World of Warcraft

>That vanilla WoW memory that always makes you burst into a nostalgic smile no matter what mood you are in

What was it Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Uninstalling it a few months after release when I realized I'd been ripped off.

Letting an inferno run wild in Goldshire.

Hiding from the orc gestapo in the basement of an in using night elf racial.

Finding some dumbass nelf shadowmelded in a cellar during our raid

High Warlord grind.

Skipped like 80% of my classes that fall... and it ended up being my highest GPA semester. The power of WoW.

Watching this happen

I just want them to redo Warcraft 3 on the Starcraft 2 engine. They already have the voice acting files, and Warcraft 3 still gets patches.

Not to mention the HotS models for;
>Vanilla NElf Trio
>Arthas (Model looks a bit ass, maybe use that for DKs) with Frost Wyrm models
>Rehgar for Shaman
>Stiches for Abominations
>Lunara for Dryads
>Brightwing for Faerie Dragons.

It wouldn't be the hardest thing for them to do.

Guild's first Ragnaros kill.

getting my first flying mount

If WoW Vanilla was released as a single player game on a next gen engine would you buy it Sup Forums?

Kiting the world boss dragon from darkshire into stormwind.

Getting the B E N E D I C T I O N


>nostalgic smile
I dont think playing on Nost and vanilla for the first time could be considered nostalgic

More like a rational realization that vanilla actually focused on the journey over the destination and thats what made WoW a good MMO.

Early vanilla maybe, but the 'raid or die' post MC vanilla wow was definitely more focused on the destination.

The corrupted blood incident always brings a smile to my face and how I used to infect people. Vanilla was pretty crap though.

Teaming up with a couple of random people that were questing in the Wetlands to explore the area and search for members of the other faction to kill.
Of course, we didn't find anyone that day.

>Broke AF, just hit 40, can't afford mount
>Ask guildies for help
>GM says she'll give me some gold
>End up running across the literal continent to wintershire in order to get funds
Really makes you appreciate the mount. Now they're given out like candy.

I saved my guild from a wipe by tanking the world boss (Taerer) during one of the 25% health transitions.

Yeah Blizzard. Do this.

That fucker questing with me at khazmodan 13 hours straight, we were going so slow and reading quests, messing around, eating and drinking we barely made it to level 12. Because i was new to the game and changed faction and later server i didnt meet with him again.

Also i remember that time at the entrance of MC maybe, we were dueling before raid and everybody was dying instead of stopping at 1 health, and after couple deaths we realized there was a sneaky gnome mage killing 1 healthers, a whole raid chased the fucker across searing lands(was that the name?)

HD WC3 assets for SC2 already exist. People are making custom games built around them.

When you start at Dwarf starting zone and you group up with some gnome guy and you are still friends after 10 years

Sneaking across continents to do different faction dungeons and the fights that break out at the portals

Getting cheap kills with the mage oneshot macro and being actually a necessity class in dungeons. Also being a portal jew was fun :)

A shame dota left blizzards ass gaping so they had to ruin their modding scene

Not like Dota's modding scene is any better.

>Single player
u wot?

Who else took the Teldrassil - Stormwind/Ironforge pilgrimage!?

FUCK the Wetlands.

Windfury proccing off windfury.

I did on my Druid. Fucking amazing experience, the World felt HUGE back then with no mounts till 40.

The longest journey of any level 6-10s play through.

>Dota 2 modding being able to compare to the Galaxy Editor in any way.

Eh. Even back then just to raid you had to do so much gearing and setting yourself up. Just because the level stopped ticking didn't mean you ever reached the end.

If you don't know what D A P YU VB means then you DON'T KNOW Shit about WoW.

You would think the people who made a game using the WC3 editor would be able to make an editor of the same flexibility.

As someone who started as a Night Elf, taking the journey to Ironforge, and seeing that city for the first time. It was amazing.

Remembering Alamo the Druid. Simpler times...

>Do Zul Farrak with PUG
>Rescue the prisoners at the top of the Pyramid
>Turn around and walk down
>See this

This was the best non raiding moment in vanilla wow

>brb grandma just fell down stairs

>start playing WoW in sixth grade with one of my buddies
>I rolled gnome warlock, he went with night elf hunter
>don't know what the fuck we're doing, decide to level in Westfall
>time to go to Redridge
>don't know how to get there
>spend an hour swimming upriver to get there, aggro every murloc along the way and end up dying to the lake monsters
That and the one song, I think it plays in Dun Morogh, with the lonely violin riff always get me.

Gearing with friends for Kara back in TBC.
I also levelled with them to 70. In dungeons.

Biggest regret was playing on horde. I have no idea why but literally everyone I knew was playing horde so I got shanghaied. Always hated their structures, orc music. Literally only UD and taurens (till 13) we're the only characters I could stomach. I made an alliance alt when nost was popular and had a blast, dwarves the best

The guild leader cucking one of the main officers that knew each other. It killed the guild, but was hilarious nonetheless.

>elwynn forest music

out of game
>grilled ham and cheese sandwiches
>made by my dad
i miss him

Guys I'm thinking off playing a trial account just to see how the game has changed since vanilla. Any suggestions on which of the expansion races has the best starting zone?

WF Critting people for 7k+ with dark edge of insanity

It literally doesn't matter, you will be out of the first zones within like 30 minutes of play because that's how leveling is now.

Eh Goblin starting zones takes fucking hours with all the walking.

Farming Felcloth in Jadefire Run, farming class books in Dire Maul with my Rogue, or getting the Dreadsteed mount.

Those Tarren Mill Raids.

Me and my closest friend in the Human Inn. We're both undead. I'm a Warrior, he's a Priest. We held off an entire army of other players at the entrance of the inn for a good hour.

>walking into Stormwind the first time
>running VC for the first time
>crossing the river from Elwynn to Duskwood and getting killed by a spider
>accidentally getting negative rep with Ravenhold and having no way to up it
>ganking level 30s in the Alterac Mountains

RIP, for some reason gaming memories of loved ones feel so much more real, maybe cause that's where we had the most fun around them

when I was really new to the game, I remember being in stonetalon killing bats on my undead warrior and the blue spear Gargoyle's Bite dropping. at the time it didn't seem like much, but I was the lvl 22 and the required level to wield it was 22.. good ass weapon in vanilla

Tyrs hand ganking
Getting my arcanite reaper
QW opening event
Seeing massive names
Walking through walls
Wall climbing
Walk running
Mount hyjal construction sign
/Train in deadmines carts
Naxx40 thaddius
Furbolg costume
Dance box spam in ironforge

Protection Paladin being the most overpowered if you used the Stacking glitch.
>stack sword buff to 99
>run around hitting other players for over 10k

>You never got to do this because it was patched in a day

>making the famous trek from Teldrassil all the way to Stormwind
>that one time someone kited a world boss to Stormwind and it started fucking killing everything and was unstoppable
>questing Westfall, run into Horde rogue around my level trying to get defias mask, did /wave and he did it back, helped him kill some defias until he got it then we /goodbye

It was a special experience, playing this game back in the day when it was fresh.

>First character
>human paladin
>walking from the starting area to goldshire
>from goldshire to stormwind, see fucking gryphons flying overhead

Never played an MMO and the whole scale just seemed endless, oblivious to raiding and pvp etc just loved the world

God ill never have such a comfy and escapist feeling ever again.

When I was around level 25 I found a group to run Stockades with. We all ended up staying close enough to each other in levels to run all the dungeons from 25-60 with each other. We were all in seperate guilds but when it come to 5-man content and gearing up we'd always group together.

Man, I miss those guys.

>log in
>[Guild]: "Hey user :)!"
>[Guild]: "Sup user"
>[Guild]: "hey faggot"

It'll never be the same, and it feels really, really bad.

I left auto run on while watching the mortal kombat movie on TV, when I looked back I was under stormwind. That's when I figured out you can walk through any wall. Used it to get to old ironforge, caverns of time, aq etc

>Level 5, just entered Stormwind for the first time
>Some guild is turning in the Onyxia attunement quest
>See the whole event play out at the gates, follow them through the city into the keep and die during the final confrontation with Lady Prestor
>my face the entire fucking time
That experience sold me on MMOs. Could not fucking believe that shit.

>end of free beta
>the admin are dropping demons of all varieties on all the major cities, generally ushering in the apocalypse
>i'm a low level nobody watching level 60s go toe-to-toe with infernals as they crash outside of Stormwind(?)
>sometimes i fight skeletons or imps or some useless shit like that and feel like i'm helping

it was incredible.

Gaming is a distraction compared to the company of a loved one

>I miss him
>tomorrow is father's day

god damnit user dont

Getting ganked in the town in Silithus by a paladin. Pally started to bubble hearth, but his hearth was in Silithus. Guards still killed him.

he's not dead.
I moved out.

>Leveling a paladin as ret with a mace and shield like a fucking idiot
>Going to Maradoun to heal a group because I was a paladin and I could do ANYTHING
>swapping to my healing set which consisted of a green dress of the eagle and a hammer that had a chance to restore mana on hit
>Get ganked by an UD rogue named Bloodlord
>Fucking absurd battle ensues and we both use all the important cooldowns like vanish and lay on hands
>battle goes on so long that the forbearance from my divine shield wears off and I can BoP myself
>Eventually I've whittled his health down to hammer of wrath range
>He gouges me and starts to flee
>Manage to cast hammer of wrath
>It crits for like 400 damage
>HK: Legionaire

I lost my fucking shit. It was so good.

Undead or Worgen. Great zones.

Running around with Green Whelp Armor on a pvp server.

this extends past vanilla, but yelling at hunters for doing the most braindead shit imaginable during instances and raids.

why is it called the invisible if I can still see it?