10 Minutes of New Nioh Gameplay w/ Dev Commentary


Here's a list of changes made since the alpha demo that an observant user put together yesterday

>The life and stamina bars are now more colourful, as is the spirit guardian gauge
>Quick-item slots have been made bigger on the HUD, and have been expanded to encompass the entire D-Pad; also it seems that two sets of items can be mapped to the D-Pad and swapped on the fly
>Quick weapon switching is now done with R1 + the D-Pad, with the weapon icons subsequently being moved over to the stance indicator
>A second missile weapon can now be equipped
>The lock-on system has been changed to work more similarly to Zelda or Souls; running backwards while locked on isn't possible anymore
>William's breathers after running out of stamina seem to have been shortened by half
>Dodges and rolls now seem to have more weight to them and seem less glide-y than they were in the alpha
>Durability has been removed outright
>On-screen messages display whenever a proficiency point is earned for the equipped weapon, with a little display at the bottom of the screen showing how many you currently have
>Drop rate seems to have been toned down a bit, so every enemy isn't a piñata of useless gear

Other urls found in this thread:


The games' joint-directors, Fumihiko Yasuda and Yosuke Hayashi have also been giving a few interviews to the press the past week or so; here's basically everything of note that's been gleamed from them

>None of the Oni script written by Kurosawa and his son (And then tighened up by Shibusawa) that the game was originally based around has made it into the final version, with the exception of the protragonist being a blond samurai
>The game is 60-70% completed, but they're still aiming to have it out by late this year
>Reaffirmed as a PS4 exclusive for the foreseeable future
>The game has very little, if any, of the sexual elements present in DoA or Ninja Gaiden, as the team felt it wouldn't fit the tone of the game at all
>"A wealth of side missions" will be avaliable
>There will be potential post-release balance changes
>It doesn't look like invasions will be present (Which makes you wonder what Shibusawa's "ability to meddle with the worlds of other players" remark meant), but a PvP arena might make it into the game
>The beta demo in August will feature a tutorial and a new stage, with the boss being a Hinoenma, that creepy demon lady from the TGS and E3 trailers

And of course, the thread theme

>>Durability has been removed outright
Good. Useless mechanic.

>for the foreseeable future

Ah cool I guess we are getting a PC version.


Don't get too optimistic, they didn't sound too positive about the chances of it. Hilariously (or perhaps alarmingly), 18 months later and they're still pissed off about the nude mod thing.

Here's the story, in case you missed it originally.


Why are From and Nintendo the only developers who understand three dimensional level design?

Considering how well Dark Souls does on PC. They would be stupid not to.

in other words, the game is now full casual mode. good job.

>None of the Oni script written by Kurosawa and his son (And then tighened up by Shibusawa) that the game was originally based around has made it into the final version, with the exception of the protragonist being a blond samurai
Fucking lame.

Another good game casualised and turned into memeshit for the Twitch crowd.

fr*ckin pussies lmao

You'd assume so, it seems strange that they're quite hostile about the idea.

I guess it must've cut into their ridiculous DLC profit margins for them to get this pissy about it.

>tecmo koei pc port
horrible ports man

>Koei Tecmo PC port
Expect a garbage port.
Dark Souls is more Western in terms of aesthetic, unlike Nioh. As for DoA, of course they're gonna get mad when you mod what you want in instead of buying the DLC.

That video looks way too easy..

I reallllly fucking hope they did not tone down the difficulty. I'm also not a fan of the removal of durability.

Assuming that this mission is straight after the Nue fight in the final release version, he's absolutely over-levelled. No way in Hell you'd be at Level 40 after your first time doing the second stage.

They said they didnt mess with the difficulty.

I hope you're right user.


I'm not going to lie, it really seems like they fucked up. They ignored everything from Oni, they casualized the lock-on, the active reload stamina thing, and got rid of durability. The alpha demo was everything I wanted it to be, but this seems like they're taking steps in the wrong direction. What the fuck do I care, I've been waiting on this too long not to buy it.
This game has been a Playstation exclusive since before you were born, kiddo.

The ki pulse system is exactly the same, only that running out of stamina now is a little more forgiving.

And the writing was on the wall about the Kurosawa thing right from when they re-revealed the game

>no official mention of Kurosawa or the Oni script at all since the game was resurrected
>central protagonist is now a pastiche of William Adams as opposed to the mixed-race Eurasian samurai (Whose name was actually "Oni") of the original

Cant find it but it think its the fextralife interview

I liked a lot of it too, but at the same time it felt like it was trying to be too much

>RPG Elements and character building
Worthless in this type of game, especially if they were going with the weapon degredation system.

They should've made it just an action game, like Ninja Gaiden. Instead they're taking inspiration from Souls and shit like Diablo and it makes it feel horrible.

The second incarnation of the game (Which was the first that Team Ninja were involved with) was scrapped specifically because it was deemed by Shibusawa to be too similar to Ninja Gaiden, actually.

Also footage of the training dojo has been released, for anyone who's interested.

>This game has been a Playstation exclusive since before you were born, kiddo.

Didn't know Sony had a console in 1985.

Can we all agree that the biggest issue right now is the fact that the current lock on behavior is fucking up the balance of the game? Facing the enemy constantly completely removes the need for discipline and could lead to circle strafe cheese.

Japanese businesses are pretty serious about their grudges.

I can understand wanting to distance themselves from Ninja Gaiden, considering 3 was such a clusterfuck, even 2 was pretty poorly received.

But I think its wrong to go in the Action RPG direction. If they went back to basics and looked at what made NG and NG: Black great they could take that and make a great game with a slightly slower pace and make a great new IP.

Instead were getting this mess of ideas.

No need to repost how I feel about this and that big expose on Durability I guess (unless people want me to), but
>The lock-on system has been changed to work more similarly to Zelda or Souls; running backwards while locked on isn't possible anymore
should probably be reworded since it's a little misleading. You can still move as fast as you normally did in the Alpha, but instead you'll always face the enemy and will never be at risk of a back attack when moving away from an enemy while locked on.
The mission is directly after Nue, you even start from where the Nue bossfight happens. It's likely he's overleveled with strong equipment, but I think they also reduced the damage of some things as well as that. The big axe zombie barely scratches him.

>The lock-on system has been changed to work more similarly to Zelda or Souls; running backwards while locked on isn't possible anymore
>Durability has been removed outright
wtf these are some of the most fragile swords ever made
>Drop rate seems to have been toned down a bit, so every enemy isn't a piñata of useless gear

What about the heavy breathing when out of stamina mechanic?

I wouldn't call this a mess of ideas at all. The mechanics all worked in sync and blended with each other pretty well. That they have to change so much when removing one or two things due to "fan" "feedback" is a testament to that. Honestly, while NG fans can very likely enjoy this game, and I hope they do (hell, low stance totally seems like a NG mode), this game doesn't have to be NG. Let Nioh be Nioh, they can always make a full on NG.

Damn this needs to release ASAP. I stopped playing DS3 for the Alpha and never went back. Not happy with some of the changes but my enthusiasm endures.

Also, Nioh thread? Obligatory:

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquers beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes f***ing Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it stills says I'm not [user booty blasted by difficulty]. No, I'm a Conqueror.

The feedback from the Alpha was all very much in the right direction desu, based purely on the alpha itself.

Considering they didn't even attempt to teach you the mechanics, it makes sense that people didn't "get it".

If they actually tried to give you some kind of manual or tutorial the feedback would've been a shitload different I feel.

No, that's what I mean, I remember the location, but I meant more that if the one he's playing is actually Mission 3, as opposed to there being another mission or two in between where you need to go off find a key to the catacombs or whatever. But see below, I only just found this out about the order.

Also, some additional information that's been confirmed since

>William is the only playable character

>NG+ is only being considered, it's not confirmed
>The main story of the game will take around 30-40 hours on your first run
>The beta demo is confirmed to consist of the tutorial dojo, the two missions we saw in the alpha and then the new mission we've seen gameplay of the past couple of days
>The Mark of the Conqueror will be available to get for a second time in the beta demo, so the copypasta might have to be rewritten a bit
>Facial customisation for your revenant is being heavily considered
>Like in the manga, William doesn't speak Japanese fluently and wil struggle to understand many NPCs, so the anons hoping for a bilingual dub seem to be in luck
>there will be "safe" areas in daytime where you can interact with NPCs, so presumably a town hub like in Genji

Shortened by around half, check 4:35 at the arrow trap.

The font on the damage numbers looks REALLY out of place. It's like a comic book weeaboo font and it takes too long to pop display once the damage is dealt.

Game looks good but still has a way to go imo.

When is the second chapter of the manga coming out?

>No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.
Not anymore since you can get it for beating the new easy mode demo.

Ah, yeah I gotcha now. It felt to me like Dazaifu (with Nue) was at least the third mission, didn't seem like it'd make sense if he went straight from the boat (which is totally the first mission) to the shrine.
>Like in the manga, William doesn't speak Japanese fluently and wil struggle to understand many NPCs, so the anons hoping for a bilingual dub seem to be in luck
Shit yeah, was wondering about that, nice touch.
Our opinions totally differ then, because as far as I'm concerned the only non-vague change in the list I actually wanted was the increase in item shortcuts. I'm a bit curious about what you like about the changes and why, since most made the game less unique or stripped some potential depth or challenge from it. And while it did somewhat drop you into it (which I assumed was more due to it being a demo than anything), I always felt the first mission did a fairly good job of leading you by the nose with it's enemy placement, while not dropping too much on you at once with the tutorial messages on the corpses. Not really against a proper level to explain things though I guess, but I hope it leaves enough to be learned through gameplay, some of the most fun I had was exploring the combat system myself.

This looks a lot better than Dark Souls 3.

God, that was such a fucking let down.

>God, that was such a fucking let down.
Not really, it kicked the shit out of 2.

The game didn't explain anything. At least none of the actually useful deeper mechanics.

I played it for like 50 minutes, fucked around and stopped. Then I came on Sup Forums and saw a webm of what it was supposed to play like and then tried to go on but the alpha was over.

Like I said, I'm not surprised by the feedback because my initial impression was really bad. But if I actually saw how the game was meant to be played then I would probably appreciate it more.

Can you explain why it was a letdown? Thinking of buying it

Not him but it was great.

>Like in the manga, William doesn't speak Japanese fluently

he learns japanese after touching a shrine though

That's a fair point, jumping straight from busting up a slavery ring that gave way to a demonic invasion and then just appearing at some spooky, partially haunted shrine for some reason does seem a bit disjointed.

Not him, but I think people were a bit let down by the fact that DaS 3 didn't really try to do anything new and was bit heavy on the fanservice. In terms of the actual game itself, yeah, it's really good, but is absolutely just more of the same.

Will I be able to toggle off the huge damage numbers over enemies' heads?

>Dual Katanas



Its probably fine if you haven't played all the games.

But if you've played

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark souls 2
>Lords of the Fallen

And all the DLC's then you're going to be disappointed.

It's just nothing new.

It's even more linear than Dark Souls 2.
It lacks the improved combat of Bloodborne.
Magic is gutted.
Weapon Arts aren't enough to make the game interesting.

It feels like a paint by numbers sequel.

Not even close. I mean, 2 was also a let down. But it was much better than three.
3 doesn't have sequence breaking
it's the most linear of all FROM games
most of the armour and weapons are from previous titles, not even remodeled, just copy and pasted
most of the game feels like, "Hey, you remember this from the previous game!?"
easiest yet, no boss was hard
pure dex or pure str is just not even worth it
balance is completely fucked, worse than any of the other games during release, and they keep nerfing things that don't need it
split damage weapons are useless at level 50+ because of how defense works

The whole game is just boring.


I'm just going by what they said famalam. Is the manga explicitly leading up to the game or is it kind of a retelling with the same characters?

I think the Celtic deity (Or whatever it is) that resurrects him upon death and provides him with his skills must've given him interpretation skills or whatever. But yeah, in regards to the game, they made a point of saying he only knows very basic Japanese, so communication is difficult for him.

after the bandit leader turns into an oni he starts overpowering william. william sees a shrine, touches it and powers up. he fucks up the bandit leader and when confronting him as he lays on the ground, he's like "oh i can speak their language" and asks the dude where he got his powers from

Cool. Is the manga any good?

>The tsunami killed Ken-sama.

Hasn't been translated yet, so I really only know the basic frame of what's going on from the art and what bilingual anons have said here.

Here's a link to the scans, tho.

literally the only game i'm excited for

Pretty much what every button did was explained going through the first mission. Ki Pulse's explanation was a bit cryptic and it was the only thing that didn't get placed in the Amrita Memories menu (although it'd show up from time to time in the load screen), but personally I found the Ki refilling really noticeable and it made me experiment to find out how it works right at the beginning, which didn't take too long since the only other button to try is stance.
>But if I actually saw how the game was meant to be played then I would probably appreciate it more.
Out of curiosity, did you fill out the survey? If you did, did you ask for any mechanic changes or just for a tutorial level? It seems like a lot of people who didn't get it at first wanted the game just changed for them rather than to delve deeper and embrace what it had to offer, and it's a real shame.
Did you lie about whether or not you got the Mark of the Conqueror?
Be honest.

Not only that, but the description really makes it sound like it's William's historic arrival, and the setting seems like it sets up for what happened to the real William at that time.

I didn't fill out the survey because I didn't give the game a fair shot.

Like i said, I played for 50 minutes I spent most of that time dueling the spirits on the beach trying to figure out combat, then I made a few suicide runs around and stopped.

If you play it how it looks like it should be played, you're going to have a shitty time. If you play it the way it should be palyed it looks really fun.

I do think that weapon degradation is a shitty mechanic and I'm glad they got rid of it.

I also think RPG elements are worthless and they should probably get rid of those too, but people seem to like them, but it feels like stuff they're just ripping from Dark Souls.

Which sucks, because Dark Souls builds are literally one of 2 ways

Thats it. Theres no depth to a build.

>yfw conquered are going to get another chance at being conquerers

How does William have these crazy powers from the beginning?

>you can get it for beating the new easy mode demo.
I'm glad you can at least get it after the alpha phase, though I would have preferred it to be from the alpha build which should have been permanent instead of only a handful of days thing. Since I don't have a PS4 I wasn't able to get it and that really bummed me out. Was legitimately considering renting a PS4 at one point just to get the damn thing.

He's possessed by some kind of Celtic deity (The pink guardian spirit in the TGS trailers and on the boxart?). Like Souls/BB, him resurrecting after dying is actually a canonical thing and not just a gameplay mechanic.

>I didn't fill out the survey because I didn't give the game a fair shot.
I see, I respect that a lot, since I'd bet money on many that did the same but instead filled out the survey asking for sweeping changes on a game they hadn't spent the time to understand yet.

>If you play it how it looks like it should be played, you're going to have a shitty time. If you play it the way it should be palyed it looks really fun.
Sounds like you went into it expecting it to be a straight up Souls clone, but when you play it you see it's different in as many ways as it's similar. A lot of strats just don't work, but once you step back, lose all the preconceptions and play by it's rules it really shines.
The way builds will work seem like they'll be quite different as well due to how the stats work and also the random loot stats on equipment. But I mean the game IS an Action RPG, they were designed to go hand in hand and changing one will have big effects on the other.
Durability for example (here we gooooo), worked fine within the context of the game and gave a lot of potential for unique challenges and considerations. Hell I think it should have been rougher than it was. It's only really a shitty mechanic when it's not an issue at all, and far too many games do that. This had it very close to being a factor, and it was really refreshing. At it's core it's just another bar that affects how well you fight, and can encourage efficiency and preparedness. It's definitely gonna leave a hole if it stays gone, just how big it is will become more and more apparent.

I hope you try it out again on August though, it's a fun game and you might really enjoy it. Just go into it with a clear mind, like a true Samurai of Nippon.

Well of course, this is going to be a PS Neo* exclusive. Only way to get 1080p 60FPS in this game, the poor PS4 is being maxed out already.

*also on PS4.

Steamspy says it only sold like 68K copies. The console versions sold 640K (PS3), 320K (360), 310K (PS4), a meager 100K for Vita, and a meager 80K for Xbox One. By and far, the PC version sold the worst, though it really had every strike going against it; broken online for months, port of last gen version, and a hostile developer actively taunting the userbase (regarding mods).

Oh I definitely intend to.

I downloaded it the last day it was available and just had a quick fuck around without much thought. I do find it hard to get into Demo's so I may have had that holding me back as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing the improvements. I think a lot of the non-gameplay stuff (Presentation stuff: like text and shit) being improved will make it a better experience.

id like more variety of weapons.

spear is the best

Kusarigama is basically confirmed since its in the ui

I'd like a kanabō, though it might be a bit redundant with axes and hammers being rolled into the same weapon type.

>on the part where the tutorial asks him to do a perfect Ki Pulse
>just kills the zombie over and over
You can lead a horse to water but even if you try to make it drink, some will just choose to drown. The outfit and wooden sword are awesome though, I hope you can take them out from the dojo.

I wonder how many weapon types there will be

There's five slots for melee weapons in what we've seen so far, so

>Spears and pikes
>Axes and hammers
>Twin shortswords (Introduced in the beta)
>Still blank as of footage from this week (So presumably the aforementioned kusarigama)

>Matchlock guns (We've only seen a tanegashima so far, but there might be more)

Yeah, while I might not agree with a lot of the balance stuff, the UI does look quite a bit nicer. Hopefully the netcode is much improved if this one is online enabled too.
Actually does anyone know if they've said whether or not the August beta will have multiplayer? Co-op was a ton of fun.
In the Skills menu there were empty spaces for at least two more skillsets, which could potentially be at least two more weapon types since I can't think of other things not covered by Onmyoji and Ninjutsu. Twin katanas didn't have their own page so they're probably in the Katana page. Who knows how many will be covered in each type too, kanabōs might be part of axes as a unique hammer.

i hope they add some form of staff or nunchaku

The dual kat didnt have their own page? Source?

Even if it's missing an icon, bear in mind it might just be a case of not having been put in yet; notice how the new purple ox spirit guardian doesn't have his own icon on the HUD yet and is just using the flaming wolf's icon.

I don't understand the "2 was bad" meme.

I beat Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and now I'm playing Dark Souls 2: SOTFS edition and I'm enjoying it more than the other two Souls games.

The combat has improved a lot from Dark Souls and the game is actually challenging. Dark Souls wasn't very challenging at all. I do not understand why people had such a hard time with it, but so far Dark Souls 2 is actually getting my blood pumping. So far I like the world in Dark Souls 2 more than Dark Souls, and the game overall has more atmosphere than the 1st. The only things I do not like about Dark Souls 2 is the boss music and the bosses themselves. The boss music is forgettable as fuck and the bosses are easy as shit so far.

Dark Souls 2 = Dark Souls > Demon's Souls


In the OP vid at about 1:46 he opens the Skill menu and it still only has the same pages as the Alpha did.
That's a good point though, I did think the icon looked off. It'd be easier if he went through the whole skilltree so we could see if there were 2kat specific ones in there but oh well. It seems a little weird to me that they'd add a new weapon type and not any acquirable skills for it though, but maybe they could just be placed in there as a temporary thing. Why the hell isn't it August yet?

I think is right. My biggest hopes for the demo is that they expand on the skills customization

I wouldn't worry too much about it; they've added in an entire new weapon-type that very much has its own moveset, so they're not gonna fuck it up by half-assing the skilltree when they've done such a good job on the three we've already seen.

Also look at 1:35 when he's levelling up, the "Attack: Melee Weapon 2" slot uses a different icon for the twin shortswords than it does the katana in Slot 1, so it's obviously being treated as a completely different weapon type in that regard.

August can't come quick enough!

Yeah, I don't mean to say that they would half-ass it though. They could still give it as many skills as they would but have it under the same page just to save spots since they're both technically "katanas" even if they're actually different weapon types, but what you say is probably more likely, and they might even add more spots for later weapon types. Also totally agree on how good the current weapon types are, love how unique they are and I just want even more skills. Setting different skills to each stance is really cool, lets you really customize them.

Absolutely, it was fantastic to see how in-depth and customizable the skills trees and movesets were, which I guess is at least a little bit down to the residual Ninja Gaiden influence from the scrapped second version.

It's quite likely it came from that and their general past with action games but it makes the game more unique, interesting and fun. I'm curious if they'll go a step further and make it so that you can change each triangle finisher in a square combo separately, so you can set it up to do a different move based on how far you get in the combo (kinda like Dynasty Warriors). The menu made it look like that was possible at first, and depending on how many skills we get it might be nice to have that extra level of customization, but since we can have different ones between stances anyway I feel like it might not be necessary. I was going to at least suggest it in the survey, but ironically enough, I missed the deadline to fill it in because I was playing the game too much since I wanted it to be as detailed as possible.

I want Nyotengu to be in this game, like she fits perfectly in the setting!

>Lock-on now works like Souls.



