What are the features that BotW is bringing to console Zeldas

What are the features that BotW is bringing to console Zeldas

Jump on demand
Dynamic weather
Under heavy rain metallic items draw lightnings
Enemies ai look around for weapons, light wooden weapons or throw stones if unarmed
Critical hits (does double damage)
Headshot with arrows is critical hit
Throwing a weapon is critical hot but high chance to destroy it
Cut down trees fall is not scripted, is on the opposite direction of the cut
Za warudo with momentum building
Gather material
Different main weapons
Light a camp fire
Remote detonated bombs
Tame wild mounts
Hunt animals for meat
Can set fire to the tip of an arrow without firing it
Shield surfing
Hero Time
not confirmed, item weight that consumes stamina faster
Dress according to the external temperature
Drink water to avoid dehydration
If blasted away, rolling down a cliff hurts you

Other urls found in this thread:


Manual jumping was Zelda II

Procedural burning.
Wind dynamics (if you're holding a bomb, and are somewhere high, a gust of wind might blow it out of your hands)


pretty sure that the armor will consume more stamina

Same guy here. To add to this, Nate Bildhorrf said you might also have to account for wind direction/resistance when shooting arrows.

Other stuff:
>stealing weapons based on seeing what enemies carry
>slow-motion flurry rush
>stands like Wolf Link/robots

I think the biggest thing about the game will be the nonlinear storytelling. If the shrines hold pieces of the story, based on the fact that you can rush to the final boss by only doing a certain number of them, then that means to get the whole story you have to do X amount (based on the Fierce Deity Mask in MM, that means all of them). But this is Zelda, so you know that the story isn't going to leave you hanging if you don't do everything. So that means however you decide the story to unfold, there will be something interesting about it (like a Metroivania, maybe there's a way to play the game without ever finding out who the old man is). Kinda like MM. Nate also said he couldn't answer whether this Zelda was designed with story first moreso than other games. So that means it was.

Not sure if you're trying to list features that are new to the console games, or just everything in BotW. A lot of those aren't new.

Twilight Princess had dynamic weather.
Enemies would look for weapons when unarmed in Wind Waker.
Magnetism was in Twilight Princess.

Even with all that being old stuff, the game seems to have a ton of brand new TECHNOLOGY.

My favorite has been the music so far.
>That amazing orchestra Hyrule overworld remix
>How it goes down tempo and quiet when you sneak
>The various melody rich leitmotif for sub areas like Moblin camps, rivers/lakes, and snowy cliffs
>That mini dungeon music as iconic as anything from the first Zelda
Truly this is next level audio design. Bravo Nintendo!

I've found most overworld zelda tracka get annoying after long play sessions so I'm glad they made this game focus on audio of the environment. Makes more sense to do so anyway given the aim of this game having a 'natural feel'.

Fuck you.

some regions still had nice music accompaniment anyway (like the boulder boss thing and the icy mountain region), so acting like music is kill is pretty unnecessary.

>wakes up in a shrine as a legendary returning warrior
>picks up his outfit nearby
>uses runes for special abilities

Link x Doomslayer crossover when?

>2% of the game explored over an hour.
>All of maybe 4 total minutes of anything more than a fucking chime for opening a random loot chest.
>In a title belonging to a series that has the industry's most iconic music
>Actual """""fans""""" excusing this bullshit by saying they'd get annoyed if Nintendo gave them anything more than dead silence to listen to for 50+ hours.
Jesus fuck you all make me sick. Some top tier false dilemma shit up in here with you fucks pretending open world design can only either have spammy, in your face tracks that get annoying (way to have faith in the developers holy fuck) or soul crushing silence.
Fuck this gay earth and fuck all of you.

>open your eyes
>open your eyes
>wake up, link
>rip and tear, link, until it is done
you read this in her voice.



as I already said the point of the new zelda is to emphasize nature, including the sounds of it which have some importance to gameplay (ex. weather and wildlife). The choice makes sense, and entire regions like the aforementioned icy mountain place they briefly showed evidently has music anyway, so your point is kind of moot.

Sorry you feel that way.

>natural ambience
>birds singing
>bugs chittering
>the wind in the trees
>"dead silence"

Dungeons and Boss Fights will still have music, and so do the Shrines. Pull your head out of your ass and maybe you'll hear it.

TWW managed to emphasize the vastness of the sea and a sense of adventure with a track that never annoyed me. You have to be some kind of uber retard to actually believe sound and music design can't form interplay and be used in a setting like this. Jesus fucking fuck. This game is literally just dead silence with the occasional discordant instrument pluck or chime. It's lazy suffocating shit.

did you even read my post?
how desperate are (You) to get a bite?

You can emphasize nature without eschewing music all together. This game is not breaking ground by muting music in favor of wind and birds. You can have both. It's been done.

This game has absolute garbage tier music and its sound design does not make up for it at fucking all.

Will Link ever get to personally interact with the goddesses again?

We get it, you don't like this artistic direction the creators went for.

Your opinion is subjective, and if the lack of overworld theme is a dealbreaker for you, then that's a shame.

You have communicated that opinion completely. You can fuck off now.

>Enemies ai look around for weapons
They did this in wind waker, unarmed moblins would grab sticks and spears whilst bokoblins and darknuts would pick up the spears/greatswords

You also forgot sneaking, your equipment will make noise based on its weight and how fast you're moving. getting near enough in stealth allows you to backstab enemies.

again, did you actually read my post?

There's still music, even constant music you're unusually desperate for, it's just regional now and the plateau (which almost all footage is within right now) doesn't appear to have any of its own.

>There's still music
No there isn't. 50 minutes of nothing but birds and wind interspersed with 5 minutes of lame ass chimes and sparse discordant bullshit in a shrine is """""music""""". Not what the series is fucking known for. You are free to dig up the extensive track list for the other zones to shut me up if you have any sort of actual proof to back up your claim.

here is some music

Yep. A single decent 1 minute track among a full hour of game play. Where are the zone themes you said you've heard?

Oh just fuck off you shitposting retard.

If you're so desperate for zone themes, just play one on your fucking phone or some shit. I for one am perfectly fine with the idea of ambient nature being the zone's theme, and different zones having different ambient noise.

Jesus christ you're so fucking butthurt over a subjective artistic choice. If it ruins the game so much for you then don't fucking buy it. Either way shut up and fuck off out of this thread, or throw a trip on so I can filter your petulant ass.

I love how the music makes it sound kind of innocent, like you're just fucking up this boulder's entire month

>the amount of health this fucking thing has compared to how much damage it deals

I look forward to it.

>shit tier textures
>shit tier design
>'open world' that looks randomly generated
>ugly as fuck barren landscape
>horrid draw distance
>pop ins
>glitchy as fuck combat, literally facing one way in one frame then other way in next frame
>nothing new
>last ditch cash grab by slapping the zelda label on an uninspired ugly ass generic pile of horseshit

Then again you autists heralded Splatoon as the second coming of christ. Boycott Nintendo this shit is unacceptable the more you faggots praise crap like this blindly, the more Nintendo thinks they can keep getting away with it. another franchise ruined

>if it is raining your stamina drains faster because it is slippery
>you drown instantly if you have no stamina and go in water
>stamina gauge still exists and 400 pound fatasses irl can out stamina link
>weapons are all made of styrofoam

He didn't drown, he froze to death in that video you ding dong

>If you're so desperate for zone themes, just play one on your fucking phone or some shit.
Nah, I'm going to be bummed a series known for strong melodic themes has abandoned it.
>I for one am perfectly fine with the idea of ambient nature being the zone's theme
Good for you!
>and different zones having different ambient noise.
"citation needed"
>Either way shut up and fuck off out of this thread, or throw a trip on so I can filter your petulant ass.
Oh Jesus user I am so sorry for disrupting your safe space ;(((
>m-muh subjectivityyyy!
Jesus Christ this is sad. We're both arguing opinion when we say we like or dislike this. That's perfectly fucking fine. What's not subjective is you lying about there actually being content that doesn't fucking exist when trying to back your feelings. Nothing you have said or shown has contradicted my disappointment in there being LITERALLY 5 total minutes of unique music in a video showcasing the game for a full hour.
Nice job putting up or shutting up though. You really came through with all that proof of your assertion. Good work.

Maybe, I didn't even see that, I was just going off of what a podcast said after their play session from e3

Get your shit together, mang.

What a pathetic faggot. Holy shit. Embarrassing.

Weapons used by bokoblins are weak, so are rusty pieces of shit you find out in the wild that have been there for a century. Tree branches break when swung hard. This is fine. Shit that you get from treasure chests or that is in a state of good repair last a lot longer.

They also do more damage when Link uses them, implying he swings them harder than enemies do. The weapons breaking encourages scavenging and mastering a variety of playstyles unless you want to be swinging around shitty bokoblin clubs all the time.

Holy shit, somebody get me a ladder so I can get this kek off the top shelf.

How are you in such a hurry to shitpost that you pull this shit off?

>weapons found in chests last a lot loner
>stumble across fire rod
>use spin attack
>wow so cool, can't wait to try this out in
>fire rod is badly damaged

>using the most powerful attack of a magical item with limited uses makes it break faster


I literally cannot stop laughing at this desperate cuck.
Jesus fuck where oh where did I put my sides this time?

what the fuck did i miss

He reposted the exact same shitpost 3 times, 1 with an image, one without, before deleting both and settling on a post without an image

In short: He fucked up hilariously.

I see your sarcasm, but it's actually retarded. What the fuck is the point of exploring and finding an item in a chest only for it to break when using it twice. You can easily balance that shit out by giving it a long charge time for the strongest attack, or a huge cool down, or something. It barely lasts long enough to show the mechanic in the demo, then it's gone, wow it sure is rewarding exploring this fucking empty overworld

You hold onto it, and use it sparingly when you need it most.

I will say this: The game had damn well better have an upgradable inventory so you can carry more shit, as well as an item storage until you get said inventory space.

>Get a retardedly strong weapon that is capable of devastating a huge area
>Wow why can't I use this all of the time.

Fuck off retard. If you want more fire rods then you best get to exploring that "empty" overworld, huh?

>wow why can't I use this all of the time

I literally just said they can balance it so that it isn't blatantly overpowered, without having it break instantly, stop retardedly strawmanning. If someone first found the fire rod, they wouldn't even know how weak it is until they try it out and it practically shatters instantly.

>Throwing a weapon is critical hot but high chance to destroy it
i think they were just throwing weapons that were close to being destroyed. i don't think this is actually true.

>they wouldn't even know how weak it is until they try it out and it practically shatters instantly.
But now you're just chatting shit because there's plenty of videos showing people using it more than enough to get a feel for how powerful it is.

Your idea you mentioned is shit and generic, and would give you even less incentive to explore if you could just have some of the better equipment last forever.

Nice argument :^]

>every single person on the planet saw the fire rod footage
>some of the better equipment last forever

Seriously stop being a retarded strawman. The fire rod CAN break, but maybe they should let you use it maybe half a dozen times, but with a slight drawback, like charging for the strongest attack or something.


There, I saved you your next reply

So not a Zelda game at all. Why.

>There, I saved you your next reply
In that case, it's your turn to refute the reply that you preemptively implied I'd say.

>He's actually trying to play it he won the argument

Are you serious, dude?

I missed a quote and fucked up a reply. The content of my post is sound. Nice dodge though. You sure got me with your pro arguments bruh. +1 for you.

I feel that I've made my argument already, unless something is part of a consumable class of items, 2 uses before something disappears is silly, especially if it's supposed to be a "reward" for exploration, so I understand WHY they did that, because the fire rod seems quite strong, but there are other ways to balance a strong weapon other than just taking a fun item away from you almost as soon as you got it, but you didn't see any of those arguments and just started strawmanning, so I'd say we're done

There's actually nothing sound about your post. It's a subjective opinion followed by a bunch of personal insults and bitching. Fuck off, I'm not giving you any more of my time. You can pretend you've won this little internet argument if you like, but I've realized no amount of sound critical thought will make you shut up, so I'm just going to opt out of even replying to you.

Have a fantastic day.

He's like
>Aw shit this guy, like my day wasn't busy enough. well i guess i'd better fuck him up.

What sound critical thought? Your position is opposite the same subjective river with just as much bitching, friend. Except for the parts where you lie and say the game has music in other zones. Still waiting on that proof.

Clearly no one on the dev team has seen how cutting down trees actually works.

At least the cooking part was realistic


>BotW will be the first 3D Zelda where the atmosphere isn't RUINED by shitty "there's a monster nearby" "battle" music that they've been doing since OoT