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>shitting on RockCock
what a cunt

Did he just shit on Polygon AND Gawker at the same time? Nice.

He can't keep getting away with it.

Nobody gives a fuck. This is not twitter. We don't want to look at tweets. If we did that's where we would be don't you fucking THINK?

holy shit that's fucking brutal


why is he so based bros?

>cutting off Rockcock's reply

Fuck off

ebin twitter screencap

anything he does
nobody can stop it
he just can't be stopped

Notch is truly living the dream.

They are the same thing, aren't they?

Holy shit rockcock on suicide watch

I used to hate notch but man all this shit he's talking on twitter is making me like him

E-celeb containment board when?

I believe Polygon is on its own, whereas Kotaku is the one Gawker owns. Either way, they all blow.

When you drink bleach first.

Jesus Christ Markus needs to calm down.


Notch has gotten fucking based in his "old age." I never thought I'd forgive the bastard for being such a lazy shit.

Notch seems to get more and more bitter every day.
He should really get a hobby.

He's fucking losing it

He'll be fine.

based Notch, BTFOing of shitaku and polyshit

>Be a billionaire
>No longer have to pretend you give a shit about sjw's
>Spend your days with your feet up in the best house in the world, getting your dick sucked by a your favorite anime girl which you payed for to be made real, shitposting on twitter

Literally living the life.

>tfw you'll never have dontgiveafuck tons of money.

You can't fool me, catposter.

>>tfw you'll never has dontgiveafuck tons of money.

>make 1 shitty, uninished game
>it attracts millions of autistics who create mods and basically do your job for you
>sell it to microsoft for billions
>can literally buy whatever you want
>buy a big mansion with a bunch of shit you won't use other than the giant candy shop room
>still all alone and shitposting on twitter all day

this is actually so pathetic

are there boobies in this game?

Of course he can. He's rich.

>but as long as you can't play games, I'm sure Polygon is hiring

What did he mean by this? That Polygon are a bunch of fakes who pretend to like vidya? Wat?


>still all alone and shitposting on twitter all day

This is literally normie behavior.

that's exactly what he means

it's like us expect we aren't rich

fuck if I had that much money I'd travel all over

>has enough money to do whatever he wants
>he does whatever he wants
>wow so pathetic

Notch is the only vidya related twitter I'm subscribed to. And technically he's not been vidya related in years.

>pretending they wouldn't love every last bit of it

>2.5 billion

Kek guy is living the shitposters dream

2nd burn is 4th grade level, if he's that rich he should do better.

He's a billionaire who spend most of his time here
Ofc he's gonna spill meme magic in the real world

The only consensus reached in that ill-conceived sticky was ecelebs and social media being shit that doesn't belong on Sup Forums.
Nothing will be done, however. Hiro is just fucking around.

>wasting time and money traveling

thats definately why you wouldnt be rich

>you will never be so rich that you can spend the rest of your days sitting in your comfy mansion shitposting on twitter

h-how much would something like that cost?

asking for a friend.


>get triggered by Notch
>go on greentext rant on Sup Forums to hide your butthurt
>everyone laughs at you

Thats what id do anyways

You don't spend that much when you travel unless you're being ridiculous. I spent a couple months in Switzerland for less than a thousand dollars.

You don't need a mansion. I live in an apartment downtown and spend 4 days a week shitposting. 12 hour shifts are great like that.

How much does he make in interest? Millions?
Notch probably makes more money than I do in a year shitposting on twitter for a day.

I was never aware Polygon are pretentious gamers? Is there more info on this?


>gets rich off one game
>never has to do anything of real effort in his life again
>can live the rest of his days doing literally nothing and he wouldn't suffer for it
>lol so pathetic

>let's applaud a guy who intentionally insulted and made fun of many people who lost their job in the crossfire of Hulk vs Gawker

Neo Sup Forums everyone. Get over yourselves.

>getting offended on the behalf of others

Kill yourself.

>making fun of misfortune

thats actually old Sup Forums. like 2 or 3 iterations back

why wouldn't we applaud a shithole like gawker getting blown the fuck out? hulkamania, brother

Fuck off, this is Notch and you obviously haven't been here very long. Go die

>defending him

>sell it to microsoft for billions

> so pathetic

so its pathetic to be poor or rich? what the fuck we must do then?

Maybe it makes sense in Japanese

Why is Rachnera the greatest?

i'm for this. i'm literally pissed whenever i see a rlm or whatver fuck e-celeb reviewer on Sup Forums. fuck them create their own board to contain these shits and threads all over their twitter or youtube drama


Because there were good people who worked there and have families who lost their job because of bad eggs?

>shitty game

its a good game brah


a basement dweller talks shits over notch who has billions

what made notch snap?

t. Gawker paid shill

>anyone working for gawker
>good people

Maybe ill give a fuck in a few seconds....

Nah I dont

MFW I was an early adopter of minecraft

it's called banter.

>gawker shills

You're seeing pure salt. All of us wish we could sell out. Anyone that says otherwise is lying. I'd do pretty much anything for a billion dollars.

Never, I like seeing this shit but not enough to go to another board just for it, and I think most people who don't mind these threads are like that.

Beyond liking or disliking the guy, he's clearly been going through some depression. I know that sounds ludicrous on the surface but suddenly becoming so rich and then finding out how shallow people really are can warp your brain a bit, especially if you were sort of a shy sperg to begin with.
I envy his finances but feel bad for how lonely he must be as far as meaningful personal relationships.
However, I fucking love how little fucks he gives now. Him blowing SJWs out of the water on twitter is hillarious. The sheer intolerance of people who preach "tolerance" is absurd and it's fun to see them roasted when they exit their echochamber/safe spaces.

>Jews on our site.


I'd sell out for a couple billion. I'd suck a pig's dick until it was hollow in front of millions of people with a smile on my mother fucking face the whole time.

Did they close down Kotaku?

>cares about gawker/polygon
>which means he cares about GG
>which means...
Is Mark here RIGHT NOW?
Does he fling shit with the rest of us?


the shills don't know that gold account members can see samefaggotry like that. we jsut play along so they keep wasting time and for our lulz

This whole "M-muh free press" argument is beyond fucking ridiculous, and I'm honestly amazed this case even made it to court instead of just being handed to the Hulkster.
>Obtain a sex tape illegally of a man who does not know he's being filmed, in his own home, and post it online for clicks
>Brag about how you're ignoring a court order to take it down
>Later shame people for looking at Jennifer Lawrence leaked nudes online
These people are fucking hypocrites and I'm so glad they are bankrupt.

They don't understand that free press does not mean free from criticism.


agreed and no they don't think.

>game dev
>e celeb


Maybe if he didn't fuck literally everyone around him in the ass and then have the gall to DEMAND to be thanked for it, he wouldn't have become so hollow with his billions ya think?
Nah, definitely not, he's just a poor oppressed hard working man. He dindu nuffin.

Nor free from the law.

yeah that's pretty much what people have deduced already

i think he already outright said a lot of that a few times before

Based redditretard.

Free press doesn't cover literally anything involved in the case though. Basically they were just trying to steal privacy rights from what celebrities do in the comfort of their own home.
>You were filmed in your own home without knowledge having sex?
>Lol too bad, since you're famous we're gonna post this video and make fun of you for money about it, even though we'd scream rape if someone did the same exact thing we're doing, except to a woman!

>implying Kotaku and most of Gawker is going anywhere

lol, Sup Forums has no idea how bankruptcy actually works.

>waaah a company reported on someting thati disagreed with
>OMG! people are calling me immature and siding with the company???
>that'll show those bigots not to have differing opinions!!!

How many brain cells died for this HELLA FUCKIN EPIC post?

Stop it Mr. Kojima.

t. Soon to be unemployed Kotaku "journalist"

She just is, dude.