ITT: Games you'd love to play in remastered HD, but will never get made

ITT: Games you'd love to play in remastered HD, but will never get made.






I keked hard

>Marvel goes through with their Marvel Gaming Universe plan
>Hulk Ultimate Destruction gets an HD remake with Avengers easter eggs thrown in
>Hulkbuster skin
>TECHNOLOGY lets you destroy and weaponize everything.

Make it happen Sony.


Were these games as good as I remember them being?

OP here, you just made me wet

I haven't played The Getaway, but Hulk is just as good as the day it came out. I play it every couple of years.

This was the ps2 spiderman 2 of hulk games

And 2 of course.

I guess you can just upscale the game to 1080p with some AA via Dolphin if you have a decent PC, I did that not too long ago

Depends on how well it emulates.

To this day, Two Towers and Return of the King have trouble. It doesn't help that those two games were pretty fucking beefy.

I rented Getaway a long time ago and beat it in the same day I think. I played Hulk but can't remember if I beat it.

I remember them being fun but at least in Getaway case a good solid rental. Not something you buy and cherish like say

This desu

Rainbow Six Vegas

It's doesn't need a "remaster"
It needs a full remake or good sequel.

If you want to play it in HD, try Dolphin or PCSX2 (emulators). They can both run it at HD resolutions, although textures will still be pretty shit.

Or try Prototype.

Gotcha Force
