So user, I heard you have a million dollar video game idea. Let's hear it

So user, I heard you have a million dollar video game idea. Let's hear it.

A game where people beat their slaves senselessly and pray they work harder.

Real-time gelatin production simulator

Go away Todd.

It's an MMO except when you die in the game, you die for real.

It's like Call of Duty with swords

a full fledged triple A real life simulator

a game for people who've failed at life but still want to experience things

A stealth game that doesn't have quest markers, see through wall vision, takedowns, and the stealth is more complex than "don't walk in front of any enemy".

Ok so, first i get that guy who plays the redneck in walking dead. Then have him naked doing babyfuck then look at me now back to the baby now back to me now back to the baby, your baby is oil now. Then we are evangelion.


A new Warship Gunners game, boss

It's like morrowind but we update the combat to be a little more dynamic, hire enough people to actually flesh out the world and make quests not complete dogshit like skyrim.

It's like that old game that I like but modernized.

I don't have an idea yet but if I promise to make it PS4 exclusive Sony will give me as much money as I want right?


Yeah, it's the Cinematic Dark Souls of Call of Duty.

Dark Souls- IN SPACE!!!!


mobile meme game
upvotes give you points that let you unlock new ways to edit your memes.
you only start with a pepe image of your choice and lower text edit

>Game of Thrones MMO
>main selling point is an elaborate social hierarchy system
>each guild represents a house
>top guilds in a region pull their resources together to build castles and forge ancestral weapons
>top guilds create alliances with lesser guilds who swear their loyalty as their bannermen
>you can attempt a castle siege to take over another guild's castle
>your guild can seize your alliance leader's castle to usurp them as the alliance leader
>PVE aspect will focus on a whitewalkers invasions where you must band together with allies and enemies alike to fight off the dead

Okay so its a SRPG based off of fairy tales with a battle system borrowing mechanics from Rondo of Swords and FFT with some Chrono Trigger style combo attacks. The main party would have a calvary character modeled after Polish Winged Hussars, a lawyer cleric, female werewolf brawler, unicorn mage based off the Last Unicorn, an air elemental rouge and a zombie fighter based off the Bearskin tale.

Okay, hear me out here.

We kidnap your wife and daughter, hold them captive for a few years, occasionally sending an intern to rape them. We video tape them, use that as game footage, edit some of the scenes with that fancy shit Cage used in his dumb ghost baby game, and throw in some light gameplay and some feminist crap and call it a day. I call it Captivation. The tagline is "bounded but not repressed." Those Tumblr broads will eat it up like flies on a turd.

you gotta cum onto this target touch-sensitive peripheral. the harder you cum the higher your score. compare cum shots with players around the world. of course there needs to be a motion controller too to compare techniques and battle online with your friends, as well as establish distance modes (i.e. someone cumming 1ft away isn't going to get as high a score as someone cumming 5 inches away). connect with facebook online integration to share your cum scores with friends.

It's an RPG with combat like Punch Out

Survivor VR. You get thrown into an island with a dozen other faggots. You build shelters, catch food, or just be a useless piece of shit. Also one of the players is randomly chosen to be a bear who can kill the rest of you faggots if he sneaks up on you or whatever.

I'd play this

It's a game where you have to sneak into people's houses at night to check their smoke detectors to make sure everything is in proper working order.

It's a game about NOTHING!

>not stealing their smoke detectors to build a reactor

that would be fucking tight


>play as pop culture icon MacGyver
>race against time to save the day
>also all you have is a rubber band, a bottle cap and a paper clip

A future based FPS where you are part of an invasion army to purge Nazi like enemies but you slowly realize you are actually the bad guys, end up helping the enemy and going full rogue.

It has a co-op mode where you are part of the invaded army and need to retake cities.

Futurama rpg like Stick of Truth/Chrono Trigger/Mass Effect.

Gif is me realizing they haven't made anything like it yet.

A proper mech make with huge inspiration from tanks as design and mechanics.

I hate how every fucking mech game has 'armor' whcih falls off as it takes damage, instead of being like actual metal where if you penetrate you pretty much kill whatever shit is behind it. Also smoke grenade dispensers required.

Multiplayer open world survival crafting and base building with zombies

Conan sandbox game where you romp around the Hyborian age doing all sorts of shit. Mercenary missions, stealth segments, sailing a ship on the high seas, you fucking name it. Make the combat visceral, fun, and a main focus of the game. Each segment of the game chronicles a different chapter of Conan's life, and when you beat the game you unlock a full roam mode that opens up the entire map for you to fuck around in. No crafting or RPG elements - just Conan kicking ass across the setting and getting shit done.

you fuck my ass huh


Cinematic experience filled with QTEs and no gameplay.
The Playstation audience will love it.

any games you'd use as a reference for combat? How did you feel about the 360/ps3 game?

Thanks for all the free game ideas faggots, I'll be sure to credit anonymous when I make a billion dollars

Yeah, actually I do. I call it "Do Your Own Work Faggot."

A stand-alone RPG that doesn't boldly declare whether an action is honorable, brutal, or charming, where dialogue choices don't explicitly state whether they're good, neutral, or evil, where the only reputation meters that can be found are either on wanted posters or people building statues of you, and each chapter has three hidden flags that dictate whether or not the chapter resolves with a good or bad ending that directly influences the start of the next chapter, creating multiple different endings and making it impossible to destroy the game's reputation by becoming a cash cow.

You can talk and interact with animals who are almost human

The year is 6037, humanity has destroyed itself except for the Martians who were able to successfully colonize on another planet.

There is a huge data discovery about humanity's history in a dangerous part of space. You manage a space fleet to go on a space adventure to answer a signal that supposedly has data on how humans were.

This is an online space-sim-strategy-rpg, and there can only be one winner until the event/objective is reset.

Honestly, probably Assassin's Creed as a basis, just because it's got a pretty good blend of parkour, stealth and working combat. It'd have to be a lot less counter-focused though.

Haven't tried the 360/ps3 game yet. I'll look it up now.

Mario Bros except the MC is a trans nigger lesbo who fights against patriarchy. The mushrooms are estrogen pills.

>Open World Martial Arts MMO Kung Fu Movie Simulator
>you start the game only knowing how to kick and punch
>you hone your craft by challenging other people until you unlock different variation of kicks and punches
>soon you unlock rare styles like drunken master and dragon style and shit
>you pick and choose which attacks to have currently active in your hand crafted original fighting style
>you fight other kung fu masters to prove that your fighting style is the best

Conan's freeform fighting would be really hard to do right, but not impossible. Would hate for a ryse type game.

Huey Simulator, the game where you ruin everything.

A multiplayer first-person ant fighter. There are multiple anthills(bases) of different ant species. Each species has its own abilities, and the whole game is mostly melee except for a few abilities.

this shit.
why does every stealth game have an "easy button" that slows shit down or literally makes enemies not notice you while you hold it down?
it's almost as bad as bullettime nonsence

Open world Social Justice Warrior Simulator

An open world game on an abandoned planet full of futuristic alien architecture and technology, with real time combat and mechs. Like Xenoblade X mixed with Schizm mixed with Armored Core.

>Valve simulator
>your job is to make sure HL3 is never released
>every time Gabe starts instructing your team to get to work, you must sabotage it by using food to distract Gabe

Take Rust, then add two forced factions. Both parties will fight to survive and thrive.
Gather resources, build cities and defenses, go hunting for food and water, research new items and battle the other team for control of the land.

i know your post is ironic but since no one has actually gotten one of these out of the alpha stage, its still a viable game idea

It's a VR game like Summer Lesson except it's released in America.

That's a clever way to steal an idea.

Minecraft. Where do you think they all got the idea from?

Take a Mario party game and port it to PC with online multiplayer

Let's give Shadow the Hedgehog a sequel by making it 2D with Contra difficulty and controls with 2D Sonic gameplay.

Knights if the Old Republic III, written and developed by Obsidian with pure creative freedom from the publisher

A proper successor to Super Mario 64

Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth III

Those first two would make a lot of people happy. That last one is there just because I want it.

Make a highly competitive fighting game featuring Sonic characters vs MLP characters. The FGC will never ever be the same.

Make a game where the entire focus is getting upgrades to prepare for the final boss by fighting and stealing parts from other bosses - but the twist is that there's a time limit on the game, and you'll only have time to collect about 2/3 of about 20 or 30 upgrades. You can go right to the final boss from the start, chase the gear you really want, or try to collect as much as you can before you have to fight the final boss.

The boss fights are each prefaced by a small gauntlet that acts as a testing ground for the mechanics you'll need for the upcoming fight, like proper parrying or platforming (this is used in place of a formal tutorial). The bosses are all connected by a modest hub-world, which doesn't contain upgrades in itself but does hold many hidden shortcuts to other bosses - a talented and knowledgeable player should be able to speed-run through several extra bosses with these shortcuts.

The game would encourage replayability to try all the upgrades, give a sense of tension for the time limit, force the player to choose certain aspects of their build (you can't have it all) and focus on high-stakes boss battles.

Sup Forums shitpost simulator

My game idea is a building game not styled off of Simcity, pretty sure that's not worth 1 mil these days.

An openworld RPG set in 23XX (new york or tokyo).
You play as an AI in a fully customisable body ( you could create more to use them, upgrade them, build them with a purpose/role in mind, also bodies are useful in multiplayer)
You can change your face, skin color and voice when you want to (at the beggining you customize your personality and voice, face comes later.


I fully support this out of the sheer hilarity


Only if you niggers want to actually post about the damn mechanics or level design or something instead of the concept for the world.

no pls

I want to start off where Spore failed.
The game is going to be about the cell stage to be more precise. Make it look real. Not that cartoony crap. Give it a 3d enviroment and not that Zelda overview stuff. The cell you are controlling is more of a base than a navigatable creature. Think Factorio but you are navigating the factory through a dangerous enviroment. You controll a world inside a larger world and you must secure threats from both the inside and the outside.
You start out as a nucleus and you can attach different parts to the nucleus that gives the cell different abilities. Every attachment gives the cell something called a cell structure. This is the cells life pool. The cellular structure enables you to put other attachment on the cell that has a larger cellular structure requirement.
The main threat to the cell are other cells that are pre created enemies as well and randomised cellular structures cells. These will try to destroy your cell but your cell can destroy other cells and take their structures if you have the right attachments.
Viruses will invade your cell and randomize the structure of it.
Player will be rewarded for creating certain types of cells. Like a bacteria for instance.
There will be a step by step tutorial in game in order to not scare away people because of it's complexity.
Parents will love the game because it's educational for their kids.
Nerds will love it because it's so complex.
Kids will love it because it's let's you create your own world like in minecraft.
I call it "Cell" because it will sell so much and make you loads of money for you Mr. EA employee.

Chad Thundercock VR for MGTOW betas

Experience the life you wished you had but parents didn't raise you for so now you're wearing cargo shorts and claiming waifus on the internet by typing and clicking with your jizz encrusted hands!

Add in pokemon with sonichu as a hidden character

zelda with guns

A game where, now bear with me, where you play a black, 463 pound beautiful Muslim trans lesbian female spy, and you have to sneak around the enemies and do gymnastic. It's so realistic and it will make society think what those big women can actually do... Also no one can badly criticize the game, easy market/PR