Which did you prefer, the original or the remake?

Which did you prefer, the original or the remake?

The original, since I could use Immunize.

The original because the boss designs didn't look stupid.

Original. Grimoires a shit.

I prefer untold because there's no cheesing strategy you can get at a very early level that kills the rest of the challenge for the entire game.

holy shit you just triggered my PTSD from the ants. I dropped the remake after beating the ants and moving to the new stratum. I just had nothing left after that.

A bunch of delusional nostalgia fags.

Exactly, even for the time the game was really clunky. Luckily Etrian 1.5 came out a year later and that's when it really took off


Fucking this. Also they added a story mode to untold so the game isn't fucking terrible.