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two great tastes that taste bad together

I think they've been doing a good job.
I haven't been fucked in the ass by them for a while now.

Why are they so fucking against turn based games now?

Enix shouldn't have saved Square. They didn't get the boost in western marketing and publishing that Square promised. And Wada almost ran the combined company into the ground just like he did for Squaresoft. The only thing the merger did was fix Square's debt problems and then funnel all profits from Enix games into high budget FF development.

You think you want it but you don't.

A merger that single-handedly killed the AAA JRPG market.

Nothing that bad comes to mind other than incredibly long production times.

t. enix cuck

thoughts about ff xiii overall?

See, you are completely and utterly wrong.

They've been getting better. The last decade overall was kind of wretched for them though aside from a few really good gems.

The developers of Dragon Quest and Bravely aren't. Tri-Ace and Cavia have always been about action RPGs. Its just the FF teams which threw turn based under the bus.

They have been getting better ever since the finished the Lighting "saga"

marketing numbers aren't wrong user. turn based is for strategy now. roleplaying games of the modern era are now for KH style combat

explain the comas

kicking Wada out was the best thing happened to SE

My thoguhts are that 13 was almost as bad a blunder as Spirits Within. Hell they even have the same aesthetic

And that is relevant how to...
>You think you want it

Exactly, not at all.
You can fuck right off with your condescending tone, cunt.

tell this to Atlus


They're back in my good graces after localising dragon quest games.

enjoying that censorship?

Literally Japanese EA, and by that definition is even worse than EA.

Holds hostage great series and release them as they please ignoring completly fans.

Fabula Nova Crsytalis, the original idea of multiple games featuring a single universe got thrown under the bus and replaced by Lighting doing everything.

Remember Type-0 (originally Agito XIII) and FFXV (originally FFXIII: Versus) were supposed to be part of this universe

That's why I say "saga"

they've made Deus Ex great again.


They need to localize a lot more DQ games before I forgive them. Especially DQX. If we get every DQ game from now on, but still don't get all the games they overlooked for the last 6-7 years, then the insult wasn't rectified.

He's saying what Squeenix and marketers in general would say, user.

>yfw there will never ever be another lightning game again

Again, not relevant.


>last 6-7
Try 10, I'm still mad we didn't get to play Torneko's Mystery dungeon on GBA

your right user

game companies only make games for you

don't forget to send a letter to SE HQ so they can get making that one game you want

I see, this is back from last decade or something when this place wasn't that bad
I'm impressed you are still pissed at that

Might as well give up on DQX user.

did SE fired him?

Years user. And I agree that we should look even farther back, but I'm just trying to be practical with what systems are out right now. Just within this generation, there's 10+ games we haven't gotten in the west. If we start going back to the Wii, PS2 and GBA, there's upwards of 20.

I actually calculated once how much money I have spent on SE games this gen vs how much I would have. Turns out I spent about 180 dollars on stuff like Theathrythm and FFXIV. But if all the DQ games had come out, I would have spent $870 dollars. Most of that from DQX sub fees and expansions.

Why would they? The bossfight itself is shit. Even the guy who played it properly made it look boring as fuck. It's just fly around for a bit until QTE prompt shows up. After 5-6 QTE prompts you beat it.

they should fire whoever designed this fight

fighting giant fucks is always dumb in video games.

This. Tabata's games have horrendous combat. This is no fucking different.

oh fuck off it's great in GoW and SoTC


My only SE game this generarion is DQH, I'm still waiting for them to dignify to localizing fucking VIII 3DS

Final Fantasy went to shit. Kingdom Hearts was shit from the very beginning. All I care about is Dragon Quest and Chrono. Maybe I'll try FFVII Remake, but only if we get the DQ games for PS4 first.

>I'm still waiting for them to dignify to localizing fucking VIII 3DS

I'll never understand the obsession over DQ and the hate boners DQ fans have for FF.

>DQ fans have for FF.
Where In my post did I mention FF at all?


>and the hate boners DQ fans have for FF.

If anything, its usually the opposite. Can't even have one DQ thread without a legion of FF shitposters. Even FFXV Kun jumps into those threads, spamming FFXV videos and saying how much he hates every DQ except IV.

>dignify to localizing

Until we don't have an official release date is not localized.

He was explaining their stance on the subject.
In other words, answering your question "Why are they so fucking against turn based games now?"
Sounds pretty relevant to me.

I don't give a fuck about Enix.

SQUARESOFT lost its magic after Sakaguchi left.

It was a big mistake to let Nomura be a director. Nomura is waaaay to focused on fashion and style - he's obsessed with fashion and style!

Anyway, Squaresoft lost its magic as soon as they started to somehow focus on western industry trends, TOO much on Graphics and Nomuras design choices. Final Fantasy 14 was a mistake.

They should have stayed away from AAA Graphics and focued only on producing classical JRPGs like FF7 in look and feel.

Not only should they have canceled versus 13 a looong time ago, but they should have stopped develpment for consoles after 14 alltogether and shifted all their develpment resources to handhelds.

Final Fantasy XV should have been an handheld exclusive game, a true successor to Final Fantasy 7,8 and 9. Then it would have already sold 10 million units by now.

You all know I'm right.

>shifted all their develpment resources to handhelds
Stopped reading right there. Fucking kill yourself.

you're wrong


The giant fight looked fun in the KH3 trailer :^)

Square was falling apart even before Sakaguchi left. This is why they used Sakaguchi as a spacegoat, even though it was the fault of Wada and others. Sakaguchi also wasn't that great. His stories were really stupid (especially FFIV and IX). And wasn't that great as a director either.

>but they should have stopped develpment for consoles after 14 alltogether and shifted all their develpment resources to handhelds.

I am so glad you have absolutely no say in what they do because this is the most awful idea ever conceived.

Handhelds are shit.

b-b-b-but my pokemon machine


Whoops. Unintentionally hilarious typo.

B-but FFXV will sell well! Square said so! Ignore the remake behind the curtain.

Saving video games.



Sakaguchi spacegoat game when?

they aren't?
why would you think that?

i dont give a fuck about you

unfortunately that could be jp only

Has gotten WAY better since the mid/late 00's and early 10's (The dark age of Square). NOBODY can say they are the same company there were 5 or 6 years ago. They have gotten there shit together, listen to fans and have an amazing line up of games coming out this year and next year.

They are back. Not Golden age of Square back but they are returning to form

They are localizing more games. But not all of them. Not even half of them. They have a long way to go still. And frankly, after three different 'dark ages', I just don't trust them anymore. They go 3-4 years releasing a ton, then 3-4 years not releasing anything but FF games. I'm tired of it.

Well Final Fantasy The Spirits With nearly killed the company from bombing so hard. Luckily Enix was there to merge and keep them afloat.

Then FF 14 came around a damn near killed the company again but despite how shit the games were, FF 13 and 13-2 sold really fucking well to help them stay alive long enough for FF 14 2.0 to be made. That and the KH games gave Square a shit load of money too.

The ONLY thing that will truly kill the company is if Final Fantasy XV completely fucking bombs. They spent 10 years and so much money into this game. If they can't make a profit there is no recovery from it. Not even KH 3 or FF 7 Remake can help them. They put all their eggs in one basket with XV

>The ONLY thing that will truly kill the company is if Final Fantasy XV completely fucking bombs.
Even if FFXV bombs, the remake of FFVII combined with money from FFXIV, Dragon Quest X and Dragon Quest XI will keep them alive. I just hope they learn their lessor and stop making 100 million dollar FF games. Dragon Quest games sell just as much at a fraction of that cost. And only in Japan.

If XV bombs it will damage the Japanese console market. Tabata said this. XV is the last big hope in the Japanese console market. If it's shit it's damaged and the FF brand will be damaged too which means VII Remake will suffer because of it.

>the head of FFXV said if his game fails, it'll hurt the market
That's like Stephen Speilburg saying if his nerxt movie fails, it'll kill movies. That statement makes me think he's an egomaniac. And completely out of touch with reality, since Dragon Quest XI and Final Fantasy VII remake will be bigger than FFXV.

I think a lot of it isn't just riding on the sales numbers but also reputation.
Like if smaller companies see that SE's flagship title is failing it might stir them up as well.

>Final Fantasy 14
1.0? Yes. You have to admit ARR was a hell of an improvement over the initial version of the game.

>you guys what a new Chrono game? well you didn't buy CT for DS so you must not want one LOL!

fuck off

The moment Wada left they started getting better right away. He was truly the cancer that was killing SE.
>3 DQ games in one year
>World of Final Fantasy looks cute and fun
>Actively looking at older JRPG and building on them and not just trying to distance themselves from them
Shocked it took this fucking long to get rid of him.

I don't even know why people are hyped about Final Fantasy Remake?

It's gonna be just another ARPG like Final Fantay XV = so it'll probably be shit.

I think Final Fantasy failing will actually help the JRPG market. Would have helped even more 20 years ago. Would have stopped stupid companies like Konami from thinkin Suikoden needed to compete with FF, despite having no budget or marketing. And SquareEnix would have been more open to pushing Dragon Quest, Mana, Chrono and etc in the west without fixating so hard on FF.

whose tits are those?

>Chrono Trigger DS only sold 900k copies, you obviously hate it
>Bravely Default sold 550k copies! JRPGs are saved!

I hate them but I like their games.

tbqh familia CT don't need another game


Square Enix pushed Dragon Quest and Chrono to the West. Just admit the West has shit taste instead of not taking responsability and blaming others.

>inb4 marketing

The marketing may not be as big, but the West wouldn't have gotten in something like DQ. People don't like that it "copies from Dragon Ball artsyle". Not my words, that's theirs, no matter how stupid it sounds, that's their mentality. Suikoden has a fucking oriental name. What the fuck is a Suikoden the fans will ask. Chrono suffered from the same problem as DQ but did well despite it.

FF is literally one of the few if not the only JRPG series that appeals to Westerners. Heck, the directors of the early FF games approached it in a way like they'd approach making a movie. That's not my words, but Sakaguchi's.

>Square Enix pushed Dragon Quest and Chrono to the West. Just admit the West has shit taste instead of not taking responsability and blaming others.

Both those series had games that sold 1.5 million copies in the west. And even ports and remakes sold more than new Tales or SMT games. Instead of taking this as a sign that those series could grow, SquareEnix threw a fit and stopped supporting them. Dragon Quest in the west and Chrono worldwide.

Don't lecture me on taking responsibility when you don't even know what you're talking about.

>Dragon Quest just doesn't appeal to westerners!
Yet Pokemon does. What's the difference? Pokemon and Final Fantasy got arguably the largest ongoing marketing budgets in gaming history. Dragon Quest had only 4 games get marketing in the west in 25 years.

>b-but SquareEnixdid all they could!
No they didn't.

>B-but Enix is to blame for not doing enough! Square is innocent!
Fuck off Square shill

Super Mario RPG was alright.

Not going to lie, I remember most of it than I do any other paper or Mario & Luigi games.

It should just die already. Turn based was the CoD/AssCreed of the RPGs back in the day, we've had enough.

>we've had enough
Don't speak for me idiot. I'd rather have more turn based games than the ARPG shit of FFXV and KH.

>>Both those series had games that sold 1.5 million copies in the west.
That's including remakes and lifetime sales.

FF is more popular, you're an idiot who doesn't understand simple business and you fail to take responsabiltiy.

Stop whining, this is the free markets.

Pokemon has always appealed to WEsterners though. It's creatures are mostly based on animals that are known throughout the world. Some of it's mythical creatures (like dragons) are universal. Pokemon isn't as Japanese as something like Yokai Watch.

>No they didn't.
They may not, that's irrelevant. Even if they did all they could, it wouldn't be as popular as they'd wished it would be.

>Fuck off Square shill
I'd rather be a shill than a retard idiot who thinks westerners are somehow inherently superior and can't make mistakes.

FUCK OFF. turned based is amazing. ATB is what defines any jrpg, let alone final fantasy.

>Company makes a bunch of poor financial decisions (recently; not talking about Spirits Within) - FFXIII being an abortion, XIII-Versus being vaporware, buying Eidos, and chief among which was releasing FFXIV in an embryonic state
>Bail out XIV, releasing nothing but garbage in the interim
>XIV succeeds due to not being complete wank, with tons of promise for the future; players express goodwill and respond to faults with understanding, given the game was just rebooted (and the developers promise to start being more adventurous once things stabilise)
>profits from XIV reinvigorates the entire company
But then,
>they scale back XIV's development
>SE goes back to focusing on short-term profits from singleplayer games instead of reinvesting/pumping support into XIVs high-yield mutiplayer subscription model
>player goodwill evaporates, subscriptions plummet
>all their singleplayer shit, was- and 2 years later is still in-development
"Aww shit guise, where did all our profits go???!!!?"

>I'd rather have more turn based games t
Then go play D&D alone in your mom's basement.

>FFXIII being an abortion,
You're dumb, FFXIII sold well (not the best though).

>inb4 it's a shit game

Yeah yeah kiddo, it's a shit game. But still sold well.

>high yield subscription model
>less then 1 million players at level 60
>high yield

>That's including remakes and lifetime sales.
What? All the games that sold over a million were not remakes. You're working way too hard to try and protect your beloved Square.

>Pokemon has always appealed to WEsterners though.
because of massive marketing.

>It's creatures are mostly based on animals that are known throughout the world.
By that logic, then Dragon Quest counts as well. Since its monsters have influence from well known monsters. And if you say otherwise, then your argument doesn't work when talking about Final Fantasy. Which has even more unrealistic monsters.

>that's irrelevant.
Just like all your weird tangents you're trying to come up with.

>Then go play D&D alone in your mom's basement.
Funny thing is, the girl I sleep with prefers board games and D&D over video games. Because its something more social. So jokes on you.