Why is this game so boring? The world building is terrible and every dialogue sequence takes 5 minutes

Why is this game so boring? The world building is terrible and every dialogue sequence takes 5 minutes.

>Inb4 muh dialogue

Sounds like you just don't like RPGs. You should just play 4.

>b-because choices! a-and factions!
or some other generic Sup Forums answer

If you don't care about choices then don't play an RPG...

aww sick new new vegas thread

What's the GOAT song and why is it jingle jangle?



Let me think...

Shadow of the Valley will always have a place in my heart

Dialogues are not nearly that long if you read fast (which is a very common skill inherent in every human being that isn't an autist)

The quests and decisions are amazing. I bet you got your ass kicked by a deathclaw and rush to Sup Forums to complain.

This is a close second to me. Jingle Jangle always gets me in a happy-go-lucky wander around mood, and big iron always gets me pumped.

this is the best comfy wander-the-wastes song though

do people really like these songs? They just annoy me after a few hours.


I unironically really like most of NV's songs, though some do annoy me. Johnny Guitar gets old after a while

>new vegas
>lowest quality pixels

>skyrim HD
>highest quality pixels.

Obsidian, are you even trying?

I hate to be the one to tell you this, user. But you may have shit taste.

If you don't want to kill yourself, I recommend a few games to suit your subpar interests, such as Skyrim or Fallout 4.

I don't understand how anyone can enjoy NV's drab world. I get that the dialogue and story was better than 3 and 4, but there's absolutely nothing to explore but uninspired desert and a few settlements with nothing interesting lying in wait.

But the DLC was great.

>pixels make a game good

And you wonder why your franchises are sinking in the mud, Todd?

I love this game but I HATE the Vegas Strip. Completely empty despite supposably being a huge city, no fast travel, and like four loading zones

I even prefer NV over 4 and I still have issues with the world being so drab. The Interiors project added a lot of neat stuff, and the idea of opening up all the boarded up buildings is great, but I can always tell when I enter a house that was added by it just from how disorganized the clutter is, and how they made everything into an object you can pick up, but didn't bother making them consistent so suddenly I'll have two different "types" of coffee mugs in my bag, and one set of them I can't do anything with one of them.

Try the Open Strip mod? Works pretty well, doesn't even slow anything down like Freeside Open does.

What are some scary quest mods for new vegas?

some dialogue sequences are more interesting than others. if you don't want to talk to a person, then say goodbye and walk away. trust me you'll enjoy the game a lot more if you don't try to do everything.

This, its okay OP, having shit taste is normal, RPGs aren't for you


Bethdrones are utter cancer

>Don't like having to sit and listen to 10 minutes of dialogue
>Feels wrong just clicking through them
>Turning off audio to read subtitles instead feels to weird

So you're a pleb that wants fallout to be a murder simulator?

Fuck off

I love how normalfags never realized that Todd posting was supposed to be ironic and was making fun of him rather than praising him.

So i wanna replay NV again, what mods are a must?

Is Tale of two wastelands worth it?

Is there a list of essential mods somewhere?

Is there a mod that lets me buy slaves but allows me to be nice to them and let them do what ever they want if they please?

Will the strip open mod work in a preexisting save if I haven't been the the strip yet?

I think the only problems are with removing it, not adding it. So it should be fine.

It should work regardless at what part of the game your in. It's really your mod order changing that you need to worry about.

big iron

big iron

Essential mods, mostly for making things work:
>4GB Fallout New Vegas Updated
>FalloutNV WinXP-7-8 Multicore Threading 4GB LAA
>NVAC - NV Anti Crash
>NV Stutter Remover
>Zan AutoPurge Crash Protector
>CASM (with MCM)
UI stuff:

>Texture Packs
>Collision meshes
>I don't know I keep finding mods that I used before but I forgot to reinstall this time around

I don't own 3 so I've never tried TTW, not sure what's all compatible with it.

big iron

Thanks mate!

Why are guns so bad in FO4? Pipe guns are a retarded idea

The one weapon in F4 I was excited for was the laser musket, but it ended up being an objectively worse version of a laser rifle.
I don't know how they fucked up so bad


>FalloutNV WinXP-7-8 Multicore Threading 4GB LAA
>Multicore Threading
O am I laffin
It doesn't do anything of the sort, it's the same as every other 4gb launcher, except it tells you to change .ini values that aren't even used by the game.

I think the one that triggers me most is the ejection port for a lever action rifle kicking casings back in your face, like these people have never fired a gun or realize their still hot to the touch after firing

Making the DLL's in the game folder and NVSE large address aware, seems to remove a fair amount of stuttering.

No problem. The /fog/ pastebin has more info on which texture packs are good, and other misc mods.

Not sure if its listed there but I also use FNVLODGen with some improved LOD texture packs. I'd say which ones, but I'm apparently still missing some textures.

Which seems weird, because it requires the 4gb launcher in addition.
I don't know what 'threading' even refers to , I forget why I even thought to download it.
Do you happen to know a fix for the ~20FPS drop in the middle of Freeside Open? I don't know which part would be causing the struggle.
Also thanks for letting me know that.

I dont understand why bethdrones hate fallout 3

It did literally nothing worse than 3.


Why don't you recommend eating uranium cake while you're at it.

You can't make .dll files large address aware, it's only applicable to .exes
NVSE loader being LAA doesn't do anything, it's the actual falloutnv.exe that needs to be LAA.

It allows the game to make use of more CPU threads. If you open up task manager while playing, you'll notice that your first core is being maxed pretty much all the time, and the second core will probably be between 20-50%. NV only uses 2 threads (and not very well), which is why it runs like ass even on high-end rigs.
The FPS drop in freeside open is simply because there's too many objects being rendered in full quality at once (since it makes Freeside one worldspace) the only way to 'fix' it is to lower object view distance, which will look quite bad.

that comic

The left-handed ejection port is a weird decision, but I don't think it's Bethesda's artist's mechanical misunderstanding of guns.

STALKER and BLACK did the same thing and it's to make the guns more visually interesting, if not incredibly awkward.

Because Obshitian can't make a single fun game, why you think no stufdio works with them twice? They impress a lot of hipsters with the pretentious writing, but when its time to deliver it's always, half assed, unfinished games that do poorly and simply aren't fun to play.

The fact that NV still manages to trigger this level of autism shows how great it is.

The fact NV fans need to grab shitty arguments to justify their mediocre ass game and always compare it to 3 shows how little the game has for it.

It feels more like a mod than an actual game, lets get real here.

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day...

Just their old pastebin for 3 and NV. I highly recommend not actually reading any posts.

Ah, oh well. I can deal with it.

Their pastebin is an ok starting point, but it's pretty outdated.

I think the texture stuff is up to date, and I covered HUD stuff that I know is out of date because the mod pages say so.

except the studios that have worked with them twice, durrrr

you can thank bethesda for forcing their shitty engine on everybody. fallout 3 is a mediocre game and awful fan fiction. new vegas improves on it in terms of rpg mechanics, quest lines and writing. might be something to do with the actual fallout creators working on it and not people who don't understand the series.

Yes I've got Heartaches by the Number, troubles by the score

Fun fact: You can get Victor to follow you across the map by going north from Goodsprings, and then avoiding him when he tries to warn you. He'll chase you even if you fast travel away after triggering him.

>Fighting lakelurks with Veronica
>Veronica and the lurks get stuck just on the edge of the water between where you're standing and where you start swimming
>No one is moving
>Try to shoot them from 3 inches away, miss every time somehow
>Eventually have to try to jump and slash at the same time because I can't get close enough to hit before it switches me to swimming and I put my weapon away
Should have just thrown a grenade at the bunch

Don't reply to it, you idiots

followers are so fucking annoying in pretty much every gamebryo game.

Don't even get me started on pathing near the river.
>Companions either never arrive or I hear them attacking right as I'm swarmed by deathclaws