Normal is too easy

>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard
name the game Sup Forums

most cuh-razy games for me.

The original Doom.

Ultra-violence feels too damn easy, but Nightmare is not even fun, with its respawning enemy bullshit.

Tales of Symphonia.
I've been trying all day, but I just can't break into Hard. Every boss is bending me over.

Free run has spoiled me.

Dragon's dogma

Normal mode
>Finish 10+ saurians, 8 harpies, and a chimera without a sweat
hard mode
>die by 2 bats while walking through a cave

UV + fast monsters is good

FE:A, if you count Hard as normal and Lunatic as hard

Dawn of War

I created this thread just after playing a bit of killer is dead. as a person very unskilled in character action, even a supposedly "easy" game like this is a nightmare for me

Jade Empire
Dino Crisis 2

>Batshit Insane

Was about to post this, but only the first 30 hours are just stupid, as wolves will still fucking oneshot you.

Age of Empires 2.
I could probably do it if I looked up how, but I just wanna build a comfy town and defend it against AI.

Civ V for me

Anything Prince and below the game is a joke and by the time I'm atomic era it's a guarantee win.

Anything King and above the AI has unfair advantages and I'm railroaded into a specific strategy or else there's no way to win.

Iron Grip Warlord in single player

halo 2 on legendary was a pain to beat back then
especially the first two missions

New Doom game, going from UV to Nightmare.

holy fuck this, what a piece of shit

Kingdom Hearts 1

Kek wut. I thought you would post even someone bad a those games can handle that one.

Game gets a ton easier as you progress too actually. Most games get harder but KiD becomes retard easy when you have upgrades. Very Hard becomes easier than Normal the first time you went through.

lol there are no games that are too hard on their hardest difficulty, at worst you might get a bunch of shitty bullet sponges that bore you out but no game, past or present, has ever been truly challenging

Left 4 Dead 2.

Advanced is piss easy but Hard rain and some others on expert were brutal. (especially because of faggots who give up after one restart)

I think people that say this don't know the perspective of someone who hasn't played a lot of character action, I can play games like dark souls with my eyes closed at this point, but the sheer damage enemies do and how fast they attack fucks me up even in an easy game like killer is dead. they also seem to have way too much HP at high difficulty

RTS games have always had bad difficulty, harder settings just give chewt codes to the ai seen as they cant actually make it smarter.

>the easiest difficulty setting is labeled "Normal"

Crash Bash senpaitachi.

Wii Sport

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Normal is a cakewalk, hard is literally grind several hours before any boss battle.

Payday 2 Deathwish before the new updates.
Payday the Heist from Easy to Normal is a big step but Normal to Overkill is just fucked.

I guess you just need a little more time with the genre then. Souls game make KiD look like halo on easy.

Kid makes halo look to be arma 3: complete edition on launch

>Crash Bash and Sonic Shuffle on the hardest difficulty made you curse at your TV as if it was an actual human being

Fucking hell I hate A.I. that just blatantly fucking cheats like little pieces of shit.

I think I might be playing the game wrong, I keep trying to dodge everything and I end up just getting comboed to death. I'm only on mission 7 but it should be easier by this point if it's supposed to get easier as you upgrade

Deathwish has always been fine in my book aside from the fact that black bulldozers and the basic unarmored cops become snipers

Those two reasons are the only thing keeping me from being a DW regular

Doom 64

This is my problem too. I worry about aesthetic building placement too much

Hardmode is fucking bullshit. It just gives enemies more HP and your party members get killed off quickly in the beginning hours of the game. The developers put no thought into it.

for me it's dino crisis 2. i can't get passed the first 10 mins of the game on hard, but on normal it's 2 ez

What about the new one? Is easy too easy? I want to buy and need to know.

>Unending Nightmare

>Impossible literally is impossible without the game's in-game cheats
>They don't tell you that

Any RTS. On any difficulty above normal you pretty much always have to prepare for the rush to survive.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

This makes me mad because I love the Dawn of War games. Instead of changing the AI to act differently with difficulty level they just cheat and give them more resources so they steamroll you without ever giving you a chance.

>Ursula's 1st boss fight on critical

>Super Easy
>Super Hard


Yeah, I'm not 100% sure, but I think even normal difficulty did this. But, yeah, on hard their resource advantage is ridiculous.

Actually, I kind of wish that DoW had a fixed order of battle you'd pick before matches to form a reserve pool - kind of like tabletop W40K.

depends on your play style really.

Id say easy is generally very easy.

Normal mode you will die a fair amount of times, 15-20 would be a good campaign number given you are well rehearsed in FPS's and go through all of the games content.

Nightmare is probably a solid 50-70+ deaths per campaign.

Ultra nightmare means you cant die once. same difficulty as nightmare

Its a great game. Would recommend. You feel very good about difficult fights after playing through them and you don't die enough to get discouraged.


make it stop

Super Monkey Ball

It just annoys me how much the ai has to cheat on higher difficulties in strategy game. I just want to play against skynet already.

Is that too much to ask?

Total war's pretty wonky with campaign difficulty

On normal you rarely get worthwhile fights but on hard the ai rushes you down with multiple stacks

Problem is making an actually competent AI would be even harder than if they cheat, you kind of have to intentionally make them retarded on some level for humans to be able to compete. Otherwise they'll just be outplaying you at every turn.

For an non-RTS example, the Joy enemies in Bayonetta 1 originally had Bayo's full moveset at their disposal, and they were apparently fucking impossible to fight.

Kirbys Dreamland

When I was younger, it was Age of Mythology on easy mode

> easiest
laugh out loud this game is EZ
> easy
put a small gap in my wall, and the enemy always strikes that spot
> normal

well I fucked those spoiler tags up

Literally like every RTS, either skirmish or campaign. In skirmish and outside of specific scripted encounters in most campaigns, normal or hard difficulty tends to just throw shitty waves of 10-20 units at you that aren't nearly enough to accomplish anything. Harder difficulties and the computer's cheating and throws a nearly max supply blob at you every 5 minutes or some shit

Alien Soldier got difficulty settings right
>Super Easy
>Super Hard
>that's it. Those are your two options

I've always wondered if you could just construct an AI by making the best AI possible and then giving lower difficulty AIs probabilities of making less optimal moves given each decision. Is that already how it's done?

> Resident Evil 1

> Resident Evil 2
All difficulties were easy

> Resident Evil 3
All difficulties were easy

> Resident Evil CVX

> Resident Evil 4
All difficulties were easy

> Resident Evil 5
Veteren (normal) was easy.
Professional (hard) is fucking ridiculously hard, unbalanced shit. That fucking El Gigantie boss a prime example.

FUCK Cuckcom and their shit.

>game makes fun of you for picking easy mode
its 20fucking16 this shit is unacceptable

Pretty true

You know what would be nice? Having a "Beta" difficulty as an extra. Being able to fight impossible A.I. for the fun of it, or seeing what earlier builds of the game were would be interesting.


>easy is too easy
>normal is too normal
>hard is too hard
>come get some is too come get some

Yeah, making fun of you for picking easy mode is our job

git gud casul

>reaction time is too slow to handle easy mode
I can't handle touhous on normal.

I played on Ultra-violence my first time and it was pretty straight forward, a part from a few battles later on in the game. Boss fights are easy as shit, but they weren't that hard in the original Doom either I suppose.

SMT Nocturne. Normal is a joke. Hard you often die on the tutorial battle before you can physically choose what command to do.

Soul Calibur 3:
>Baby Easy
>Very Easy
>The one above normal
>Very Hard
>Siegfried Only No Items Osthreinsburg Only
>Ultra Hard
>Ashura zenkuu

If you stick with a ranged class, hard mode is the way to go, and everything drops 10k gold. It gets much easier a few levels in, only way to play the game.

Dying light.
Normal is ok, endgame is pisseasy
Switch to hard and you just get your ass raped with killing one zombie uses an hour.

>Mania mode with no carryover upgrades
>that fucking fight against the Desians in the desert town




>the tutorial
Jesus fucking christ don't remind me. That took a good half hour or so of RNG bullshit to not get fucked over in the first couple fights.

this. Basically all non-stealth missions become impossible without a premade because 400 blackdozers.

Honestly it's been too long for me to remember but I clearly recall it be laughably easy on Very Hard mode. It was much more challenging on normal at first. There might be an item you get for beating on normal that destroys or something. I played it on release and haven't touched it since.

Came in here to post this.

the point system has its own flaws. Like, horrible horrible flaws. Also timewise anything over 500 is 17 games of monopoly and risk simultaneously.

i play all my games on easy and say that i play for the story unironically

judge me

Sup Forums is surprisingly forgiving about that one particular thing. idk.

But we've all done it.

filthy fucking dirty casual

>easy is normal
>normal is hard
>hard is a waste of time

name that game Sup Forums

Ratchet and Crank PS4

The game is a good playable challenge on hard...but there are bits where it becomes impossible. When you have to outrun the sewer water for example, and the final boss.






You make the game easy, and you might as well just put the controller down, because you'll win no matter what.

You set it to hard and no matter how fucking hard you carry and capture points, you're going to fucking lose.

Elder scrolls games, except only the "hard is a waste of time" part.

The name of that game still scares me.

Doom 1 and 2

civ v

I'd say Dragon's Dogma but you start wrecking shit about halfway through or so pretty easily.

Holy shit.

What? The only hard part of hard I remember is trying to kill those super zombies at night for EXP.


Yup. Normal starts off easy and gets a little harder towards the end. Hard starts off hard and gets piss easy towards the end.

>Finding a kid's game hard

he's probably talking about the super hard added difficulty, because yeah hard mode in the release version was a joke.

Actually, so is the added difficulty unless you're new to the game and don't immediately know "Throw Weapon" oneshots everything and "Drop kick->head smash" for crowds.

RD normal is only difficult in part 1 and maybe part 2 if you didn't give Neph transfer bonuses

it's ezpz otherwise

Warcraft 3 for me while i was a kid.

The three keys of silvermoon would kick my shit in.

Now i am in the process of gitting gud and currently on the final mission of maievs campaign on hard.

2 more campaigns to go.