This is an anime site! I tolerate western shit enough but Overwatch is too fucking much. You fucking normies fawn over the characters non fucking stop. You hype up Blizzard shit yet ignore many superior Japanese games.

Fucking stop already.

Other urls found in this thread:

like overwatch in cs go?
That's old news

I know its frustrating OP, but don't get too angry.

/vj/ when, lads?

Then give us an alternative you sperg. If you don't give me something to talk about, I'm just gonna stick to Overwatch.

Weebs haven't been relevant on Sup Forums for a decade, newfag.


I agree. This is a site for people who enjoy japanese media and content, so Overwatch should not be tolerated here.

>mfw shitting on Genjis as Mei

People's Republic putting Radioactive Islands in their fucking place

Nah, fuck off to Sup Forums or /r9k/. I'll take normalcy any day of the week.

I haven't been able to play overwatch because it keeps crashing one me, I was on the blizzard help line 4 times and nothing they suggested worked.
Everytime I see people enjoying the game and talking about it (which is all the time) I feel so left out.

Your just upset that Overwatch has better waifu's then any anime ever.

>I feel so left out

Just like real life

Fuck off Sonygger, nobody cares about anime, Vita or Dude Raider multiplayer around here. Go back to Neogaf.

Overwatch is on ps4


But OP, Overwatch is anime.


But Cliffy B confirmed that Overewatch is an anime
so fuck off Haruhi you're not relevant

>been on Sup Forums for ten years
>never been to Sup Forums
>decide to finally check it out
>huge clusterfuck arguing which girl had the shortest socks on a show


>Sup Forums is by far the most popular board
>haven't been on it in years
>forgot it even existed

What the fuck do they do there now anyway

Yaaa gomen gomen

Sup Forums is porn now with maybe 1 or 2 shit posting threads, but all I see now is porn.

Stay salty.

Just porn really. Not a single bit of OC or humor there anymore.

traps, lolis and everlasting shitposting.

also the obligatory newfags calling newfags summerfags calling oldfags newfags calling summerfags newfags.

Furry shit and other kinds of porn threads.

Ok, but what makes it different than Sup Forums?

>weebs are irrelevant because Sup Forums isn't #1 in website traffic
Is that the point you're trying to make? It's wrong. Sup Forums is just a shit board to browse, it's not fun. Not to mention most people don't watch anime as much as they age or grow out of it completely. Just because it has lower traffic doesn't mean we aren't still surrounded by weebs, ya fukkin newfagget.

but it's literally an anime game

Sup Forums is SFW

gaymer gays

It's honestly amazing how the largest board on this site has the least influence

I mean /jp/ is small as fuck but people still use their memes today without even realizing it

Let's not forget the fact that if you go to any board, and I mean any board, you will find at least 1 thread with an anime image in the op.

We all use memes stolen from 2ch


>Sup Forums is SFW

Yeah we still have dumb gore shit and porn posted here occasionally, so really Sup Forums is just what Sup Forums used to be

I miss moot

memes such as?

moot did jack shit but post on /soc/ for whores before he left

the traps and lolis....
it used to have influence then it took a South Korea to the administration. (or some kinda gook)

He did initiate the great mod crackdown and banned fun.

Fucking moot

except Sup Forums has a cohesive topic to post about. Sup Forums is literally for shitposting.


Sage still works its just invisible

Sup Forums is all futa porn spiced with shitty underage meme threads


It never went anywhere you down voting fuck


>just remembering that /s4s/ and /po/ exist
Why the fuck do they exist?



[s4s] is nice and exists for doge threads and bury pink

I sadly browse Sup Forums 10 hours a day and haven't seen gore posted here for at least a year. Sup Forums also has a lot less porn posted here than most sfw boards.

fuck off with your chinese cartoons back to Sup Forums.
this is the vidya board.

You're not looking very hard then.

Are you bum bedazzled because what was once the last safe haven for turbo weebs like you on the internet is now full of people who despise and detest anime?

Please shave my ballsack Suigintou-sama!

It got really bad for a while on Sup Forums for a while. Mods were somehow surprised we didn't stop posting during a 20 minute halftime or 5 minute commercial break

To weed out newcomers like you from our sister site Reddit.

keep crying.

Post tits dumb anime bitch

>overwatch is a hardcore weeb pandering shooter
>whines about "western garbage"

this is why eeryone hates Sup Forumsutistic shitposters

>it's a newfag thinks sage forced the thread off the board quicker with an invisible 'downvote' episode

One of the classic memes. Been going on for 10 years. Love it. Why are the writers for old episodes SO good?

No, not really. How much irony are you shitposting with? Literally no oldfags get triggered nearly as much as newfags do. We're too old to give a shit anymore. Have fun while it lasts, you'll end up where we are now eventually. Assuming you're still here 5-10 years from now.

Did weaboos invent cute characters or something?

porn threads
dick rate threads
furfag threads
spam bot phishing site threads

Sage was a visible indicator to flag shit threads. It was common knowledge that if a thread was bombarded with sage's the instant it goes up that it was appropriate to avoid the thread. That was it's only good use. Without it you get shitty off topic and irrelevant threads that don't belong. Keeping the mechanic but removing the face literally killed it as much as just taking the whole thing away would have.

Go nuts, senpai.

Annoying pleb faggot starter pack: the image

>Cowboy Bebop
As expected of Sup Forums

Containment boards.

Just came in here to call you a faggot. Alright, thread's over. Everyone go home

>mfw using the Japanese voice pack in Overwatch

I don't think sage ever actually worked. All it does is increase the post count.

stfu idiot ill neck you

>Demon Days
Amazing taste, user.

people who play only this kind of games should be labeled autists


This is the most Sup Forums image I've seen

basic but solid, I'd hang out with you

I'll never know why people think these are a good idea.

>hey guys these flies inside our room are getting annoying, how do we get rid of them?
>lets just take a big stinking shit in the hall