Have you ever got hatemail , Sup Forums?
Tell me your hatemail stories
Have you ever got hatemail , Sup Forums?
>tfw i play ds2 and put a 3rd world country on my profile
>get flooded with negative comments for "phantom range" and "cheating for using OP weapons" every time
Nothing of this happens when i place im from the US, so its funny to see soulsbabies crying for shit network choices and placing the blame on others instead of From
Just yesterday I invaded a mexican in Bloodborne just before bsb, killed both his summons one of them being alfred, made him waste his vials and finished him off with an Axe spin to the face
>Using generation of chaos avatars
Its kind of my guilty pleasure, but its a shit tier game, and anyone using those avatars is a confirmed weeb
oh wow, i wonder if they do that on purpose. And i mean coming out as absolute faggots.
Yeah, a few times. I was playing GTA Online. It was a Cars vs. Runners game. I won as the runner and someone accused me of hacking, even though you can't.
I've also sent hatemail. A guy in GTA blew me up as I was delivering something and I was salty as fuck. Killed him a bunch of times in my jet, called him a faggot and he left the lobby. I messaged him and called him a piece of shit. It all ended with me telling him to call me 'mommy' and asking him to take me to Vegas. I regret everything.
Jesus user I've sent hatemail too but not like that, shit I don't even think it was hatemail since I didn't curse or insult him. I just told him in an annoyed manner not to summon me as a dark spirit in DaS3 if he's going to gank
Lol that's the only reason I even played GTAV multiplayer was to blow up faggots cars in the "lobby".
He deserved it. I'm at peace with my salt. I just wish I could message people on my Wii U so I can call them faggots for using Yoshi in Smash Bros.
1v1 brobi.
I used to get a shit ton of hate mail for ranked matches in Soul Calibur 4.
I would spam this Raphael move that some fucking retards had no idea how to block and when they would block I would use a quick powerful unguardable attack. I wrecked niggers left and right.
Also my custom Raphael was a leather bondage fag with a rose as a sword so that usually pissed twats off when they would get beaten badly.
I've had people make alts on opposite faction in wow talking shit to me after i camp them at pvp vendors.
Also i have this one.
Wait, is that actually demo?
Some autistic gaylee faggotron kept spamming a sm4sh stream with his stupid memes, so I told him to fuck off. He said "cry more autist." Some waveyiffing Gaylord melame player who had nothing better to do than troll a stream for a different game called me an autist. Then he blocked me cause he was assmad. Lol.
>1v1 brobi.
I haven't played it since a week after it "launched" like a month after GTAV launched.
As soon as they started charging players for blowing up other players cars and shenanigans to stop piss babbies from bitching about getting killed I stopped playing.
That's the whole fuckin point of GTA.
Lost the picture but it was something along the lines of "I pray your mother gets raped to death."
Every now and then I still ask her if she's okay.
My first and only was in Elite: Dangerous back it's early days of release.
To be fair that's kinda just some fine written questions on why were you being a dick.
>What kind of grown man would get any pleasure out of griefing someone for no gain?
I stopped asking myself that question long ago desu senpai.
So I take it elite dangerous is like eve online?
Because at the time that was all the pirating you could really do. Knock out their thrusters and demand cargo dropped. If they didn't, off I went.
I revealed all sorts of hidden info and caused a ____gate scandal in FF11 that revealed three allied Linkshells (Clans) were corrupt. It was so bad that all three of them shattered and 60+ members were left destitute and looking for a home after disavowing their leadership and officers. I was stalked for it across the net and even RL.
and I'd do it again
that's actually pretty good hatemail