Isn't all this screaming bad for his heart?
Isn't all this screaming bad for his heart?
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I think the 600 kilogramms of fat on his body are a bit worse for his heart than mere screaming.
How many burgers does this fat piece of shit eat every day to maintain all that weight?
>stopped eating like a fat lardass, don't even exercise
>lost 23 lbs and going
What is he doing if he still looks like that?
He'll live longer than any of us just because he is rich and has a hot girlfriend to suck his cock (when she finds it)
Less than you think! Once you get this fat insulin resistance makes your metabolism super shitty.
His testosterone is lowered, his insulin response is all fucked up so he instantly stores fat as soon as the blood sugar levels in his blood spike after a "meal" that's probably 90% carbs and sugar.
His body also makes it hard for him to avoid carbs, with carb cravings that lead to insulin spikes that lead to more bodyfat.
It's a vicious cycle, takes a lot of willpower to break that.
comfort eating
two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
He has, most likely, more than 23lbs of just waterweight. Like, if he started doing keto for a week his glicogen depletion would make him lose like 15-18lbs in a week of just water.
But at that size is on a whole different league than just being a fattie like you were, his whole system is all fucked up.
Lost about 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Feels good honestly. Should be able to get down to my goal of losing 20 pounds by the end of next month.
/fit/ thread?
>and a large soda.
Ahem. DIET soda.
>willpower to break that.
I was listening to Rogen and he had a guest on that talked about how willpower relates to fatties. Apparently they have a lot less then a normal person would. You post just helped me see way.
>he was stalling for time so the Ballers could get into position
would he be relevant after he loses the weight?
The fuck is this. the fuck you showing me boi.
his future son
>that time he shit his pants and tried to play it off as Francis
>after he loses the weight
he's mentally weak and will never commit
he does use sympathy to garner attention, nice guy but yeah i think youre right
We hope so, OP, we hope so....
The stream might be, but he won't be for much longer. Is that beer?
I wonder how it feels to be that fat. I mean just sitting idly must be unsettling right? Like I'd imagine that you would constantly be hot, and feel winded and uncomfortable even if you're just sitting still. Always being suffocated by your own lard.
God damn just end him.
he is banked with a bunch of different drinks might as well be it
He probably won't be able to do his Francis schtick if he loses the weight and that is probably the only reason people watched him. But the people that don't care about that will still watch him.
It's very similar to drug users and alcoholics.
His best chance to lose weight is absolutely changing his lifestyle, doing full keto, paleo, lowcarb or whatever works, 24/7 for a month, at least, he would have to completely change.
The isssue with that is that people around him will be like "you should take it easier" "i know you're doing it for health but a little pasta and meatballs never killed anyone", and that would break his recovering metabolism -again- and give him carb cravings .again-, like "it's just a single beer! You don't have to be a bummer" breaks recovering alcoholics.
Society is pretty hard on this kind of people, we want them to fix their life but at the same time we kinda mock them for trying to.
are You like a PT or something?
>he is rich
he lives with a roommate in a shitty house in flyover 'murrica
btw it's hilarious that people death threat him and it bothers him so much
this vid has got you guys covered
next time you call this guy fat you will feel sorry
he's pretty well-off and his wife works as well
people like him on MCNs with youtube get $2+ per thousand views and on twitch get up to around 90% of the sub money.
all the more reason for him to continue doing it
t. fatman
Isn't his wife super hot?
hahahahhhahhahah, good one!
are we still talking about boogie?
this guy makes boogie look like a chump
stopped reading there
I'm confusing him with someone else aren't I?
>boo hoo I like to pretend I want to change
I remember him making a serious heartfelt Youtube video a few years ago about how being that fat was killing him etc etc.
Now years later to this day he looks like he didnt lose a pound. Literally weak minded shitter, why would anybody watch his content now?
>tfw gaining weight
Slowly trying to escape the skeleton pit lads
Went from 110 lbs in August to 148 lbs which is where in at
I know that's actually really pathetic but I have such a hard time eating, I don't know if something is wrong with me or what
Was it so obvious?
t. dumbass
Paleo is pretty good for weightloss, it's not the most on point diet for lifters or already fit guys, but works wonders on people with a messed up pancreas.
Lurk more.
>110 to 148
You can do it user, that's some great progress.
So... he has a hot wife right?
I get that theres more to it than just sex and looks etc, but just what does she see in him? Money?
he makes one of this videos every year
I>PTSD cause he's fat
Fucking suck it up
Thanks man, it feels good to not be as skinny
When I started I had actually zero muscle, I struggled with just the bar on all my lifts but now my bench is 135 and my squat is 115 and my deadlift is 215
I know that everyone in the universe lifts more than me but it still feels good to be making progress
>but works wonders on people with a messed up pancreas.
Fuck up your thyroid for your pancreas
The fat fuck drinks several liters of mountain dew a day, a habit which takes relatively little effort to break and would make a massive improvement just on it's own. The fact that he won't even do that much completely destroys any sympathy you could have for him, he doesn't even try switching to diet or anything.
shitload of energy this guy has
He knows his audience.
People watch him because he is an overweight whiney homeboy loser and because of this they feel like less whiney, fat losers.
everybodies metabolism is different. some people can eat 1 burger and gain a chin while others can burn through entire sushi rolls and lose weight
He went through a diet a few years back.
Sadly he uses this event as some kind of trophy he can look back on whenever he feels guilty about his weight.
That's just "limiting carbs", will happen to anyone with underlying thyroid problems (a lot of obese people already have hypothyroidism) trying to lose weight.
It's not limited to paleo, really.
Look at it this way, if your thyroid is perfectly healthy, you can do whatever your want, if you're obese and want to lose weight check your thyroid before starting and after a couple of months of carb restriction, everyone shold keep his blood levels in check before, during and after changes.
His wife should be harsh on him. Not let him stop his diets.
Don't buy bad food for the house. Monitor his phone so he can't order take away.
this gets it lmao
fkin punk go fk urself ;)
Reminder that Boogie outlived Zyzz.
That's not true. Metabolism doesn't create free energy breaking thermodynamics.
a Kg of fat has 7000 kcals in it and you need them to "make it".
It's not as easy as Calories in - calories out, though, or to be more precise, for some people the "calories out" part is extremely slow and shitty.
This guy, and many guys, have sugar spikes in their blood straight after eating anything with carbs or sugar or high glicemic index.
This makes them more prone to absorb every single calorie in their meals AND makes them feel tired and "comfortably numb" after eating a lot. This leads to not moving much, storing fat easily and wanting to spike their bloodsugars level sooner.
His wife is banking on an early death to inherit all his money
She's got the hebe nose to prove it
Hiroshima please ban this fucking garbage
Zyzz had a hereditary heart problem that he tried to fight by staying in shape.
Boogie seems beant on living a life-style that creates heart problems.
haha. all she's banking on is his cholesterol enriched semen. Does she really not realize how far the medical field has advanced? Dude probably takes like 15 different pills a day to keep him alive, and will be taking weekly trips to the doctor to keep him alive later on in life. And she'll be stuck changing his shitty diapers.
>tfw I gain weight if I look at a piece of bread.
It's fucking torture.
>This guy, and many guys, have sugar spikes in their blood straight after eating anything with carbs or sugar or high glicemic index.
>This makes them more prone to absorb every single calorie in their meals AND makes them feel tired and "comfortably numb" after eating a lot. This leads to not moving much, storing fat easily and wanting to spike their bloodsugars level sooner.
Sounds like the onset of diabetus. what the solution here? i think eating watermelons should do the trick of making you feel full while cleaning out your system.
Implying she'll not just have a live in nurse for his asswiping.
>Zyzz had a hereditary heart problem
That's why roiding like a fucking madman and going on a cocaine binge in Thailand was a very bad idea.
did he just reee?
And taking a nice bath
>taking insane amounts of gear and sweating your ass off in saunas
At least he tried.
going to thailand at all is a very bad idea
I haven't ate bread in a long time now, it's sort of like Soda where I'm just totally apathetic towards it at this point.
you dont need diapers unless you leave the house, which he doesnt.
he could just sit in the shower and stomp it down the drain.
>boogie will die in your lifetime
Any diet which has you eating less than your body needs is good for weight loss. "Paleo" means nothing and is a marketing term.
I work out loads and use apps to count my calories.
If I have a cheat day or skip exercise I gain so much weight.
t. Ex fat guy
isn't he browsing Sup Forums tho
Lmao as much as I liked Zyzz, he didn't fucking stay in shape for his heart lmao. You think tren is good for your heart?
> Taking notes from a man who died early
Watermelon has a high glicemic index.
It's not a problem "per-se" but it would lead to cravings for the first period (if you actually have insulin resistance).
The best way is not even counting calories and looking at the label of stuff you eat, does it have sugar? Does it have carbs? Throw it in the bin!
Go with oats, cottage cheese, meat, eggs, vegetables for a couple of week and your body will try to fix the shitty insulin resistance in the mean time.
Be warned that a single mismangement of this kind of diet will leat to acute cravings, you could think "hey' it's just this one piece of bread" and half hour later you will be out of your mind, emptying the fucking fridge like a werewolf in heat.
Isn't this the guy that was spotted at a convention shitting his pants
>you will never be as good of a manipulator as he is
He lived a free man who wasn't trapped in a body he did not like.
How do I get as fat as Boogie? I hate being skinny. I want a big ass and belly to play with.
Some diets make it easier for you to eat less than your body need, some make it harder.
Your objective is making it easier, and with paleo and keto you can actually make the guy feel somewhat "satisfied" instead of feeding him a single McD Burger and fries a day and telling him to deal with the cravings for the rest of the day.
This is the shittiest comment I've seen on Sup Forums in at least a month.
>Does it have carbs? Throw it in the bin!
>Go with oats
In anons autistic mind anyone who made it big is highly manipulative.
Only few obese people actually try to lose weight.
I've know many say they do cycling and stuff to lose weight, but it doesn't matter because they just constantly eat all day.
I don't understand how you can just keep eating. I work in an office, and all the fat people just keep eating throughout the day. It's disgusting
>energy drinks
>a lot of sugar in your coffee
every day for a couple of weeks
(if possible, hard alcohol every other day)
also eat right before going to bed
Enjoy your hideous skinnyfat belly and mantits. I speak from experience
Carbs in oats come from fibers, you don't digest them very easily and shit most of them. Oats have a very low glicemic index and won't spike your blood sugar levels.
whoops, meant to reply to
Maybe you're not smart enough to figure it out but this guy has been deceiving both his fans and his wife by constantly lying about his weight. He his an excellent manipulator.