Filename thread

Lets have a file name thread.







Its too meta, shut it down






>that depressed looking knight

every time

I like this one










Also could be
>Refugees welcome














That's good.


he died right?












why why are birds such fucking assholes



It isn't a glitch. Its a feature.


I really wonder why paintings like this exist. What was the thought process behind it? Did they realize how silly it is?






But I can't. I'm too depressed.


I don't get it. Am I blind or something? Or is the joke supposed to be that nothing's there?


What the FUCK was that stealth kill? I can't stop laughing.






Best one so far.


What is that?

what the blue bloody butterflies






It's called a jumping sundog. It happens once in a while.

That's not a lake.

What game is that?

Video games, dumbass.

Jesus fucking christ


You realize you're a millenial yourself, right

I like this one. It made me smile.



top lel



The fuck am I looking at? Is that cloud...breathing?

Video games

What IS it then?
I've never played Alan Wake (if it isn't obvious) and I don't see anything wrong with besides the water being brown.
I'm feeling like a god damn retard right now, and probably for good reason.


It's a wall. The part that looks like the far shore? That's just the sun hitting the top of the wall.