Can someone explain Taro doesn't just go direct anime since, you know, HIS GAMES FUCKING SUCK AS GAMES

Can someone explain Taro doesn't just go direct anime since, you know, HIS GAMES FUCKING SUCK AS GAMES.

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Can someone explain Kojima doesn't just go direct movies since, you know, HIS GAMES FUCKING SUCK AS GAMES.

Nier was fun when you didn't have to grind for materials.

Can someone explain Burch doesn't just go direct his life since, you know, HIS GAMES FUCKING SUCK AS GAMES.

Video games are probably cheaper to make than anime

you have got to be fucking trolling. You're comparing the manpower behind making a cartoon to a video game.

Can someone explain Kamiya doesn't just go direct Japanese Fez since, you know, HIS GAMES FUCKING SUCK AS GAMES.

He has a manga and Nier was good outside of the story. Plus that's why Platinum is onboard for Automata.

t. someone who doesn't know shit about anything
20 minutes of an anime can cost hundreds of thousands of hours, Taro's games are long as fuck.

An anime episode costs 100 to 200k usd apparently, so 12 eps range from 1 to 2.5 million dollars. Games are usually a lot more expensive to make.

The way he does story in video games takes advantage of the medium. Interactivity and replayability in vidya make retreading the same material (with minor changes) tolerable, even fun.

It would be boring if it were like that in literary or cinematic format.

>Video games are probably cheaper to make than anime
not the 100M budget ones

That's what's great about it. It adds to the games since it sucks so much.

That's what happens when video games try to ape Hollywood.

He has his strengths and his passions like anyone else. He knows how to play to them, but when it came to compensating for his weaknesses, he either lacked the knowledge of how to do so or simply did not have the ability to do so.

I'm inclined to think it was mostly the latter. Cavia wasn't exactly Square's top talent. And as a designer, his ideas, while unconventional, are usually sound in concept. Most of his games' failings just come from jankey-ass programming. And that shouldn't be a problem with Platinum on the case.

It sort of works for Drakengard because of how batshit insane everything is and Nier was above average, the 10/10 story, characters, and OST were just the icing on the cake.

So the Japanese just throw money away making stupid shit like pic related? No wonder their economy is fucked.

you know your pic is a money printing franchise. right??

>you will never be this alpha
why live

Taro is more like a novelist that somehow ended up making games.

Its a good thing.

>he doesn't know that the terribleness of the game just adds to the despair that the game makes you feel with the story

>someone who knows nothing about the anime industry makes assumptions about the anime industry


The final song in DD3 is basically "look, I'm not fucking around."

This. Seems that while he has great ideas and philosophy with respects to how to tell stories in a video game, the programming and implementation of the ideas goes down the shitter due to having Z-team programming.

>Taro is more like a madman that somehow ended up making games.

Fixed for accuracy. The bigger question is, how the fuck does he keep being able to make new games when his games don't sell at all? Does he's give really good head, does he know someone at SE diddles children, is holding their children hostage?


I don't say things like this very often, but to be frank OP I think you kind of just don't get Taro games.

He makes them play his games for hours on end until their spirits break ala jigsaw

I'm going through Drakengard 1 right now, and I think I actually felt myself going mad just from the first level. The awful controls and camera, the hordes of enemies coming seeming out of nowhere, a useless minimap meant I was lost, and on top of that the music felt like Azathoth's courtiers playing directly into my mind.

The misanthropic dragon is entertaining though.

>The misanthropic dragon is entertaining though.

Angelus is the only character I'd consider anywhere close to 'good' in the whole story. Everyone else is an asshole or a pervert.

Apparently they sell really well in Japan. At least Drakengard does. Not sure how NieR sold in Japan, though.

Has ties to the yakuza and knows SE secrets. SE higher ups don't want to get fucked over by the Yakuza so he gets free reign.

You don't really want to see whats under that mask.

In addition to his games selling well in Japan, Taro is well-liked by SE higher ups and they just let him do his thing as a result.

leonard did nothing wrong

So what's going to happen when he puts out a game with actually good gameplay?

Pic hopefully related.

An inter dimensional portal will open over tokyo and a battle of rhythm will take place.

This. The last boss will be another hard as balls rhythm minigame.

Inuart is the best Drakengard

He is not arioch, i want her to devour my children if you catch my drift.

And then the game tells you to put on your PSVR headset.

Because it boots right into Ace Combat 7

>There are people who don't relax to DoD1's music

It's insane. It's such soothing relaxing chaos.

>What is a world without Furiae?
>No more gods, we are free! HAHAHAHA

Desu all of that pretty much sold me on him, guys a fucking madman and its amazing.

you and me bro, you and me.

>Inuart is the best Drakengard

Inuart.....really?? The guy who convinced himself he was so in love with a girl whose only goal was fucking her own brother, to the point that he makes a pact with a dragon just to fuck everything up beyond repair....?

Cuckolded by incest. What a way to die.

Its not what he did, but how he did it.

He was a goofy cunt and owned that shit, it was amazing.

>not relaxing to this comforting piece of music


>dat feel when it wasn't Arioch but her weapon which apparently induces cannibalism in its wielders

I don't remember that, wasn't because of the pact?

someone post the washing machine

>You don't really want to see whats under that mask.

delete this

It's herasy like this is why we've been cursed with shit posters in recent nier threads.

This is illegal.


All this talk of Drakengard and Nier recently makes me want to replay them both.
Drakengard emulates like shit though I wish they would remaster it/port it PS4's PS2 emulator or whatever

>emulates like shit
Are you sure that's not just the game's naturally shitty state making it seem that way?

Its not taro.

drakengard is great, FUCK YOU

Both the original Drakengard and NieR had stories that could only be told through video games.

Drakengard specifically was social commentary on the video game industry's glorification of murder.

I don't know exactly what you're referring to with NieR, but I agree at least on the aspect of replays revealing more about the enemies and their motivations.

Lots of media can and does perspective flips of the original story, expanding on the antagonists. But the way it works in NieR is more like, after finishing a movie, rewatching the exact same movie has additional scenes without any prompting on your end.

That, and the final ending, of course, doesn't really work in any medium but videogames.

not real

The stuff he does only works because they are games you idiot.