Video Game Collections

So, whatcha got Sup Forums?

It's so weird every time I see those US labels on Ps2 games and such, compared to the UK/Australia ones I have.

Pic related is my game/movie collection after moving into my new place.

Very nice, mang I just recently started collecting. Most of what I have now I've gotten within the past few months or so, barring the xbox one games, that is.

It's a nice little collection you got there, some real gems on the Ps2. You have to complete the Sly, Ratchet and J&D series though, they're god-like.

>all those games
>shitty 25 inch tv
I'll never understand this logic

Going to get more NES games eventually. I honestly have no idea where most of them went over the years.

Thanks man. I was actually thinking about that earlier. I've never even played Sly 3 desu.

>i need a tv to play games
lmao this guy

>all those red labels
Absolutely fucking disgusting

I just recently moved out of my parent's place, and that was the TV in my room. I still have that TV in my bedroom and a larger one in the main sitting room. It's just fine, and I don't need a huge one for playing games.