Check out Nairaland's gaming section (basically a Nigerian version of reddit)

>check out Nairaland's gaming section (basically a Nigerian version of reddit)
>all of the references to owning a console are PlayStations

Other urls found in this thread:

Guys, for just a second, imagine being this autistic.

If this post makes you feel better by not having any exclusive or even good games to play in 2016 and 2017, by all means, keep it up OP.

>being so autistic you dig through Nigerian (!) websites to find shitposting material

Jesus Christ, user, go outside.

why the fuck are you browsing nigerian reddit

OK, buddy, I think you've been on Sup Forums for a bit too long for your own good. I mean, you actually thought that joke was anything remotely resembling funny.

But PC has plenty of exclusives.

I went there to search "Numbani" to see if anyone there knew what it meant since it's in their country and I can't find what the word means anywhere else.

>some guys are enjoying playing video games while OP complains about it on Sup Forums

PS4's are cheaper than PC and don't require constant maintenance. So obviously third worlders aren't going to spend their families inheritance just so they can browse r/pcmasterrace

Aren't they all living in mud huts under the rule of crime lords?

Ignore these sony babbies op your thread is mondo cool

They actually have a shitton of laptop gamers.

Nigeria experiences constant power outage so laptop gaming is pretty popular there

Yeah I saw that mentioned in one of the comments. I obviously didn't read the whole thread, I just skimmed a few pages.

very nice op keep it up, do you want alien isolation for mortal kombat x?

What's up with that long pinky nail?

I think this thread could become very interesting.
What games do they like, which do they hate, do they have friends, what's their kind of NEET, what are their memes

>What games do they like, which do they hate, do they have friends, what's their kind of NEET, what are their memes
Unfortunately a lot of them speak English as a second language + their English has a lot of Nigeria specific slang so you get conversations like this.

>What's up with that long pinky nail?

Generally that's for snorting coke.

I had no idea africans could afford cocaine, though. I thought they mostly just huffed their own poop

coke sure... not scratching nasty stuff...

2 sure ways you know it's a Ruggerall thread;

>it's about playstation
>nigger in the picture
>trying his hardest to start a console war

Pick two.

>Look at nigerian local listings
>The people are black
I think no matter what you are looking at in Nigeria it will have to do with black people.