>"no one fucking wants VR shit"
Is this true?
Is this here to stay or not?
>"no one fucking wants VR shit"
Is this true?
Is this here to stay or not?
it's definitely here to stay. literally every video game company is pouring tons of cash into developing VR games. the vr helmets that are being sold right now are basically like the big clunky cell phones of the 80s and here in a few years shit will be tiny and streamlined all to hell. it will be sweet.
It all depends on the software
I want it for FPS games. It's just way too expensive for what it does.
>Covering your eyes
What if some stealthy niggers break in and I don't notice until it's too late?
It's still early technology. In the next decade or so it's gonna get pretty big I think. I don't think it will take over regular video games though, it'll be its own thing.
How am I wrong? It costs $500+ and i get to decide what i want.
no u
>tons of cash
oh, yeah, that eagle mini game from ubi is truly mindblowing. How about that XV minigame? Years in development probably.
What about those indie studios making $60 minigames that will be broke in a few months?
Some studios will give support like Bethesda to their already released games. But with time they'll realize no one actually cares.
This legitimately is a factor for me. I already have to have at least one side off if I'm using headphones or the like. I don't care if I'd almost certainly notice if someone tried to break in anyway, the impact on my situational awareness triggers me.
You tell your wife's son to keep watch while you play.
I want it
I'm certainly not supporting it in its current form until it advances further.
They're doing VR demos at Best Buy and Gamestop right now. Go try it out for yourself. playstation.com
I got to play it today and it's super comfortable.
Move out of your shit neighborhood
What if niggers break in when you aren't
I don't care if it becomes a side thing but I really hope it doesn't become mandatory. I don't really have any interest in it.
more like
>"no one can fucking afford VR shit"
I will spend the $400 to ogle Cidney
I wish I was kidding
no that guy's just an idiot. we have this new thing called locks i don't know if he's ever heard of them.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm just assmad that the whole VR industry is shit expensive minigames. But that shit's legit.
>literally me
You sound like a cool guy, I'd like to suck your dick. No homo.
>it's definitely here to stay. literally every video game company is pouring tons of cash into developing VR games
Not literally, and there's no guarantee that the market for VR just won't be enough to sustain it. A lot will ride on the success of the Playstation and Microsoft VR headsets to see if the mainstream will adopt VR with open arms.
>None anywhere near me
>Here to stay
Who knows. All I know is that the common consumer of vidya doesn't give a shit about VR. They'll think it's cool as fuck while trying it at best buy and then forget about it.
What if it becomes so amazing that all you have to do is put on some glasses and there you are, in your own virtual world fucking princess peach.
Well it's nice to see someone else feel the same. I just assumed it was me being a cynical old fuck.
Honest question: What do you personally see in VR? I can't stand the idea myself, as I don't see what it will add to the video game experience.
I don't play games for immersion. Not at all. My favourite games would make for horrible VR. For example DMC3 is one of my favourite games. There is no way I can imagine you make that game in a way that jives with VR.
They'll make a Sword Art Online game, it will sell a billion copies and VR will be here to stay.
>all these children who can't afford VR and instead hate it
I understand tho. You'll change your tune when you get to interact with big 3D anime tits, trus me
but I live on 16th floor behind thick steel door. I would be impressed to be robbed by spider man
It's a better human-computer interface than staring at a small 2d screen
Thats exactly why its called a BREAKin and not a WALK in. People pick locks, ram doors down, etc. Its not unheard of. Shit actually happens.
sao will never be in vr form. Literally never. WW3 and NWO controlling materials will come literally centuries before a VRMMORPG ever becomes feasible
How, exactly?
Still think they need to redesign the headsets to be more aesthetic. Picture related, make them look like the left not the right.
But really. VR will probably take off if it becomes cheaper and gets some kind of system seller of a game. $400 for the cheapest headset right now is just too fucking much when there is still nothing of worth to play.
Sounds exactly like motion controls
I cant see a single reason as to why it would take off over normal monitors.
Its simply too restrictive, and the barriers to using it are insanely high.
I think this iteration of VR will die completely. Maybe the next VR event in a decade or two will do better.
So VR is exclusively for porn-addicted degenerates? Got it.
I think it is really cool, I'd love to try it out and I think I could see it sticking around.
At the minute it is new, so it is expensive and there is fuck all games but somewhere down the line it will get cheaper and have a lot more games and uses.
The only thing that bothers me is that they call it VR when it is not even close to being VR.
It annoys me like hoverboards, they are a basically a segway without the stick, they do not even hover.
If the porn looks good on it, it's staying homie
>living in shitty neighborhoods
Upper middle class white neighborhood fag here. There hasn't been crime here in nearly a decade. I'm laffin at your life
>who can't afford
Or dont want to waste money on a gimmick.
neato I have some coming up in a week
porn is all it could be good for
other than that itll go the way of the motion controller
>You'll change your tune when you get to interact with big 3D anime tits, trus me
Yeah ok slimeball. That's what's going to make VR worth it. Doing something you can already do with a normal monitor while wearing a face monitor.
I think porn might be the thing that saves it, could be the Golden age of POV.
>i don't play interactive storylines with the intent of actually interacting if it's not button mashing
when will the memes end
No one wants the shit for anything other than porn. Even the giantbomb guys said they don't give a shit anymore. They said it was cool last year
Get there early because they hand out tickets. I arrived at 1pm and got the last ticket for a 3-4pm time slot.
>Is this here to stay or not?
Yes, because VR is a gimmick that fascinates casuals to the point where the market for VR will become huge in the future.
Well, stuff can be all around you and you can naturally interact with everything using your hands
Using a monitor with keyboard and mouse shows you very little and your control is very limited
At the moment, not sure.
I have had a couple of experiences with the headsets and thought they were pretty cool but I dont think its there yet. Its not really VR and more like a slightly cooler surround screen, I want to be able to properly interact.
Also it seems too expensive.
I think it will have an initial burst of popularity before becoming dormant for about 20 years.
I would buy one if it didn't cost as much or more than GTX 1080's do
Better camera angles?
The feeling that you're in another world is a good experience as well.
I dreamed of this as a kid.
VR will have about as much legs as the 3D tv/movie meme. People will try it out, realize its this expensive shit that gives you a headache, then return to the regular stuff
Just like Kinect and Eye Toy and Wii!
If the game is an in depth interactive story, why would VR improve it? How can you craft a fantastic narrative where "you" are supposed to be the protagonist? Just picking one positive example, how would VR make something like Silent Hill 2 better?
... o-or with someone in person, user
It is obviously here to stay
It has been a dream for people for decades and we are at the brink of really getting into it.
There is no way they will let this be a gimmick.
Even when I was a kid, the concept of VR was completely "Meh." to me. And I've always really loved games.
It just seems like a completely pointless luxury more than anything. There's nothing about it that truly enhances any sort of game experience, for me anyway. It's pretty much on the same level of Wii's wagglan, to me.
VR giving you a headache can actually be fixed. Turns out the issue was actually low fields of view. Turn it up and it doesn't happen anymore.
Considering after the initiate hype train it derailed. No.
Devices like these comes around all the time, if the initial hype doesnt immediately translate into success the device is dead 99.9% of the time.
VR so massively dropped the ball by releasing way too early and being unable to get the devices out fast enough. Had they waited 3 to 5 more years and developed the tech then actually had a release it might have actually taken off.
You can't mount an oled monitor that is larger than your ceiling to your ceiling to watch tv from bed for the price of a vr headset though
Flight games and vehicle games get the most obvious benefits from VR. Having a full cockpit view is just awesome. No radar taking up the top left side of the screen, look to the side and there's a 3D map of enemies.
I like the idea but the tech still cant provide what I want from it
>huge clunky goggles strapped to your head
>very harware demanding, not many games can utilize full potential of it
>limited controls (you get motion sick if you walk manually)
>no OS and software designed for it. I want to be in fucking matrix not to play wii games
>no hand controls, just shitty joysticks
we are not ready to make that leap
Imagine OutRun 2 as an immersive experience where you can look over your shoulder but keep deiving straight with natural motions, or just look to the side and see your girlfriend having the time of her life because of your excessive drifting
Maybe this is just a personal disconnect, but I don't play games to be immersed into a fictional world, and to picture myself in them. I play games for the same reasons that I watch film, read novels, etc: To experience someone's creative vision. I don't play games to escape my own reality, so these "immersive" qualities don't really seem too appealing to me.
Even if the entire video game industry dropped it cold turkey tomorrow the demand from other industries would keep it going. The genie is out of the bottle for VR and stuff like the rift and Vive are dirt cheap and have godly performance compared to what they were using just a few years ago.
>Flight games and vehicle games
These + porn are the only things I'm interested in.
How do these things not burn your eyes out of your skull?
Never had one on btw
VR is something that can potentially destroy humanity. First it is just VR. Then it could be being able to play with just your mind and no other input. some people could sit in a corner for hours or days and not leave their game and eventually starve to death. Sure it happens even now but this will cause it to happen on a much larger scale if we keep going down this road.
Do not fall for this NWO depopulation propoganda.
you're using comparisons, user. silent hill 2 couldn't, because it's storyline wasn't tailored for a 1st person experience.
however, many tropes from silent hill 2 could be used in a VR horror game. a game that uses the players own personal fears and sins against them, forming them seemingly in front of the player, like those that haunt James in the town of silent hill
Strapping tiny screens to your face is nowhere near the virtual reality anyone dreams of.
I guess we are going to find out with RE7.
I, for one, don't give much of a shit about it, and I honestly can't see any developer in the current industry producing anything truly impressive with it yet.
Maybe it'll be interesting in a decade or two. It'll only be good for porn games for a while, at the very least.
I don't think you're going to meet too many anime people in real life. God help us if I'm wrong about that.
I have zero interest in being "inside" a game so I really don't get the hype.
Besides that and the price I also think it's a pretty cringy look.
It's not going to completely die since it will keep its tech/internet addicted audience but to everyone else its the 3d TV's all over again...WHO CARES
I think it is cool but I seriously can't be fucked to put on a mask every time I want to game. It got old fast, I had the samsung shit. Seems like this is more fitting for an arcade or some shit. Plus do I really want to be taken out of reality even more? I play games a lot and am not about to sit in VR all fucking day on days off. Jesus lord people ask how you can get more degenerate, well this is it folks.
I think companies are doing this just because they feel like they must. There is literally no indication or insurance that VR will really take off. They all just want a piece just in case it does take off, like anything it is an investment. There is no guarantee and nobody can predict the market in the end. That being said I give it a year before people don't care if they do at all. It will be the wii or kinect all over again, just because it is more fancy and way cooler doesn't mean much to me. There's no way it will become as prevalent as normal gaming or watching television.
>$600-$800 for a peripheral
>dirt cheap
If you hate immersion VR isn't really for you
We're not get the kind of virtual reality people dreamed of in our lifetimes.
We'll never get some kind of holodeck like rooms they have on Star Trek in our life time. And even if we did they'd be so expensive no one could afford it.
As for plugging ourselves directly into a computer Matrix style? We still know barely anything about the brain.
Basically every immersive first person game would benefit immensely from even basic VR compatibility. I'd replay GTAV for fucking forever if I got a headset and a VR mod. The really VR-enabled games are a long ways off though.
>white neighborhood
don't worry, Obama and HUD are hard at work to fix that.
I kind of like the idea of VR and it's potential but at the moment there isn't much to it.
I just hope the Jews don't kill my chances of being with a waifu before it's too late.
When the technology is better it will be cool, but at the current stage it's a shitty gimmick
I seriously don't understand why companies think people would want to pay console price for an attachment .. They have a lot of confidence that is for damn sure.
Can't wait for new better hardware tbqh.
Because PORN
It's cheap for what it offers, just not cheap enough to be affordable for most people
>people will buy this shit for muh immersion alone
Welp, looks like were getting more bullshit that will hold gaming back. I just want good games and now retards like yourself are going to be pandered to.
I feel that VR is going to kill gaming for good.
It's aleready kinda dead with most games feeling restrictive as fuck, and a lot of them being made into "MUH CINEMATIC EXPIRIENCE" instead of something with fast and good gameplay.
VR will kill "gaming" as we know it and it will dumb down gaming even further.
but if spider man does come to rob you , you wont see him because of your headset
Just like with any porn it gets old though. And since the porn is so focused on you there isn't a ton of variety, just some dick on a couch and a life sized version of whatever whore in your face.
>>people will buy this shit for muh immersion alone
Why else would anyone buy a VR headset? The whole point is to get more immersed.