Plot twist is so fucking stupid that ruins the whole game

>Plot twist is so fucking stupid that ruins the whole game

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Any actual examples? Generally anything that bothers to have a plot twist has at least a passable story.

I'm not gonna pretend like this game was a winner to start with, but it's only really remembered for its shitty twist.

Metal Gear Solid 1

Fuck you, PSO2. I dropped the game after it.

Ace Attorney v Professor Layton


It literally turns the whole "MISSING LINK YOU ALL BEEN WAITING FOR" hype into blatant lies.

I fucking hated this animation for Electrode in Stadium as a kid. Shit freaked me out.


Star Ocean 3

Alas my friends you were in an MMO all along!

I don't remember any twists ruining that game. It was pretty stupid and great from start to finish.

Heavy Rain

Came here to say this but goddamn if SO3 isn't a hella nice game

Isn't Snake revealed to be a clone in it

>When FO4 was first announced I joked that your grown-up son would be the villain
>my face when I was right

You have to try real hard to ruin fetid shit

>we all went to the same orphanage but just forgot

>"lol we all grew up in the same orphanage but just forgot. The only one who remembered is the sniper cowboy but he didn't bother to say anything about it."

The only thing that ruined Heavy Rain was Heavy Rain.

Hey guys we really nailed the first half of our game, but how do we make the second half?

Well the first half is an exiled agent losing his mind, but how about for the twist, none of that, instead lets MAKE IT A SECRET CULT THAT YELLS REALLY LOUD, OUT OF NOWHERE, THE DISGRACED AGENT DOES IT TOO, YELL MECHANICS!

Vaas is actually dead

not really
and even then thats not really a plot twist nor does it really ruin anything

Honestly, Far Cry 4.

The ending makes everything you did up to that point feel like a complete and total waste of time. The hidden ending is genuinely 10x more satisfying than playing through the actual game and getting the real ending.

>A plot twist so bad it significantly ruined the other stories in the 2 games preceding
>They began looking at 'alternate dimensions' in Star Ocean 4 but the damage had already been done

One of the few plot twists to actually ruin the stories of an entire series. 3 even did the whole 'we are real because we have consciousness' and ended with a happy ending asspull. Holy shit what a bad ending.

Suikoden 1

I love every game in the suikoden series but the plot twist at the end of 1 is the dumbest shit in the series. I don't know how people can shit on 4 when the end of 1 exists. hurr the king was actually never mind controlled at all, he let the evil enchantress ruin his armies and country because he wanted to teach her a lesson.

I was loving Project X Zone 2, but then they had Maya use the word "misogyny," and it wasn't even in appropriate context. I gradually played less and eventually stopped completely. A part of me just couldn't get past that.

Keep your fucking gender wars out of my video games, developers.

Bioshock: Infinite

The twist itself wasn't anything special to begin with, all of the people talking about how great the twist was just made it worse.

Yeah, was gonna say this. I was loving SO3 then that came and it ruined the rest of the game.

When Min gave me that talk after I fought for an hour to reach him, I literally just let him go and killed the new leader person. Fuck that story was so bad.

But there are infinite parallel universes except not XD

Kingdom Hearts DDD

>Bad guy turns out to be brother
>both are just clones of the bad guy you had to "kill" in the previous game

Sounds pretty plot twisty to me, user

Fallout 4. Granted, the rest of the game does its bets to ruin any semblance of story beforehand, but the "twist" was so shitty that it's obvious they came up with it first and then tried to shoe-horn it into the plot somehow.

Star Ocean 3. the fact that our entire universe was a fucking computer program was fucking stupid.

But constants and variables

its not really a plot twist though since its something no one except the villain cared about
it being clones doesnt matter that much either since its already established you are related to big boss

maybe it was just me being really stupid but the ending felt all over the place and couldnt really follow what the hell just happened. Game was fun but damn I think I need to replay it cause I must of missed something

Life Is Strange

God damn it.

I used to work at gamestop, and one of these faggots you're mocking tried to fight me when I said I thought Blood Dragon was a better game than infinite

Not really, since this is an actual theory to our universe

You know what I think would have helped? The whole Kellogg cyborg thing was a bit of an asspull. They should have had him wear a mask during the scene in Vault 111, and then when you confront him he's an old man. So, you assume he was an old man under the mask, and then realize he was younger during the reveal. Instead of Shaun hand-waving it away with cybernetics.

>must of


But, yeah, The Evil Within was really stupid towards the end, which is a shame, because most of the game was fucking fantastic.

Fucking Star Ocean 3

Yeah, but to the gamer it was supposed to be a surprise. Like, "What?! Liquid is my brother!?" "What?! We're both just clones?!"

It didn't really play out like that, but that's what it was going for.

I liked the gameplay in the game. The story on the other hand is very meh.

Bravely Default

>Must have
Does the dlc clear something up? Havent tried it yet

I like to pretend the game was only one disc long because it stopped being good almost immediately after disc 1 ended in my opinion

>most of the game was fucking fantastic.

I wouldn't say it outright ruined the game but goddamn did the rubber bullets shit make the story go full retard

Dark cloud.

Calm the fuck down Saejima

The entire 210 year gap makes no sense, to be honest. They could've made it just 60 years and it'd have made the state of the Commonwealth more believable.
Bethesda just has a major hardon for 'muh shantytown post-apocalyptic wasteland', even though it makes no sense anymore. On the west-coast you have entirely new nations emerging over time, actual cities, trade and new structures.
Nearly all of Boston is a decaying battle-ground, 200 years after the war. Nobody ever bothered to claim all the perfectly functional structures (that also still have power for some reason, "Resource Wars"? What's that?) and buildings, except for Megaton 2.0 that should by right be completely cut off and under permanent siege by raiders.

You could go on and on for hours about all the pointless shit in Bethesda's Fallout.

The plot twist eliminates every reason to care about anything that happens in this game.

None of it has anything to do with the rest of the Metal Gear storyline nor does it add anything to the storylines of returning characters except maybe explaining why Huey tries to kill himself later in his life.

Venom does absolutely nothing important. Sahelanthropus and Diamond Dogs are forgotten by history in the Metal Gear universe. As a result he does absolutely nothing to contribute to the legacy of Big Boss. You can replace Venom with any random recruit and nothing would change. The only thing important about Venom is that Kaz, the rest of Diamond Dogs, and Skull Face think he's really Big Boss, and again that barely matters because Diamond Dogs does nothing important to the Metal Gear storyline.

Shattered Memories twist annoyed the fuck out of me because after all that shit you got through with Harry the game starts making fun of you for thinking this was a horror game, complete with Kaufman basically yelling at you to grow up.

>Plot twist is so bad it ruins the whole fucking series

Honestly, Star Ocean impresses me in that regard. I can't think of a single other series in any medium that got completely and irreversibly ruined, even the previous titles retrospectively, by a single twist.

Was it really that bad?

lords of shadow

the DLC plot twists were even worse

MGSV managed to ruin itself AND the very first Metal Gear.

It's really sad honestly because MGS2 has one of the best plot twists in video game history.

My theory was the japs enjoyed the Matrix so they decided to put a twist in Star Ocean 3. It was absolutely not necessary to put that "eternal Sphere" bullshit in.

There was another series that did this

It was a point and click adventure series on the PC, and it was a trilogy. The third game ended on a cliffhanger and it turned out everything you accomplished in the first 2 games were just an illusion by the third game's villain. It sucks really.

Holy shit, this text is just too beautiful!

Yes our entire universe was nothing more than a simulation designed to entertain "4d" beings who are also human for some reason. The main antagonist was one of the people that created the Eternal Sphere. He got pissy and decided to delete it. I really can't explain it that well. It is just so fucking bad that I fail to find words that describe how retarded it was.

>plot ends
>but the game keeps going anyway

I was really, really looking forward to entering a 4D space and interacting with unnatural, psychadelic beings while the party struggled to keep their sanity.
Then we entered some futuristic NEET's house as he plays one of the characters on the planet we were just on.
What the fuck.


soo... Star Ocean: The Thread?

3 had fun gameplay but that twist retroactively ruined 2 for me. they're both still some of my favorite games, but whenever i play 2 now i can't stop the nagging thoughts about how it's all just a 4D mmo. it makes me wonder if the Wisemen are some fucked up raid event or just a guild full of assholes.

LA Noire. The homicide case storyline.

"Theory". Sci fi autists sperging out saying you can't disprove it is not a fucking theory.

Kaz being Liquid is the real plot twist of Metal Gear Solid.

they should have ended the game on a bad note and just forgot about the atlus stuff and just alude to it with some voice things.

It was a good twist tho

Saints Row. Literally wtf happened?

>muh star ocean 3

i really don't see how its twist ruins the entire series. is it too meta for you?

Resident Evil did the traitor right.

Revelations, Revelations 2 and 6 did not.

I think the Wisemen were one of luther's methods to cleanse the Eternal Sphere of Symbology.

What happened?

The bionic arm is his wife.
No, really.



Is that le cuck man?

>The bionic arm is his wife.

This >"Woaaaah! I didn't recognize my own best friend, because they had amnesia... woah... mrgrgr"

its entirely possible edea had never seen Alternis without his helmet on. he never takes it off according to in game information

This is the level of stupid I can get behind.

Also is it consensual sex under the church or masturbation?

999 and Dangit ronpaul

Sounds sexy.

Still not as dumb as this.

I'm oversimplifying it.
"In order to achieve an operational status, people close to the Bionics user must undergo an unexplained process, where they become an actual part of the Bionic. It is never fully explained what part of Emily is in the arm, and if the rest of her is alive or in what condition."

Please tell me there's something like this for Fallout 4. I haven't played it, but I really want to know I made the right decision not to. I really want to know that my baseless distaste for anything Bethesda Softworks makes after Oblivion isn't baseless after all.

She must give a really good handjob

drawn to life 2

staying up all night to complete it. Felt cheated after I beat it


Really wish Kojimbo stuck with him being actually possesed in MGS4.

>had to purchase dlc or you were left with "lol u iz dragula now"
Fuck Konami

I dunno man, spectral possession is a lot less stupid than that. In your defense, he did kind of graft a dead body part onto himself for no reason and MGS4 threw the possession thing out the window

Jesus christ this is the worst twist of all fucking time, HURR YOU WERE VIDOE GAMES LOOK AT ME SO DEEP ARHAGHAWRH KILL MEEE

Metal Gear Solid 2

A movie where the plot twist makes the movie awesome: safe haven. Turns out the girls friend is the ghost of the dead wife of the love interest in the movie. If you haven't seen safe haven watch it now

>call of duty zombies
They were just toys all along

No, Like... He lost his wife and arm in an explosion and they put the mind or Soul or whatever of his wife into his fucking arm!