Over the past 10 years (and particularly in the last 5), I have spent over $4600 on Blizzard products and services...

Over the past 10 years (and particularly in the last 5), I have spent over $4600 on Blizzard products and services. Without WoW subscriptions, it's a little over $3300. From 2011 to 2016, that's an average of approximately $660 a year.

Ask me anything.

Buy me 50 Hearthstone packs.


you spent more money on non-WoW Blizz games?


When and where do you plan on killing yourself?

Can you livestream it?

I only have 1 question, user.

Are you retarded?

Make that two:

Do you have stockholm syndrome?

Like, I understand buying the games and paying the subscription, but what the fuck did you spend all that money on? Was it Hearthstone packs?

Probably the Crown of the Hungering Jew and other shit like that.

Hopefully not on buying gold. The only thing worse than a blizz-supporting faggot is a blizz-supporting faggot who buys gold from the chatspamming chinks.

Hearthstone is a shit game.

I said products and services, so things like character transfers, name changes, etc. Remember, this is over the span of 5 years for the most part.

Probably never and no.

A lot of it is the in-game store, yeah. I've never bought gold outside of the WoW tokens.

I enjoy their products. Do I need another reason?

I don't count tokens as gold buying so you're safe on that front.

You're still retarded, though. Go play FFXIV.

I don't believe I'm retarded or have any kind of psychological disorder.

I'm not retarded enough to play Weeb World XIV.

>Probably never and no.

Are you willing to rethink your options? All suffering goes away when you are dead.

How would you know?

Why do you think anybody cares? Why would you even keep track of that shit?
>I said products and services, so things like character transfers, name changes, etc. Remember, this is over the span of 5 years for the most part.
So you're an indecisive piece of shit who is never happy with what he has in WoW?

I have died many times in the past. Do not ask questions. You are the only one who can read this.

>Why do you think anybody cares? Why would you even keep track of that shit?
Because it seems a lot of people don't understand the mentality of Blizzard "whales", and since I'm one of them I thought I could provide some insight. Clearly the cost I listed was enough to urge a response.
>So you're an indecisive piece of shit who is never happy with what he has in WoW?
Yeah, basically. I don't use the services very often, but over time they do add up a bit. I certainly wish they were cheaper and they definitely could stand to be.

Nothin' weeb about it. It's a fairly good game overall though it's the same overall as wow gameplay wise. i mean, you realize you are basically the pot calling the kettle black here, right?

Probably. Final Fantasy as a series never appealed to me for some reason. Why would the MMO be any different?

If that's the case, the same reason WoW did, other than you can have every class on the same character, crafting isn't a shitty list of items and the quality is affected by your actions while making it, and the dodge mechanics are superior in that, as long as you're not "in" the marker hwen it goes off, it won't hit you even if you run back into where the giant 10 ton hammer is going to land in a second.

This board is populated by people unwilling/unable to spend $60 on a video game, nobody here really cares about what goes through the minds of whales except piece of mind that they can blow their money on frivolous shit like character services and microtransactions.

I always assumed they did care because almost every Blizzard thread has at least a few retards calling everyone in the thread jew-enabling pieces of shit because they spend money on things they don't personally like. So my goal is try and talk to those people and see why they think people like me are stupid or whatever they seem to think.

>as long as you're not "in" the marker hwen it goes off, it won't hit you even if you run back into where the giant 10 ton hammer is going to land in a second.
That doesn't make sense to me. Why wouldn't the animation pair up with the damage effect?

It's less about whales and more about, why on WoW? It's not been good for ages now and it just sounds like you're spending money on a dead game.

I say this as a whale in games myself though, FFRK has taken a noticable chunk of my money, many mmos do, but blizz has not.

It's hard to explain, yet oddly feels more natural/makes more sense when you try it. It's great for tanks too so they can get back in position and there's less risk to turning the boss towards the raid at any time.

I've got two questions for you.
One, do you regret spending any of that money, overall or in particular?
And two, did you buy any Overwatch boxes?

WoW isn't dead at all, though. Just because they don't report sub numbers anymore doesn't mean the game has died by any reasonable measure, especially compared to other sub-based games on the market.

Also, World of Warcraft is my favorite game and always has been, even through the shittier expansions. I've gotten so much value for my time in that game that I don't mind spending money on character transfers and faction changes and shit once in a while since I like to keep the game fresh for myself in that way.

I only regret buying little things like name changing once just to name change again, or buying certain heroes in HotS during sales that I didn't actually like and only bought because they were on sale.
Actually, I regret buying the Starcraft expansions. I keep telling myself I'll play those games but I'm total shit at RTS games and always have been, WC3 included (even though that's one of my favorite games ever as well).
And yes, I bought 3 packs of 50 boxes. The first set was great, the second was total shit, and the third was okay. At this point if I were to buy another set it would just be for the currency from duplicates and maybe the chance for some legendaries/epics. I can't play that game for more than an hour at a time because the matchmaking makes my blood boil sometimes.

I meant to say that I get impatient about the grinding system because it feels like it takes forever and a lot of the boxes are pointless, hence why I don't play too often. I'm only level 48 IIRC.

What about the fact that if you had invested that $4600, you'd have made upwards of $10K with ease from it, playing the stock market or even just portfolio investing?

Why does every thread about wow have someone instantly talking about XIV?

Oh I'm not basing it on sub numbers. I went back for the free week when they gave us all WoD for free last month. Ded everywhere I went. Noone in any zone but the endgame zone and even then there were only a few. Everyone's in their garrison or queue'ing. Ashran wasn't doing poorly, but queue times were shit even for healers. Every server on the list was Low pop.

Numbers will surge again when Legion hits, but only because of idiots, stockholme syndrome people, and the edgelords that "WANNA BE A DEMON HUNTER LIKE ILLIDAN! :D" and falling for their clear marketing manipulation. Then it'll droop down again.

In the big picture wow isn't dead per se, but things like the long-term testing of their cash shop to make sure it's ready/capable, cross-realms "zones" to prevent merging servers(even though that's literally what cross-realm zones are, just with a slight and PR-friendly twist), the "free to lv20" "trial" that now applies to existing accounts too, not just trial accounts, and other little things here and there, they're basically ready to go f2p whenever they feel sub numbers are low enough. Which won't happen until people fucking wise up. At which point, numbers will surge again, and people like you will blow wads of cash on the new cash shop shit they add at that time that's more in line with other MMO cash shops.

I do have money in the stocks. I'm actually invested in Activision-Blizzard and I've made about $2200 from them since 2014. Same thing with Amazon. Either way, not every stock is a guaranteed return.
I should probably mention that I'm practically rich from an inheritance, so comparatively $4600 is not a whole lot. I actually recently lent my friend about $2700 total for rent because she would have gone homeless otherwise. She's slowly paying it back but I had already resigned myself to the fact that I might never see that money again.

Oh. Then yeah, your expenditures are pretty passable. I'm sated question-wise. You sound like a relatively chill faggot.

Because its the superior version of WoW that isnt shit.

>Spending that much money on cosmetics name changes etc etc
How it feels to be a completely retarded?

why cant blizzdrones just not preorder legion so they can finally get rid of the 15/mo jew model, that's all we had to do, theres no point of preordering a year early, shoulda just preordered a week early and the 15/mo woulda been gone for this expansion


Thanks. Just thought I'd like to give some kind of face to the whales everyone here hates for no good reason.

Oh, well yeah, the leveling zones are pointless to go to, that's why they're always empty. They're taking small steps to improve that like retuning the scaling and leveling speed, but in general they're pretty resolved on making only endgame matter. I don't personally have an issue with this because I have 10 level 100 characters and I don't feel like leveling another one. (And before anyone asks: no, I have never purchased a character boost).
You just admitted that the population fluctuates with content releases, but that's always been the case, at least since Wrath. I'll admit that this content drought is pretty absurd and the pattern of it is irritating, but I just play other games in the meantime. I'm not a hardcore raider or anything. Kind of a jack-of-all-trades player in that I indulge in every part of it to some degree save for pet battles because that's fucking boring.
And I buy things that seem worth it to me, so yeah, I have purchased a lot of the store mounts. I do wish I could earn it in game somehow instead, but I'll take what I can get if it seems like a fair deal and isn't P2W.

Feels pretty good spending money on things I like.

They'd have to lose an insane amount of subs to go F2P...like, sub 1 million. It's an absolute last resort tactic for MMOs, and in some ways an admission defeat. Blizzard will delay that as long as possible regardless of whether or not people buy the expansions.

After what happened to other MMO's after going F2P I'd rather it didn't.

Isn't cosmetic DLC just the greatest, OP?

Full buyer of doa5 dlc here.


Did you have fun?

I don't understand fun

I'm fucking embarrassed for you.

Here's my question: How many hundreds of tons do you weigh at this point? Which Mountain Dew variant is your favorite, and did you ever fap without washing your hands after eating Cheetos at your computer?

how much have you spent on gaming outside of Blizzard, comparatively?

I like blizzard games too and played wow for 10y or something, but im still not retarded enough to spend shitloads of money for jewscam cosmetics
>bu-but i like to get robbed while i eat shit!
Dont breed pls

If I didn't have a wife and kids, I'd be right there with ya, buddy. Fuck the haters.

It can be. Some of it is stupid or weird but some of it can be fucking great. I actually have a legendary skin for every character in Overwatch and use them all the time because many of them actually look better than the original skins.

Overall? Yes. I love Blizzard as a company despite some of their bullshit over the years. They seem to be getting better in general and working for them is actually my dream job, though I know that's a dream's dream away so I settled for something more tangible like pursuing teaching.

I'm 6'4" and 170 lbs, so not fat in the slightest. Baja Blast is my favorite variant though I don't drink soda too often (hence why I'm thin). I've never eaten and then fapped without washing my hands, though I have done the opposite (fapping and then eating without washing my hands).

Honestly, probably the same amount or perhaps less over the years. I have a PS3 and probably about a dozen games for it, a PS4 with less than 10 games for it, and a Wii U with like 5 games for it. All of those were purchased at full price.

Why make this thread?

Following up by saying that if I had to give some kind of estimate then I probably spend about $1k a year on video games on average. For my primary hobby, that seems pretty cheap tbqh.

See here

One man's trash is another man's treasure. I'm sure you spend a fair amount of cash on shit I couldn't care less about.

Rate your experience with marriage and children out of 10. I'm genuinely curious.

Before he answers, that rating will vary heavily on the relationship in question. One man's 4/10 is another man's 9/10. Then variables like the woman being a cheating whore, or staying together for the kids because they love the kids, just not each other anymore, etc.

8/10. Less time for vidya, but I'm enjoying it. It's not for everyone, though.

>Probably the Crown of the Hungering Jew and other shit like that.

That's impossible, it's only 25 bucks


>Fuck the haters.
This statement is essentially:
>stop disliking what I like
For no other reason, you believe your opinion superior and more valid.

That's nice. I'm on the fence about kids, and marriage seems like a trap waiting to happen. I almost never want to get married out of principle until the family court laws change because right now almost nothing works in favor of the man in the event of divorce. However, I do fantasize quite often about committing myself to a relationship that results in a happy marriage, though I'm fearful that that's just a rare fantasy.

I forgot to mention that I actually haven't bought any of those cosmetic hats. They stopped making them because people hated them so much, and rightfully so: they're fucking hideous.

Well that's part of the point of the thread. Let it out, buddy.

>For no other reason, you believe your opinion superior and more valid.
And you don't?

>And you don't?
Everyone has a right to an opinion even if I disagree with it.
I understand that other opinions exist and mine aren't invalidated by theirs, theirs aren't invalidated by mine.
The two can coexist.

>Be Nintendodrone
>Spend $300 a year in gaems
>Sell everything and make $350 back due to "collectors" editions, some games gaining value due to low quantity, or just simply using a coupon or waiting for a brief sale at a store then reselling around Christmas time
>Even considering selling old N64 and Gamecube games which are even worth more than what I paid for them over a decade ago
>With the exception of shovelware games, I'll make bank

Literally get PAID to play Nintendo games for the last few years. Will probably recover 90% of my money on ALL of the Nintendo games I've bought in the last 2 decades if I wanted to (only reason I won't net a profit is because I've got a few shovelware games that went from $50 to $0).

Feels good man. Don't be a Blizzdrone OP.

Well, "stop disliking what I like" has an opposite version which is "stop liking what I dislike". Gotta take that into account as well and apply it to the other people in this thread.
The point of saying "fuck the haters" in this context is a way of telling me not to worry about those equally worthless opposing opinions, which I wasn't really worried about at all. I'm just here to be a punching bag for some people and let out their confusion about why people like me buy into Blizzard stuff.

Eh, I don't care too much about reselling stuff, but that's a good gig you've got going on there and lots of others do that too. It's not a bad idea.

But my opinion of "fuck the haters, I'm enjoying myself" is invalid? Mmk

No fuck that. I'll take a subscription model over it becoming Freemium like SWTOR, because we KNOW that's what'll happen.

> those equally worthless opposing opinions,
Opinions you disagree with aren't worthless. Sorry.

>But my opinion of "fuck the haters, I'm enjoying myself" is invalid?
I am criticizing it and trying to get you to change your mind to be open to accepting other opinions.


Oh, wrong thread.

No him but that's not why "haters gonna hate" exists. A hater is a person that simply cannot be happy for another person’s success. Instead of giving acknowledgment in courtesy, a hater often pursues his/her point by exposing a flaw in the target subject. Hating, the result of being a hater, is not exactly jealousy. The hater doesn’t really want to be the person he or she hates, rather the hater wants to knock them down a notch. Hence why they say shit like

>you ain't a real nigga unless you grew up in a shitty house like I did! You didn't EARN that money.

Because in their eyes in undermines the person they hate and makes them less successful than they really are. It has nothing to do with opinions, saying that haters gonna hate is just saying that you don't let the negativity of haters get to you.

You have spent the last hour posting in this thread on a Saturday night on 4 chan. Yet you don't even sound like a blizzdrone, probably a bit more rational. Was it worth it OP? To create this shitty thread?

Yes, actually. I've been pretty bored this summer and have been itching for some decent conversation. It masks the CRIPPLING LONELINESS so yeah it was worth it.

You don't belong on Sup Forums

The definition of a hater has been turned into anybody who criticizes or voices a negative opinion of something someone dislikes.

Whether or not I agree with that isn't relevant.

I said they're equally worthless because neither one actually matters.

The only games you play are Overwatch, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and WoW. I literally don't have time to play anything else because I'm too busy trying to achieve shit in Blizz games if I miss a day of grinding I will fall behind. They own me.

Did you mean the only games YOU play? Because I don't play Hearthstone.

Yeah I meant me, I'm a fucking retard with a bad taste in games.

Buy me an Overwatch key.

No, they are still the classic hip hop haters. And the easiest way to understand this, is that no one, especially on Sup Forums, is a hater of unsuccessful people, unless the target is someone that's just a horrible person (which doesn't make you a hater, you just hate that person because they're legitimately a terrible person like Phil Fish). There's no point in hating unsuccessful people, because they've never accomplished anything and are objectively losers. Unless you're just a legit shithead that likes to shit on people who are already failures.

But they don't, they target the successful. Blizz, EA, Activision, etc wouldn't get anywhere near the dislike they did if they weren't billion-dollar empires that you can't stop. Thus, to want to undermine them and make them fail, because you think they don't deserve the success they have, it makes you a hater.

Don't worry, I am too. But I'm a happy retard.

You are appealing to popularity here.

>You just hate them because they're popular!

There are reasons to dislike them and criticize them or their games.
And people can and do.

No, not popularity, success. That they make money you don't believe they deserve.


why are you so awful with money?

Whether or not I believe they "deserve" it isn't relevant. Honestly, unless they cheated and stole the money, they earned it.

Do I think their games are any good? Not since Blackthorn.

>Whether or not I believe they "deserve" it isn't relevant

Then you aren't a hater and don't truly understand their mindset. Pic related isn't directed to you, but if you've ever met a legit hater then you know how Tupac feels here.

i know that feel, senpai


This is popularity in the market.
A popular game is a successful one because popularity in a capitalist market.(read: the ones blizzard sells its games in)

The merit of criticism is not derived from the character levying the criticism.

Does Blizzard have any chance of returning to form?

Diablo 3 is so far the only unforgivable sin they've commited in my books

You have a collection going but its all garbage, you could have collected anime figures...

>The merit of criticism is not derived from the character levying the criticism.

I disagree. Haters should in fact be discarded in what they say, because they only wish to tear you down. Their criticism has no intention of wanting you to improbe.

Isn't D3 actually good now?

>calls something garbage
>willingly collects anime figures


No. I fell for the "RoS fixed everything" meme. Don't make the same mistake I did

>Haters should in fact be discarded in what they say

No, you do the opposite.

>If you got ten haters, you need ten more! Haters gonna hate, so let them do your job. That's how you know you on top of your money game, or they wouldn't waste their time with you. Hate on bitches! ~ Katt Williams

the only thing ROS did not fix was the childish grudge you 30 somethings still have against blizz

do their job*

This is logically fallacious.
I was not giving you an opinion.

>The merit of criticism is not derived from the character levying the criticism.
This isn't an opinion.
This is logical axiom.

>Ask me anything.
are you okay, dude? i.. i'm sorry to hear that.

>Their criticism has no intention of wanting you to improbe.
Again, you're making logically fallacious statements. That's a red herring fallacy.

The intention of criticism has no bearing on whether or not it is valid.
If two people make the same criticism, but one hates you and is just doing it to tear you down, but the other is doing it out of love?

Does that mean the criticism is both invalid and valid?
That is the problem with your statement. You have created a system in which criticism is paradoxical in its nature and only valid when it comes from someone you personally like.

Which means that if you dislike someone, and decide that they're only doing it to "tear you down," their criticism is invalid. The same criticism, later, if you decide you like the person and become friends, then becomes instantly valid because you no longer think they were trying to tear you down.

But it's the same criticism and it's the same analysis, it's the same facts and points and reason.

Logic only gets you so far nigga, it's a limited commodity in the real worl. We ain't robots, people live their lives practically ruled by their emotions. Otherwise this place wouldn't be as angry as it is.

When you live a life where people want to bring you down all the time, don't want to see you succeed because they never succeeded themselves, you learn to not give a fuck what they think. Because once you do, they'll tear you down and make you a poor nigga like they are.

Giving in and saying, "I don't have to logic because we ain't robots" is defeatism.

In either case, you aren't defending your position and your aren't going to convince me or anyone if you appeal to emotion and plead that they believe you for no other reason than you asked really hard.

I'm not trying to be hard on you, really, but, what you said boils down to saying, "My opinion is the only one that matters and criticism only matters when I want it to because that's just how I feel about it."

There's nothing defending your opinion. At all.
to put it shortly:
That which is stated with no evidence can be dismissed with no evidence.


Sorry, asserted without evidence.