Thoughts on this piece of shit?

thoughts on this piece of shit?

It smeels like shit 2

It looks like it will be underwhelming but for some reason I still want to play it.

A good concept that it will be badly executed

Dead by daylight looks better.

*teleports behind u*

heh... nuthin personul, counsellor

Looks pretty fun if you have buddies to play with. Hopefully it has more then fucking 2 hours of content and more licensed slasher villains.

It needs to be in 1st person when you're playing as the teens.

This, would've enjoyed/bought the game if they just removed bullshit like teleporting.

Not gonna get some faggot teleporter katana-fag game.

ikr, since when does fucking jason teleport?
it's like making a new mario game where he can save peach by finding a diamond mushroom or some shit

This can work if he only teleport to designated places. And he does kinda teleports, since he always appears at the right time on right places and never seems do run

Its looked kind of shity but after the teleport I lost all interest in the game.

I never thought about this, but this is important.

he's always in the right place because he knows short cuts through out crystal lake and while these teens are running around like idiots, he knows like ten shortcuts to cut them off or something like that.

>teleporting, wtf?
Did either of you watch any of the fucking movies?

I was gonna yell something. But then I remembered that it's a $20 game. Dead by Daylight is alright.

And that would be boring as fuck to the actual player. Also he went to other places other than crystal lake

>ikr, since when does fucking jason teleport?
VIII is the only real specific case I can remember where he does it.

jason is voodoo confirmed

Its not in first person?? Why on earth would they even make it a game then?

Jason also has some other powers such as being op as fuck and being able to control people after he was killed and chopped the fuck up in one of the movies.

Consider the title and think about what you just said

they might as well slap on jasons mask on slenderman and call it a game

>no males to kill

i thought Sup Forums was anti-gamergate

Wait. I remember watching Friday the 13th years ago, and I didn't give a fuck about the sequels. But why is Jason so fucking huge? And in the original it was his mom, right? I don't remember the original design for Jason looking like this.

Jason is pretty much Norman Bates if he were /fit/ isn't he?

he was your average looking Sup Forums faggot before lurking on /fit/

Remake is super underrated with his tunnels under the camp and his archery trophies and skill. Him running also adds to the tension and makes him more believable and not just another unkillable ghost man


But it didn't FEEL like a Friday the 13th movie.

If anything it was like some Wolf Creek/Deliverance hybrid.

Why is the gameplay so fucking boring?

I don't want to hit a single button to kill someone and have all the fun taken away.

Cool concept but this game will get boring in under 2 hours.

>tunnels under the camp
what is this? vietnam?

that's Jason Goes to Hell. I don't wanna be a faggot here, but not part of the real series. Making people eat his heart so he can control them and all that.

Should have made this Alien:Isolation style, with Jason coming to rape your ass.

I love how in Jason Goes to Hell, the fucking FBI setup a trap in the forest.

They even had a grill in the shower alone as bait.

I gotta admit, it was pretty interesting that the government finally started taking the Crystal Lake killing seriously.

Rest of the movie sucked though.

Except for the Freddy claw dragging his mask to hell.

Freddy vs Jason was GOAT though.

>Place your bets!

>I'll handle this, bitch!"

>It's cool, he just wanted his knife back!

Will there be a 8bit skin?

I love any type of asymmetrical multiplayer so I'm pretty interested in it. People already seem to have made up their minds about it on Sup Forums though.

watch the game be set at 59.99 and have a additional 20.00 worth of dlcs.

Oh God, this game gave me nightmares.

>The rowing in the lake to save the kids.
>The dodging.
>Throwing rocks.
>Navigating the forest and cave.
>The music.

Actually heard a lot about this recently. Was originally another game but they were given permission to use friday he 13th's copyright and characters. So they did a kickstarter and worked on new assets since they wanted to live up to expectations.

Gameplay is centered around suriviving if you're a counselor, but you dont need to work as a team and can actively sobotoge the other players.

Different people will have different skillsets, or be faster or slower, tldr if youre fast try and pair up with someone slow so you can use them as bait.

Also apparently there will be balancing in place so that people who hide in one place too long will be easier to find for Jason.

>Man, that goalie was pissed about something!

yeah, FvJ was great. Then and now.

Another case of multiplayer focus fucking up what could of been a decent single player survival/murder sim.
Damn shame.

it's streamer bait

every streamer and their mother will play it on release, therefore viewers will purchase it especially if there's a chance to join their games and fuck with them

They blew the fucking house up, if he can't teleport how the fuck did they not see him running towards them?

Also why was the dad still in the fucking lake? After all the murders do they not clean the lake for corpses every summer?

>I'm thiiiiiiiiiis young

Watch the movies you little shit and at least understand who this was made for.


Add in undead zombie and you pretty much got the character.

>It's cool, he just wanted his knife back!
Wasn't that Jason X?

This game is made in my state. In my own city even.
I'm so sorry.

Eh, maybe.

Want to hear something wierd?

My birthday is 09/13/1985

First three digits: 9+1+3 =13
Last two digits: 8+5 = 13
First two of year and second digit of day: 9+1+3 =13

I can get three 13's out of my name.

And I was born on a Friday.

Half-Life 3 confirmed.

With this game and Dead by Daylight coming out, I'm surprised no one has taken this game of Tag but put it in a cartoon setting.

Imagine running around in some technicolor house as four mice running away from a cat or something

1 -They closed it and reopened it a year later that is why Jason's mom kills
2 -several years later. didn't know there was another killer
3 -direct continuation - not at the lake -think Jason is dead at end
4 -Jason dies
5 -No jason. Not at Krystal Lake
6 -several years after Jason died - Camp renamed to Forest Green
7 -Cabin on the lake but not the camp
8 -Manhattan. the lake is connected to river to NY?
9 - FBI open it as bait to catch Jason
X - In space

>yet another multiplayer only piece of garbage
Sorry, but multiplayer only is literally trash tier, game will probably get old in a single day
That fucking failure Dead by Daylight doesn't even manage to have slasher stereotypes as survivors. Fucking trash

>1&5 aren't even about Jason
Thank god you just reminded me which ones not to watch during my marathon.

Slight correction:
1 - was closed for a long time then on the verge of reopening
2 - set in another camp on the same lake a year after the first

>less than 5 minutes of pre alpha footage

>9 - FBI open it as bait to catch Jason
>X - In space

That's a bit of a jump.

I don't think playing as a the villain in a slasher movie works.You only like the characters because the survivors are dumb and annoying, but when you are playing a game and just go around killing random people in a lake stupid.
Even GTA makes the characters dumb and annoying so you have no problem going around a killing spree

I don't think allowing players to control Jason was a good idea.

What the fuck would you not watch the original?

There were two semi recent games where players took control of different types of ghosts/monsters and hunted down other players.

Interesting concept but gets old really quick.

But 1 is actually a really good, crticaly acclaimed film.