Here's a list of changes made since the alpha demo that an observant user put together yesterday
>The life and stamina bars are now more colourful, as is the spirit guardian gauge
>Quick-item slots have been made bigger on the HUD, and have been expanded to encompass the entire D-Pad; also it seems that two sets of items can be mapped to the D-Pad and swapped on the fly
>Quick weapon switching is now done with R1 + the D-Pad, with the weapon icons subsequently being moved over to the stance indicator
>A second missile weapon can now be equipped
>The lock-on system has been changed to work more similarly to Zelda or Souls; running backwards while locked on isn't possible anymore
>William's breathers after running out of stamina seem to have been shortened by half
>Dodges and rolls now seem to have more weight to them and seem less glide-y than they were in the alpha
>Durability has been removed outright
>On-screen messages display whenever a proficiency point is earned for the equipped weapon, with a little display at the bottom of the screen showing how many you currently have
>Drop rate seems to have been toned down a bit, so every enemy isn't a piñata of useless gear