L has come to


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well done

this almost seems like a bad omen


>all these idiots
TLoZ started open-world. The first installment was open-world.

>Don't want to spoil shit, so they showed the equivalent of going around killing Peahats and Stallchilds in OoT
>Hurr walking simulator, where's the gameplay!?!
Damned if you do...

we must first discuss parallel timelines

Adventure started open world. Zelda just improved upon it.

Wow, that was much better than my meme video.

What. How is Zelda a walking simulator?

Not cinematic enough.

>walking simulator

Holy shit notch is retarded.

So by this logic, is Uncharted or Mario a walking simulator? Is "simulator" the new buzzword for shitposters that have no argument?

> Special thanks

relax autismo, he said he was joking in the next tweet.

That post was ironic. But obviously we're on Sup Forums so everything is taken out of context to shitpost.

he was joking

>it's merely a joke

I don't think he's calling it a walking simulator, rather he's playing off what the other guy said.

So he was just pretending to be retarded?


a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

It's not hard guys.

Are you pretending to be retarded?

Heh I just realized the irony if he was serious.

jesus guys I hate notch just like the rest of Sup Forums but calm yo tits xD

Which means I am right and you are an autist for getting upset.

That is how it works, right?

Now I am sad for the MGSV again.
Thank you.


This is the Zelda fanbase, everyone. They can't understand a simple joke because they have burgers for asses.

I don't even like Zelda
I prefer sony.

I wish music this good was I it. instead we get little piano farts. can't they just get kondo to do the ost like always?

Not a Zelda fan sorry to disappoint you notch.

Next Zelda will look like this...

Now alls left is someone to remake the awakening intro of BoTW to The Man Who Sold the World.

More like

to be honest it reminds me of the first zelda game. Being dropped into the middle of nowhere with little direction

oh haha. because it's coming from a guy who made minecraft, the most boring aimless thing in existence.

Okay, then. That doesn't excuse your ability to take a joke.
See? That was a fine joke. You're learning. You make me proud.


You were from the thread last night, I remember. Thank you, my friend, you've surpassed my shitty job in every way.

From here on out, you're Big Boss

This is the Sup Forums fanbase
You can't comment on or about anything without someone being mad in some way

The only thing I think you should have added was a Punished Link close up. Other than that, great work.

It just makes no sense on any level.

I love the idea that you are not allowed to criticize anything anymore.
You can understand it was a joke and still think it wasn't funny or made any sense.

yeah well that's probably what they're going for. since people won't shut up about it. a game made 30 years ago.

thats the joke, fucking retarded nigger.

My man. The music in this has been a huge disappointment for me too. Only disappointing thing I've seen so far at least. But it's still pretty sad.

The only joke here is you.

I want to fuck Link!

Please stop fighting everyone.

He does look exactly like boku no pico

I guess it's alright if it's only for the overworld. hearing the same loop over and over can get grating.

then again, the first time hearing this was pretty remarkable


I doubt this will have music this good though.

at least people are not gonna kill themselves over it



ACE+ has expressed interest in doing music again for the next Xenoblade.


>nobody gets it

What is there to get?
Shitty empty open world game = walking simulator?

>he didn't get it


Is the joke that the description of the other guy's tweet could describe a walking sim?
It only works if you ingnore the context of zelda and remove sparse and replace not a lot with "nothing"

Should have had that one webm with the sped up day/night cycle when the WHOAAAAA-HOOOOOOOOOO kicks in. Other than that it's great.

>you will never be a fatass depressed billionare and shitpost endlessly on the Internet just to fill that void in your chest
Hold me, Sup Forums

Are you high?

That was nice.

Well I can just say I am 3/4th of the way there.

Are you guys FUCKING retarded? Notch is implying that the other guy is basically saying it's comparable to a walking simulator and is shitting on him for it(thus defending zelda) in regards to a previous statement from the other guy in regards to another game.

>no friends
>no rich people to party or socialize
>has no interest in spending money for pleasure
>only joy in life is shitposting on Twitter
Just because he doesn't say he's depressed doesn't mean he isn't.

If you think notch is saying Zelda is a walking simulator here you don't have basic reading comprehension skills and probably also have autism. Notch is attacking the other guy for attacking zelda

Do you know him personally?

no he isnt


Yes he fucking is, dipshit. The other guy probably made a review/statement defending gone home or some other shit walking simulator game and now notch is calling him out on making statements about zelda that could also apply to those other shit games that are actually walking simulators.

No he is not.
He saw the things that could describe walking sims but by making the joke about it he was implicitly agreeing that Zelda actually is a walking sim.

He is annoyed by walking sims and people defending them.
This has very little to do with zelda. The people who get upset about it are wrong but you are equally wrong and retarded.

Lots of people that are rich aren't necessarily happy oft times it brings with it personality quirks that fuck you over if anything.
Why be so invested in thinking that Notch lives some fantasy Beverly Hills dream life.
He's still a fat swede who's gf dumped him and who's biggest accomplishment was purely due to luck and the stars aligning.

He's sarcastically telling the other guy to be careful in criticizing Zelda for being a walking simulator because he thinks in today's industry, everyone loves walking simulators and you could get in faux trouble for speaking out against them.

ergo, Notch agrees that new Zelda is a walking simulator

It's still wrong to think he's depresed, I bet you think that of every millionaire right? Eer since Robin Williams died everyone thinks that all clebrities must be suicidal.

So are you guys going to buy the the NX or are you getting the shitty version?

NX baby

didn't get the piiu

How many millionaires spend their time shittalking on twitter?


Wow, did this thread ever derail.

That was great. Hopefully BotW delivers on the hype unlike MGSV.

Someone should do the intro cutscene with The Man Who Sold the World.


Just like every thread ever on this shithole of a board.

You're not even worth an eyeroll pic.

So instead of getting a console with a decent library, you're going to get one that will have droughts as bad as Wii U did? That's pretty stupid.

He is 100% right.
That is the implication here.

This is also true

You are right.
lets both leave and never return.

So, are we getting the Wii U or NX version?
I'm not gonna buy another one of Nintendo's doorstops unless it's cheap or has Metroid.

why is he so based

At this point I'm just like God himself. Merely observing the chaos, rarely intervening.

Wii U, at this rate. We know nothing about the NX, and it'll probably be just another dumb gimmick with no third party support.

That would make sense if you didn't just make several posts.

you're pretty dumb

The NX is going to be worse.

>merge handheld and console developers
again, you're pretty dumb

I've never bought a nintendo console or a Zelda game

I want it only for that game, I wouldn't care if no other games ever came out for the NX. I have zero interest in the rest of the WiiU's library, all I want is to play the new Zelda in the best available way.

And yes I am stupid, but that's unrelated.

Only 4 wise ones.

The wiiu also had two screens like the 3ds.

How many games did they actually have on both platforms? Monster Hunter 3U and Smash Bros?
PiiU surely had a great library.