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That's not a dab.

Proper dabbing brings your elbow up to your forehead.

t. actual black guy who can dance (yes, I know I'm being redundant)

This is a stealth appreciation station lad

>sneezing while dancing.
>its a dance move

Stick to the electric slide, white boy.

So long as you realize.

inb4 it's just a guy pretending to be black

Yeah this
its coughing, its what people look like when they take a huge hit of dab and cough into their shoulder, that's where the name comes from

>Weeb hasn't seen that Jamaican dance
Dabbing is actually technique in comparison.

Im so glad that i dont understand these new memes to be able to get offended by them
I have no idea about this dance or that drake guy doing the same thing
Im ashamed that you guys know about it tho. It has nothing to do with videogames and pop culture is a shit thing to consume

Too bad nobody told you the same about dick

When the bae squad on fleek with my mixtape

How is a dab even a dance move?

It's not a big deal if you're not on the up and up on mainstream maymays but there's no reason to be glad about it. I was actually a little sad that I didn't realize that being on fleak wasn't a bad thing.

>Im ashamed that you guys know about it tho

t. friendless loser


Because it's a single piece in a larger ensemble like how shoes aren't a full outfit but a part of it.

Ok Bow Wow

best girl

I was waiting for you senpai

What the fuck is dab? Is that some new nigger drug? Or just new slang for an old one?

>black people dance moves

Man I remember when stanky leg was cool and it looked like you were wiping shit off your shoe. it was seriously retarded

Maybe im just too old since me and my friends are not on high school so we dont feel the need to consume pop culture anymore either
You will get there one day too user
And you will be ashamed of it too

pic related

>consume pop culture anymore

You are consuming pop culture everyday whether you acknowledge it or not.

a bunch of niggers decided instead of smoking weed they would use poison to dissolve all the shit that gets you high into a toxic brown sludge that people smoke and it makes you almost vomit.

Those were dark times. I think its gotten better now (kind of).

It's when you filter hash through butane to create some shit that looks like earwax and then use a blow torch on a metal plate attached to a small bong and lower the "shatter" onto it to "smoke" it.

I see white trash people doing it at the river and it looks scarier than someone doing crack desu.

>afro american simple dance moves
>having anything to do with african dance moves
There are some crazy ass dasnces that where left in africa. Real tribal shit to be honest.



My lungs

Put it to Suave. youtube.com/watch?v=6hfpIRmdn40



This is a good example of my point. When i played it i didnt get offended because i didnt even know what those dances were. It just seemed like weird dance moves to me.
If you consume pop culture the fault is really yours for recognizing shitty references.

>only niggers dab
Dabbing is a southern thing.

Buttjob with hose on

after a long hot summer day

>I only consume the highest form of literature along with my good old pals Alfred and Gary from the equestrian club
>We don't own televisions because that would expose up to the mediocrity of "pop culture"
>Egad! How utterly ghastly What is this peculiar "dabbing" phenomenon that is occurring?

>Atlus think they slick...

Only old people watch TV nowadays. All the kids nowadays watch stuff off the internet on their phones now.

Her ass would feel so good

Don't talk shit about the electric slide

So wait, you telling me when Hillary and Bill Gates and other old people trying to look "hip" and "in with the kids" dab, they're making a dance move that's a reference to hard drugs?

Why is the world so fucking stupid?

on the cold floor of the kitchen with the lights off

Mmm yeah baby

It has nothing to do with drugs stupid.

yeah baby i know u like that mmm baby

Weird to see her in a short skirt with socks

because people like to ignore that all of black entertainment and culture is based around being violent, breaking the law, or doing drugs

but it's just "entertainment", it's not like black people REALLY get influenced by all of the media they consume ;)

>its a retarded americans continue to push retarded black memes
christ what a bunch of retards

The sound of her loud panting

Oh really, user?

Please you're not even the same guy

The best dancers in the world (real dancers) are white are slavs. Your small sampling of your American peers means nothing.

Wish I could have her like that

Americans cant dance for shit they all look like literal children doing it, just look at those black people ''moves''

>black "culture" has to poison even white America
Sure glad my dad decided to move to Europe.

She stops you and opens the door to the fridge and pulls out a jar of butter "Smear it all over my ass user! BUTTER MY BREAD"

my mom dubbed on me once
i live at my dads play now

aww yeah gurl gimme dat sweet marmalade

I'd fucking do it

And she can go shorter

You're gonna be the dad who tries to be hip and "dub" on his kids too to try and connect with them and they're gonna make this same post on the future mongolian glass blowing forum Its not dubbing holy shit can you read?

Whyd it take so long for this

If my kids ever did that retarded nigger shit i'd slap them around

Because not everyone here is a gigantic meme-loving autistic faggot.

>not Persona 4 Dabing All Night
you had one job OP


one job haha

Atlus will deliver my dude

Niggas put the hotline bling dance in? Haha!

what's with her knees

Your kids are already gonna be retarded if you keep fucking your gap toothed sister and your cross eyed cousin user.

>P4 official porn game

Man I wish

its concentrated marijuana extracted into this oil/waxy stuff. Kind of like hash.

>if you hate your kids acting like retards and blindly following trends, you must be an inbred redneck
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.

Jesus why not just make him twerk his ass at this point

>hard drugs
Where are you from?

Damn you caught me

>Jesus why not just make him twerk his ass at this point

user I ...

whatever man
my mum can lick a beavers tail

Lmop it's even in the webm itself too

>if your kinds dont follow retarded nigger culture you have retarded redneck culture
must suck to be american desu

Must suck to live in a third world shit hole. Who's wi-fi are you stealing?

yea, yea, why dont you hide those ugly shoes jamal someone might shoot you for them :^)

>be american
>get shot


You mean this?

when i hear that whistle blowing i hung my head and cried
yeah now thats gangsta amiright

Nah man. I'll give you that ballet is beautiful and that the best in the world at it are sublimely transcendent, but some of those are American.


And you don't have to do traditional ballet to give the world a moment that should echo across history for its stunning representation of all that is beautiful about humanity.

I assume youre just pretending to be retarded

I can't dub, but I can get this 5

>dumb robot dance
why are americans so chidish, you guys do know that people laugh at you because of shit like this right

It's pretty much impossible to be white and not inbred, comparatively speaking.

>hotline bling
dumb drakeposter

Best JoJo

Okay, you got me. Which one is supposed to robotic? The ballerina, the interpretive dancer in the sundress, or the guy whose limbs undulate in ripples?

The retards looking at his hands while makind little children waves and wearing le hood clothes in a place where it dont fit at all aka every american dance ever

He thinks hes in the matrix fighting some guys using kungfu its that bad