Itt:your favorite oblivion quest


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The one with the invisible town.

Only thing I remember from that trash game..

The one where you uninstall the game and play Morrowind instead.


>inb4 dark brotherhood/party quest

The only one I remember is a quest that involved a manor in the town in the west.
There was ghosts and stuff.

Also that ring in that well that had a ring so heavy you couldn't swim up.

>not Through A Nightmare, Darkly

>tfw oblivion is over a decade old

I remember being hyped for it like it was yesterday

That's the worst quest in the game

Tough to choose from, I like the Vampirism cure one, the end of the Fighters' Guild, the DB prison break-in, these two and most of the Daedra quests a lot. I think the Glarthir quest is my favourite though. Skingrad 2comfy

shame the quest quality fell off so sharply for Skyrim. Oblivion had some classics, what does fucking Skyrim have? The Sheogorath and Mora quests and some rotating tile puzzle fetch quests?

Shivering Isles, the torture place, making that Orc squeal when he thinks he died.

Skyrim has a werewolf quest, and a... uh. Well, there's dragons bro. Oblivion didn't have dragons.

>tfw haven't done anything with my life for 10 years

Murder mystery

>talk to this guy
>go down hill
>talk to mage
>use spell in middle of the town
>quest over


Any quest in any game can be summarized like that, user.

Morrowind is shit though

i always found rigging the animal head to fall on the old guy hilarious

The only Skyrim quest I remember, is one where you need to get a Dwarven artifact from some flooded ruins. There was puzzles in it, so you had to figure out the best way to drain the room, and then lower platforms that allow you to walk around certain areas. Puzzles were easy as fuck, but compared to the other quests, was pretty memorable.

Welp I kinda want to play oblivion now.


But that quest was great. I replayed it probably about 30 times just to see all the different dialogue.

Wow, youre right. I dont remember any quest from skyrim that wasnt from the guilds.

The murder mystery in winterhold i guess.

The frost troll spirit from the dragonborn dlc was nice too.

The one where the house in Anvil is haunted. When my character awoke a ghost floats towards me and it scared the shit out of me. Apparently things you keep in your house will move around giving a hint of whats to come


Thieves Guild final heist. Sneaking past the Blind Moth priests, stealing a motherfucking elder scroll (which felt like it had value because some dumb vampire bitch didnt use it as a dildo in her grave for 1000 years) and then using the boots of Springheel Jak to motherfucking escape the White Gold Tower itself.

Loved it. I enjoyed Skyrim overall but fuck its thieves guild in comparison.

My favorite quest in SI was probably the "Addiction" quest. It was just a really cool blend of storytelling and mechanics: how you had to keep collecting the stuff or you'd lose skills and health and shit. I like how at the end Thadon says

>You know what it's like now....Always wanting that next fix, hating it but craving it at the same time, and hating yourself for all of it.

Fuck off if you don't think that quest was fun as shit
Sure it gets spouted a lot in threads like these but that's because it was good

I like the one where you buy the house off the guy, and if you explore the house a little, you find out it's haunted. I thought that was a really cool setup. I also like how it wasn't immediately obvious, but you had to pick through the house a bit.

the one where you provoke a paladin into killing you to make him lose favor with his god was great

he thinks you are haunting him if you come back after he has killed you i think

>there won't be an Oblivion Remastered in your lifetime

I was fucking terrified of that house after that. I loved Anvil but refused to move my shit from Skingrad to that goddamn deathtrap.

>re-install oblivion
>level up a bunch
>remember that the enemies become brick walls if you level too much

Beating the gatekeeper to get into the Shivering Isles felt really rewarding for me for some reason.

I love how everything was meant to prepare you for that quest. It felt really amazing to be with the monks, and it could be quite tricky to sneak past them since they had augmented hearing despite being blind.

Really? I never found that to be the case. Then again, no matter what level I am, I enchant a bunch of fortify magicka armor pieces and create fuck-you-die spells that kill anything in one hit.

>tfw you beat the gatekeeper without his bones or the mother crying

Oblivion remake when

After TES VI

So, 12 years

Shit, I remember that. They probably wouldn't add that sort of quest nowadays.

>Apparently things you keep in your house will move around giving a hint of whats to come
Really? That's interesting. Never noticed.

New Sheoth had a lot of interesting stuff to do. It was also pretty big and comfy.

Is it possible to do spell stacking in Oblivion? I tried making a spell that icreases speed 100 points for a few seconds and magicaka by 100 points. The results were very dissapointing. I was kind of hoping that I could make a spell that literally breaks the game you move so fast.

first thing i did when i got the custom spell maker was to make several spells that increased max mana by increasingly large amounts

they cost so much i could only cast them with the buffs from the previous one

the process took too long and the duration for each one was too short so i just went back to running around with 100% chameleon and doing whatever i wanted

The only good quests were the Dark Brotherhood Quests.

>I never played the game

Hahaha verely so gentleman *tips fedora*

>he didn't play a stealth archer to always be ahead of this

thats what you get for not being a stealth archer

the winterhold serial killer had so much potential, i dont even remember who it was, I think it was the


faggy mage or whatever

>actually liking the vampirism cure quest

That was the stuff of nightmares, such a horrible chore.

When I played Skyrim I worked very hard to never catch vampirism even though the cure quest was much simpler.

Nah, the faggot mage was a red herring. It was actually some shopkeeper in the dark elf district.

it does

I used to have 3. One Weakness to fire 100%, another just like that (literally the same effect but a different spell to it stacks twice, and then a 100% weakness to magic. Then you blast the fucker with a fire on touch spell and basically always oneshot unless it's a xivilai. Use a pralyze spell first and you're golden for the whole game.