Who cares, an emulator is on the way

Who cares, an emulator is on the way.

Incoming price drop?


>ive vice-president of sales, Scott Moffitt, talked about the upcoming content for the Nintendo Wii U. Moffitt said that “there’s certainly plenty of content for existing Wii U owners, but there’s plenty of reasons for people who’ve never owned the console to grab one now while they last”. When he was asked how many Wii U consoles were left, Moffitt responded by saying that “we will be transitioning production to NX, so our message to fans is to grab a Wii U while you can, because they won’t be around forever”.

No backwards compatibility CONFIRMED.

>The NX is not replacing the Wii U.
Most of us knew it was bullshit, but this is still funny.

Lol, what content is coming to Wii u that is worth picking one up for? Did I miss something at E3?

Either this confirms that NX will not use a PowerPC instruction set and won't be doing native backwards compatibility or they are discontinuing the Wii U.

Cool, can I play splatoon, Mariomaker, MK8 or Smash 4 online?

do you really think they would say

>for the love of god, dont buy a wii u with nx around the corner. you can play those few decent wii u games on the nx as well

I'll buy this thing when it's $200.

Also hope we get a WiiU emulator on Xbox One.

why would they keep making the Wii U

Ahahah this latefag thinks he will be able to play WiiU games on NX.

Not happening bro.

This. Fucking underage fags

Both probably. If they weren't releasing Zelda I would have assumed they attached a Wii U daughterboard type thing like the launch PS3 did but then again the launch PS3 was a disaster.


Yes, because the Wii U was a miserable failure and sold as many consoles as the Dreamcast. It's sold less consoles than the Gamecube, which is really, really fucking bad. At this point Nintendo should just literally start full force on the NX and abandon the Wii U. They shot themselves with the fucking Wii U and so many people thought it was just an addon for the Wii.

My guess is that it's not going to be backwards compatible, but they'll port a select few games like Smash and Splatoon for day one.

It was leaked it would play WiiU games. This screams that there dropping support and won't make any games for WiiU anymore.

> "leaked"

A "source: my ass" kinda leak?

There is nothing logical about them continuing to pretend the Wii U is successful or a product they are going to continue to support. No one bought the fucking thing.

>believing leaks

The hell kind of idiot would purchase a Wii U now? That's utter insanity.

> $200

> utter insanity

Still a better choice than buying a vita.

Finally some NX discussion!

200 dollars for... What? 5 games?
The good games are very pricey, so you're tacking on a lot more money.

It feels like the WiiU has like no library. Was the WiiU lifecycle much shorter than previous generations, or did they just release a lot less first party titles due to an increase in development time?

It's a shame, I looked at my Nintendo games by home console the other day and it turns out the Wii was actually the console I invested most in, with Gamecube being second, then N64, and finally SNES. I really like the WiiU as a console, but it's so lacking in games.

In like a year, yeah.

I got like 3 or 4 free during the Club Nintendo promos.

The other games I've paid for have been worth it.

I like the WiiU library that doesn't rely on the Game Pad. The Game Pad fucking killed the Wii U so fast.

No PowerPC and too weak to emulate. Really sad.

According to?

The Cemu devs have said they aren't even interested and it's a close-source project.

Have fun doing LAN-tunneling with like 20 other PCfats.

The hell kind of idiot would purchase a Vita now? What kind of Faustian deal am I in where I am forced to pick one of two very dead devices?

I'm not spending 300 on a dead console.
I might try to find a used one eventually, but still...

In terms of touch screen gimmicks I agree, but as a second screen with touch navigation for menu navigation and shortcuts etc I think it's really good hardware, especially games that allow Off-TV play.

I honestly can't think of that many first party games they released that focused on those gimmicks, I feel like they went to using it as a controller pretty quick and just took advantage of the improved hardware.

They aren't going to do a price drop, are they? They just stopped manufacturing them and are saying fuck you to people who don't want to spend 300 on it.

Because of the damn tablet controller, I'm just legitimately afraid for the long term prospects of the wii u. The charging cable is already starting to mess up after a year, it won't charge the gamepad unless I hold it in one position. If I ever spill water on it, I can kiss my collection goodbye unless there's some way to replace the controller

>buying trash console so you can plan censored shit games on it

i cant believe nintendrones are that stupid i cant believe

Well, if you aren't interested in the NX, I'd say zelda is a pretty good final reason to pick up a wii u. That said, if someone isn't interested in a wii u by now, they definitely won't be.

But its true. 100% true.
The NX is not replacing the WiiU, because the NX is an Android tablet, and Nintendo is backing out of the console business.

getting one next month, bbi

>Moffitt said that “there’s certainly plenty of content for existing Wii U owners
Like what? They didn't announce a single Wii U game at E3.

i never understood why its a spike

PC does what Nintendon't!

Well the new Zelda doesn't use the WiiU touchscreen for anything in the E3 demo right? If the NX doesn't have the second screen there's a lot of WiiU games that straight up wouldn't be playable without getting a tweaked port.

Imagine all the poor Japanese developers being told to remove the lewd for western audiencies.

Nice english Ahmed.

>Is the NX not going to be backwards compatible with the Wii U?

Wii U is still on the PowerPC architecture, the same as Gamecube & Wii, and if they want the NX to be a more powerful system then they'll need to finally move on to something more up to date as all the rumors have pointed towards.

So their options would be Software or Hardware BC both of which are expensive in different ways, costs which Nintendo will probably not want to incur.

>including backwards compatibility for your worst console and it's shit tier mess of a controller

That would be the dumbest thing.

Not to mention rumors strongly point towards NX not having a disc drive.

The compute power of the Power architecture isn't the problem.

I don't remember the majority of rumors saying the NX won't have a disc drive, only 1 or 2 and I'd be willing to bet they mad that shit up.

The large majority of games sales on consoles are on physical media and the majority of those are still at physical stores. It will be a long while yet before any console manufacture goes full digital.

>Wii U tanked, especially all it's Wii-era related software like Wii Fit 2
>Miitomo came and went in an instant
>Nintendo changed it's logo color back to red/white

With the NX upcoming, you think Nintendo's gonna completely purge everything related to the Wii-branding now that it's completely skunked?


Would you bring back the edgy nintendo from the late 90's early 2000's? Or something different?

This was censored by the Treehouse, a localisation team hired by Nintendo of America.

if it's PowerPC, they will be dead

How about with a lot of games?

>I'd be willing to bet they made that shit up.
It's based on a patent Nintendo filed for a game console without a disc drive. It doesn't mean it is or isn't for NX, or the console version of NX if it's more than one thing, but the patent is real.

The rumors are that the NX would have cartridges. I'm no expert on this shit, I don't follow rumors too much, but it was a VERY prominent rumor that trademarks were made by nintendo for a system that didn't have disc drives, or something like that.

All I know is that it sucks that the gamepad makes it even harder to preserve my wii u games into the far future, and not being able to transfer my games upwards makes buying any games on the eshop to be even more pointless. Nintendo doesn't even let fucking virutal console games have cross play

I'm still reeling from Star Fox Zero.
I couldn't figure out the shitty fucking controls and when I finally got some grasp on them, the game was fucking boring.

I ended up just playing Star Fox 64 again.


plenty of people did but Sup Forums is hyperbole or nothing

Yeah, it's supposedly a mobile system that has a controller like the DS for cartridges and a main system to make the controller stronger, like a co-processor.

>plenty of people did but Sup Forums is hyperbole or nothing

11 million consoles is fucking nothing. Literally as low as the Dreamcast.

So I guess it was nothing when I fucked your mom 11 million times?

Protip: Theres more than one way to put software in a device that isn't a disc.

I feel like that shouldn't have to be pointed out, and yet your post really was that stupid.

Where does it way that?

You will get both xbox1 and wiiu games on pc.

Other than a pc the only thing worth buying is a 3ds__________, but, it still isn't worth what they are charging for it.

>it's supposedly a mobile system that has a controller like the DS for cartridges and a main system
Nobody knows what they're talking about when they try to explain the "hybrid" concept.

Some people think it's just a handheld with an HDMI out to the TV. Some people say that their are two separate systems, portable and console, but the portable can work like a Wii U Gamepad. Other people say there is some kind of "dock" that a handheld goes in.

Nobody actually knows because nothing about this system is leaking. As far as the dock goes, I'm not sure I buy it because that would mean Nintendo would pay for a Thunderbolt license or they are bringing back some kind of EXT port [and I don't even know if that would be feasible with modern stuff].

It's PR speak you idiot, of course it's not logical. They're not going to make the Wii U look even more appealing while they haven't even revealed the NX yet.

>Caring about games...

reference to coneheads

Dude, it's 80 dollars for a 2ds these days.

Oh wait I forgot...
>Sup Forums buying games....

They wouldn't if they had a problem with it

>having launch titles
literally never happened

>"b-buy the w-wii u-u you guys"
>"please, i'm asking nicely|

thats very gooooood. nobody needs backwards comp. anymore. nobody gives a shit about that. bwc only causes problems and systems having to take compromises with power.

nintendo can move on now and develop a system with industry leading chips instead of creating a frankenstein gpu like the one in the wii u. backwards compatibily is one of the main reasons wii u took a performance hit.

>external harddrive slot
I called it, carts to avoid shipping with a harddrive.

It's not going to have "industry leading chips".
>a frankenstein gpu like the one in the wii u
Wasn't it just an HD 4xxx something? I don't think they did all that much to it.

>While you can
>Implying Nintendo isn't gonna release a WiiU Mini or some dumb shit

>carts to avoid shipping with a hard drive
I guess. I can't see third parties paying the extra cost for carts.

>Nintendo two months ago
>"News of Wii U production stopping are unfounded. Don't believe every rumor you read."

>Nintendo now
>"We're stopping production soon. Better pick up a Wii U unit now before it's too late!"

What a dishonest company.

They have made it clear it's not replacing Wii U or 3DS. It's their third pillar.

They haven't said when or where they plan to show the NX for the first time, right?

Nintendo is dumb to behave like this when nobody knows what the fuck NX even is.

I think some Nintendo exec from Canada said they'll talk about it in the fall.

They probably think its going to really woo people like Zelda. I highly doubt it but it seems like their reasoning.

They're porting the few worthwhile title to NX. Mario Maker, Smash 4, Splatoon, and others.

The reasl not shitposting explanation for those who care is that Nintendo in their last financial report said they expect to only sell 800.000 Wii Us this year, when the last 3 years they had sold 3 million-3.5 million.
That meant that already last year they had stopped manufacturing Wii Us, and they only intend to sell the remaining stock they have, and that they may run out of Wii Us this christmas or before.

Also, it probably means the NX wont be backwards compatible, it will get some Wii U ports, like the new Zelda, but you wont be able to play your wii u games on it.

The Wii U will be an expensive collector item, especially when the gamepads start to break.

It probably won't, since they'll probably be using cards instead of BDs. You can be sure they'll port the most popular games though.

This. The Wii U will be the next Saturn in terms of game price and given the current video game collector market even the console will cost a shitload if Nintendo makes a comback with the NX.

Why put in backwards compatibility when you can resell the games on the eshop and force people to pay again for games they already own?

If you're talking about Wii U games, I wonder if their new My Nintendo service will acknowledge games you've purchased physically and allow you to get some sort of digital license on them. I'm not sure how all that works, but I wouldn't want to pay for Super Mario Bros. again for the nth time.

It's amazing how NX is still shrouded in mystery. With Revolution, they talked extensive on what they wanted to accomplish with it, and even showed off its gimmick (Wii remote) a year before its release.

lol, he REALLY thinks this, huh?

I'd imagine it's because they aren't all that confident in it.

>says the autist

Or maybe because they have a set time they want to reveal it since they're a professional company.

Just a wild, crazy, and BIZARRE guess.


where are my dreamcast blow out sales?

After Wii U, and to a lesser extent 3DS, I don't blame them.

Kimishima said that's the plan.

Reggie giving the "red ocean" line in that interview should be all the indication you need about what it's going to be.

>Pls buy Wii U
>The damn thing still costs 300€
No. I would buy it tomorrow for 150~, but 300 is a very high price for underpowered hardware, very limited library and a console that has been dead since Sm4s released

I would need to have an idea of what it is first. It would involve showing off the games, I imagine.