A lot of people on this board are negative and bitter...

A lot of people on this board are negative and bitter, but is there a game in which the majority of Sup Forums agrees on being good?

RollerCoaster Tycoon
SimCity 4
The Sims
GTA: San Andreas
WarCraft III
Age of Empires II
Age of Mythology
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Ocarina of Time
A Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
Pokemon Red/Blue
Red Dead Redemption
Cave Story
FTL: Faster Than Light
Max Payne
Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1-4
Tony Hawk's Underground

wrong, these are all shit


Pic not related?
I mean it's amazing but good luck having anyone without PS4 to admit that.

where is Diablo 2 and Planescape Torment?

Demons souls

How could I say something I haven't played is good? How would that be "not admitting"?

Are you being serious?


I'm yet to meet a faggot that didn't enjoy super deep throat.

It's literally the best game ever made. I've never called to animation before or since that game. But blimey did I beat out a nut to that sbit

Dragon's Dogma?

Dark souls.

All the shitposters are either casuls who wikid everything or contrarian faggots. There is literally no greater satisfaction in gaming than beating O&S for the first time blind.


Skies of Arcadia is universally loved.

Is there seriously anyone who didn't know this already
The main 4 are the best
3 > 1 > 2 > 4

Witcher 3


OP asked about games the majority thought were good. Dark Souls was just a step backwards from Demon's Souls. It's not liked by most.

>There is literally no greater satisfaction in gaming than beating O&S for the first time blind.
There is for people who aren't bandwagon faggots.

stop it mr kojima



lol Sup Forums hates blizzard and thinks overwatch is kiddie casual.

They're right.

AYYYYY nice b8 m8!

>open world shit that plays more like a GTA game, with even shittier forced protagonist
pff hahah.


Just cause 2

pfft hahaha. Bunch of niggers.

The majority outside of retarded spergs like you definitely likes it.

Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden

>mad max style game looks amazing
>gutted and painted over with shitty cellshading
>infinite guns! and they're all useless!
>it's meme time! No dad no!
uh huh ok

pfft hahaha, stay delusional kid, Bitcher 3 is an action game with crappy combat, Dragons Dogma is 1000000 times better, keep crying, bitch nigga.

Sorry about your shit taste, vocal minority

Planescape: Torment
Fallout 2
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials & Tribulations

Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari

>le waifu movie gaeme
lol no

I wouldn't play battleborn or overwatch. Hero shooters are as casual as mobas. I'm not a casual. I'm also not 12. Hence my disliking overwatch.

neo/v/ has never played a katamari damacy game.

realtalk real games

>Pokemon Red/Blue
They're my favorite, but holy fuck does Sup Forums disagree about this. I'm surprised you haven't been called "genwunner" yet.

But add HoMM3 to the list.

I'd second HoMM3, or 2. But again, neo/v/ has never played them.

Remember this is a Sup Forums where halo is considered nostalgic.

Even johtoddlers and beyond all like Red/Blue since it began everything. But yeah it's certainly not everybody's favorite.

Well they should get their asses in gear and play them.

It's shit

>I didn't play the first borderlands

>Pokemon Red/Blue
Pokemon is a shitty game series.

>a person who still plays pokemon
>calls somone else (even someone else who plays pokemon) a toddler
I still play pokemon games, but c'mon you must see the hypocrisy here.

Timesplitters 2

Ghost Trick

Go spend a little time on they made up the term.

I think Pokemon, as a whole, is generally liked, but trying to argue which version is best is opening up a whole can of worms.

Might as well put Red/Blue there, as it started the series, and canonically represents the core of what Pokemon is. I'd wager that, even if people don't like the specific version, they still respect how it started, and so it makes sense more than any other gen to put on the list.

Source on video? That was amazing

neo-Sup Forums has played RCT2, but not HoMM3? That's surprsing. I figured HoMM3 would fit right there with RCT2 and AoE2.

I did. I also was following it's development, which you clearly didn't. It's ok kid, you were 8 at the time.


He's actually right. The cell shading was a curve ball for those of us looking forward to a mad max game. Luckily we now have mad max.

I've just started playing and it seems like those big ass monsters outside of Oedon Church (or whatever it's called) are stupidly strongly. They have good reach that clips through things, does over half my hp, and they're a bit quick.

adding to the list
God Hand
probably Okami as well, all of the Clover games were excellent
everybody probably likes HeartGold and SoulSilver as well
I would debate Ocarina just because there are a lot of contrarians who say they hate it just to stir shit


After playing Future I can't help but see JSR as inferior in every way except for Beat's design.

Past Sup Forums meme games:

Dark Souls
Metal Gear Solid: Revengeance
Fallout New Vegas
The Witcher
Dragon Age: Origins
Mass Effect
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl
Demon Souls
Dwarf Fortress
God Hand
Devil May Cry 3
Vampire the Masquerade
San Andreas
Metal Gear Solid 3
Vice City
Age of Empire 2



Every game ever made.

Sure as hell isn't Bloodborne

Morrowind is terrible
Fight me

I used to see a lot of threads last year about Zone of the enders the 2nd runner.
Pretty good game,it also looks fantastic for a ps2 title,it even rivals some 7th gen games

You left out:
The Last Remnant
Dwarf Fortress
Any Zachtronics game
Rocket League

>Dwarf Fortress is a meme
I don't think patrician games can be called "memes," user.

>Bayo over DMC 3/4
You had one job

>metal gear solid: revengeance
you tried.
>god hand
youuuuuu trieeeeeed


1 : an idea, belief or belief system, or pattern of behavior that spreads throughout a culture either vertically by cultural inheritance (as by parents to children) or horizontally by cultural acquisition (as by peers, information media, and entertainment media)

oh fuck I thought DMC was in the OP for sure
my mistake

Dwarf fortress is the only game where when somebody says it sucks, I legitimately believe they weren't able to figure it out.

Run past them for now. They're stupidly slow to actually attack and their tether range sucks so they give up chase quickly

where is this from

Yeah I figured I should just try skipping them. Thanks for letting me know that's ideal at the moment. My reasoning for not doing yet was that in case they started coming up more frequently I ought to learn how to fight them now.

They're only really in Cathedral Ward, except for a harder one in one level who is optional. They drop upgrade stones and shit though so killing them later on isn't the worst idea.

They get way easier the later on you get in the game. They get staggered/stunlocked easy as shit with a decent weapon

I don't know man, sorry. Just saved it ages ago.

I do know it stresses me the fuck out though.

some game about lolis. I forget the name but its german

Jet set Radio

>DMC 3
I am physically disgusted right now faggot

It is bad and god of war and bayonetta are both better. Ninja gaiden black is better than all of these and is king

>Being this wrong
Holy shit how can have you such shit taste man. God of war was fucking fun and good combat once you got most of the unlocks but god damn it did not have the style or flow DMC 3 has.


Cory in the House.

Cory in the House

Tails gets trolled.

Watch Dogs

Yes it looks like a later era PS2 game compared to the trailer. But the on the fly hacking works a dream it's playing diehard 4.0. The prefiling and tailing system is decent too.

Like everyone else I don't like Aidan at all but sometimes bland is better.

Diablo 2 is shit, all Diablo-like games get old 10-20 hours in, having to stick with basically one playstyle and kill the same things the same way over and over is really boring.