Ace Attorney

Hello, it's me, Miles Edgeworth.

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No? Miles Edgeworth, of course.

This is a Japanese defense attorney.

No, this is

This last episode really went off track from the original games.
Heck, the next episode isn't even based on a game episode.

Edge... I'm already a demon

Will Kojima prevail in the dark age of the law?


I don't really mind, we've had the first game in so many version already - the way they went off track was pretty fun and was all character background, so that's cool

>the prosecutor's office has a retinal scan

The only thing I didn't like is Von Karma didn't have a proper breakdown.

I really wanted to see his head banging in anime form.

They did have him fail his finger snap, which they had a lot of exposition for, which was neat

but yeah, the rage head banging would've been great, rather than the "I'm suddenly a frail old man" which was kind of weird

Yeah, that really didn't make sense for him, like it did Quercus Alba.

Why did they rush this episode so fucking much? Lots of stuff from the game were missing.

In this case it didn't seem like a budget thing, but rather a script thing


>The rumours were true
Can Phoenix present six pieces of evidence at the same time?

>Capcom will never make these games for anything that isn't a fucking 3DS or iPhone
I would literally take a port on literally any other platform than those two. Wii U, Android, Vita, fucking ANYTHING ELSE. But no, Capcom insists on the god damn 3DS.

>more than enough to win any case that moves

they are on Wii

on Android and Vita (and PC) you can just emulate them

Just emulate them, you bitchboy

You can play them on wii and wiiU

>they are on Wii
The classic trilogy is. I would have figured that by mentioning the fucking 3DS I was talking about the new games. Well silly me for assuming.

they've always been for only one platform at a time, with ports coming way later, like pretty much every single capcom game ever

just wait or get a 3ds, shit's cheap and you can hack it

>fat tanuki bastard gets in as a costume
>no based sun worshiping okra in sight
Mouri fans shafted yet again.

just wait for 3DS emulator, you pirate scum
