gravity Rush 2

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i hated the combat
everything else is fine, but that gravity mechanic needs to be more than just changing gravity on kat

>Sony "game"
>console game
>not FPS
>not multiplayer driven/focused

Take your pick.

Because it is another movie made by Sony.

i do

why the fuck couldn't they just show a trailer during the main conference. Could have guaranteed a lot more sales.

Okay, tell me honestly, do you actually like Gravity Rush because it's a good game? Or do you like it pretty much because it has cute girls in it?

Either answer is fine, I just don't see a lot of gameplay discussion in GR threads.

Love Kat, disliked the gameplay.


1 had some interesting ideas but was overall very mediocre. I'm sceptical about the sequel.

Should have stayed on the Vita, moreso with that Spiderman overshadowing it.

I enjoyed the gravity gameplay but I would be lying if I said the cute girls didnt help.

gameplay is pretty shit
well not shit but mediocre and repetitive

Well, who the fuck played the first one?

Haven't played it yet.
Want to finish getting the platinum in dark souls 3, then finish the witcher 3's story at least, then I have to play that Transformers game by platinum and hopefully I'll have time to play Gravity Rush before other titles come out.

I'm waiting for more news on it, i wanna try out that wormhole thing

>Sequel to a niche as fuck game
>The game wasn't very good
>The console it's on is a dudebro machine

I enjoyed the first one, but I don't have a PS4.

I care, because Kat is CUTE!

>put a sequel to a niche game on a dudebro console

That's why no one cares.

What if they made projectile attacks for Kat?

I thought the xbox was the dudebro machine.

Sony is for weebs
and Nintendo for Man children.

Im actually quite looking forward to it. I highly enjoyed the first one.

Her fingernails look a bit weird now

She already had 2. One special attack with your gauge filled up and one with regular garbage on the ground. Nobody fucking used it because of gravity kick. Some challenges required you to beat them with it though. The biggest problem was that picking up shit made no sense whatsoever. Sometimes you flew in the middle of 10 objects and you only picked up one while other times it just magically picked up shit that wasn't even in your radius.

>Why does no one care about Gravity Rush 2
PS4 only

The gravity shifting mechanics were lots of fun desu, the only problem was that it got repetitive too fast. If they expand upon it and add new shit to keep it interesting the sequel could turn out great.


Post Qt kat poses

Is that a cactus in the background?

PS4 is the dudebro console when its top selling games are COD, FIFA, BF, etc.

because the game plays like shit if it's like the first one. i can't be bothered to put up with it for the sake of cute girls

Kind of sad that this is true when there are a lot of PS franchises that arent duedbro and are better than the dudebro ones like Parappa or Ape Escape

If you say so.


>why does [board] hate [thing]?
Guaranteed replies.


When i wish this game had more popularity, i suddenly remember those ugyl Kat cosplays and weird fetish DA fan art there is of this game.

Will they fug or will she fug with Raven.

I don't understand this meme. Every playstation, (and platform for that matter) has dudebro shit as top sellers except for nintendo, which is self explanatory.

I want to bully her into submission


Because the original was an exclusive on the PS Shita and then it got an overpriced port (Ive been waiting for price to go down so I can play it)

wow look she has an actual mouth now

Do you guys still wish this game was more popular?

>and then it got an overpriced port
You mean like $30?

Incredibly shallow gameplay.

From what I hear the play time and actual game isn't worth that. I can get 40+ hours from Valkyrie Chronicles remastered for that price.

why aren't there any good Kat cosplayers.

because I played GR remastered and had buyer remorse.

Because brown is only cute in 2D.

>that pic


Because she was obviously not made to be translated into real life

Whos the new girl?

Besides Kat, what was the other time there was a good female character from Sony, whether its a waifu character or not?

It's called shitposting

Because it's a shit weeb game with a mediocre mechanic

I like that chick from Heavenly Sword.

Maybe another shifter?

It's one of my favourite games of all time because of its mechanics basically being what I've always wanted in a game. Actually that applies to the setting and music as well.

I found it to have one of the more enjoyable "superhero" flight mechanics when you get the sliding down, and the world is really nice. I'm looking forward to flying around the second game's much larger world without the color filter.

Costumes are back, what a relief.

Will they ever come up with more shifters?

She wasn´t as bad as peopel say.

Im almost certain that wherever the hell Kats from (the top ig) there are some more shifters. New girl looks cool tho

That cargo guy looks punchable

If Raven will not be playable in this game, does this mean she will get her own game or at least a DLC mission?

>Gravity Rush 2 will never be on the vita
>Dont have a PS4

You're just gonna have to save money or at least watch the story on YT, even with all the text speechs and such.

Because exclusives should rightfully pander to the small crowd and give it the love it deserves. Fuck the majority, people would of played Shadow of Colossus and I swear people only loved it because the vidya reviewers gave it a high score back then.

As overused as the term "comfy" had become, I love Gravity Rush because of how comfy it is. It felt like I was playing a Ghibli game at times.

>I just don't see a lot of gameplay discussion in GR threads.
The world and characters were vastly more interesting than the combat. What was YOUR favorite mission in the game? The one where you kicked a bunch of Nevi, the one where you threw a bunch of shit at them, or the one where you fall really fast?

Is Kat a virgin?

I'm excited for it, but I feel like they haven't given me much to talk about.

I'm glad they kept the comic book cutscene style. I always loved that.

Unconfirmed since we don't know her past

That doesn't mean no one discusses the gameplay. I could discuss it all day. I do agree the combat suffers from a lack of options and balance issues, but it does the job while the mobility is incredibly fluid and satisfying which is what makes it for me. 2 seems to be fixing the primary issues with the combat by adding more variations and strengthening previously situational things like projectiles.

>What was your favourite mission in the game?
Going to Boutoume. It started off simple but it kept going and going and going, and I have a huge fucking boner for massive scale things in games and going literal miles down the pillar was so fucking cool.

I liked the time trials

She's the first reason I wanted a Vita, she's now the first reason I want a ps4.

so I'll wait for black friday or a good second hand deal after I buy her special game

Of course, she's pure

Virgins are pure so no_

Me too. Especially the slide only ones.

Honestly does the game have enough content to justify paying 30 dollars? I've been wanting to get it for a while but now that Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is out I don't know if its worth it.

Sweet baby Jesus's toes, who DOESN'T care about Gravity Daze 2, OP? Just because there isn't a gorillion shitposting generals about it doesn't mean no one care about it!

cute girls, cool world, great music, cool mechanic, great animation

actual combat was pretty shitty but for me the other stuff made up for it. just falling around with the gravity mechanic was so satisfying

Her hair and skin color is based on the biggest bimbos in Japan so I doubt it.

Sliding was my favourite ability, but sometimes tiliting the Vita to steer felt a bit awkward
Hopefuly it's better on PS4

Its much more manageable on the remaster alone.

>Going to Boutoume.
That was definitely top of the list. I would have put the encounter with Alias at the top if it hadn't come so early that you barely have any abilities to break up the monotony of the actual fighting. Also his effectiveness as an antagonist could have really been upped if he was a present danger throughout the majority of the game instead of being over and done with almost immediately out of the gate. Plus he's just a stylish motherfucker.
I was in the top ten on the leaderboards for the slide time trails for about a week before getting knocked off. Felt great but I never bothered to get good enough to get back on there. I hope there IS multiplayer in the second one and one of the options is to race other people.

because its a garbage vita tech demo, that some retarded cockmonger at sony thought needed a sequel?

is this a serious question?

your mother is a tech demo

I tried to like the first game, but I hated the controls on the Vita, the sliding motion control are fucking retarded.


What happened between GR1 model of Kat and GR2 one?
Why she became so fat?
Is this new progressive vidya?

I'm ready for school to start again.

She looks the same, her outfit just had a few alterations.

dat butte

good god, that cute butt

This game looks amazing, I wonder what they'll do to make combat more challenging. Fighting Raven was pretty fun desu and having someone that dodges your endless gravity kicks and requires that you stay close could change things up for the second.
Really liking the Jupiter/Moon modes as well.


Gravity Rush is a vitagen meme