get in her you fags
get in her you fags
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Red team go
I'm going to assume you've either given up or are in game at this point
Anyone else want to start a server?
last time I tried I sat around with my thumb up my ass for 15 minutes with no one even so much as trying to join.
No harm in trying again
If I start a server should how many people should I wait for before I start the game?
Depends on the time and how active the thread is, normally just wait a few minutes and see how many you get
I got a new pc so should I bother even if I don't have anything unlocked?
go ahead. old host went afk during the session
Just post when I should start the game
Force item sharing?
item sharing is even worse than jewing. I wouldn't recommend it
also I won't be joining for a bit. gotta eat
can't connect
K it'll be up till I get at least one person
You could always just get Sup Forums to help you unlock shit, but no, games just not fun without glass and spite
Don't know why, it's open.
I also can't connect.
Can't connect for me either.
Well shit idk, do I need Hamachi or some shit?
just make sure your ports are open. its really finicky shit from my experience. the videos on youtube on how to do it explain the process pretty well though.
no, just an open port.
You need to follow these instructions.
Yeah, I know, but I haven't found a better explanation anywhere.
Do you know how to port forward? Make sure you forwarded the same port as in-game.
Trying this again. Sorry about the faggot port.
>image doesn't upload
I'm off to a great start.
I don't see local ip, I see default gateway and IPV4 which one is it?
sittin here, open, dick in hand, etc.
Read this pastebin if you want a "hacked" name.
yeah some of this shit isnt popping up at all, i dont think i can get half this stuff without getting someone else more experienced than me
cant join