>The game doesn't offer Japanese dub
>I don't speak Japanese but I cancelled my pre-order anyways
The game doesn't offer Japanese dub
Other urls found in this thread:
>tumblr pic
Is this the shitposting thread?
>not watching films or any medium in their original language
putting aside your pleb logic
I can still tell the english dub acting is awful. Its to be expected as they are all failed actors unlike much rest of the world in which being a dub actor is consider an acceptable career.
>That girl
Harder to spot bad voice acting when you don't know the language desu
>Let me tell you why I'm such a gigantic faggot
user pls
Miranda is such a fucking qt3.13 holy shit
Why don't people just go into the audio settings and mute the speech volume?
I cancelled 7 of my preorders now i have 0.
So 7-0
Can't believe autists legitimately play games in languages that they can't understand if they've got the option not to.
>nip mc is always deadpan regardless of the situation
>nip girls sound like they are in a competition to see who can shatter the most glass with their voice
Seriously, I like animu but who in their right mind would pick the original audio?
Simone vato
Not all of us are uncultured pot smoking basement dwellers like yourself
If not wanting to sit through this makes me a faggot then direct me to the nearest wall of dicks
Kill yourself.
Okay. You first. I'll catch up.
>being a phoneposting normalfag
>fuck the consumer for wanting options!
No, seriously. You are a dirty spic, please end your existence.
Oi vey, I wonder who could be behind this post?
You're posting on a mandolorian log forum. You are just as awful as anyone else here. Shut yer trap cunt and keep shitposting while frothing at the mouth. Surfs up faggot
What kind of language are you speaking?
I can speak 3 languages and on my way to 4 but I don't seem to recognize yours.
Its idiomatic.
Btw speaking like a faggot does not count as a language.
How does your father communicate then?
Same way he got into your mom's vagina. He just farts Like the beaner you hate
Nice try, beaner. Try to articulate a proper sentence next time.
Said the one who ridiculed family first. May i suggest a proctologist to remove your head,your dads dick and grammar police badge out of your ass?