This is what happens when game developers are pedophiles and want their characters to look like little girls but also...

This is what happens when game developers are pedophiles and want their characters to look like little girls but also want them to have an hourglass figure.

Why do game developers need to be so goddamn autistic. Why can't I play a game without them projecting their degenerate fetishes over everything

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hi summer

im sorry you have a body image problem, miss. there are many ways to work on you figure including diet and exercise. if you lay off the sugary drinks, it would be a huge first step.

there is literally nothing wrong with having cute girls of all ages in any form of media


Are you saying she isn't sexualized?

im saying there's nothing wrong with that

You can always play roadhog if you need to self-insert.

Blizzard just made this game to pander to the lowest common denominator of internet gamers who masturbate to anime/cartoons and have female anime girls as backgrounds on their computer or phone


Any attractive female is 'sexualised' according to you people.
You can find threads on /s/ or Sup Forums with people wanting to look at 'cute' girls who are fully clothed. Is a chick wearing 5 layers of coats in winter who is considered cute also sexualised because she is attractive?

Clearly the only acceptable attire is a burqa.

Modern human society is built upon degeneracy. To dismiss degeneracy is to dismiss all our advances.

She's 19 dude

>You can find threads on /s/ or Sup Forums with people wanting to look at 'cute' girls who are fully clothed. Is a chick wearing 5 layers of coats in winter who is considered cute also sexualised because she is attractive?
The difference is that she's wearing a skin tight suit and awkwardly panders to sexualizing herself in everything she does.

The sole reason that pose exists is to show off her ass and make her look as curvy as possible.

I don't know why I'm saying this, you know this. If you think this game doesn't sexualize its female characters you're retarded. Literally every female character in the game is a slight variation of the same young attractive character model.


>le noodle arm girl
Blizzard seal of approval folks

Doesn't Tracer have a burqua skin already?

>The difference is that she's wearing a skin tight suit and awkwardly panders to sexualizing herself in everything she does.
First off, she's a mech pilot, that is borderline standard attire
Second, how does she awkwardly panders to sexualizing herself in everything she does? Does she have particularly lewd unlockable lines or intro/victory poses? Because besides the skintight outfit and modest bust she doesn't really do a whole lot objectionable.

Can we start putting people that look for pretentious ways of writing "cute things are cute" into liberty camps?

God Burgerfats are autistic

whoa there

>D.Va is 19
>she's younger than most of us

Why is this allowed

on a side note I just found out that miku is 16

She's a shitty program, she doesn't have an age.

HNNGGG my duck
why is she so perfect bros?

Would you believe me if I told you they did that on purpose?

Long story short blizzard did that because when you watch the animation normally (that is, not super slowed down or looking at individual frames) it makes it look 'better' or something like that? I'm not an animation expert.

You see this kinda stuff everywhere.

Pretty much this Don't blame the company for making decisions that help them make money, they're just doing what's smart.
If anything, direct your complaints to the consumers.

>First off, she's a mech pilot, that is borderline standard attire
Sure, maybe.

Congrats for completely missing the point, the idea is the game awkwardly shoehorns in sexualization of its female characters.

>Second, how does she awkwardly panders to sexualizing herself in everything she does?

Her entire persona is like a 5 year old in the body of a "19 year old", I say that in airquotes because she still looks like she's 14.

It is absolutely gross and I simultaneously want to vomit and roll my eyes out of my skull whenever this character emotes itself. It makes it borderline unplayable.

Cute =/= sexy you weird degenerate neckbeard.

It's called smearing and it's been in animation as long as it been made.

Nice b8 tumblr.

In animation it's called a smear. It's a frame that's in between 2 key frames that helps make movement stronger and easier to read in motion.

It's squash and strech

>It is absolutely gross and I simultaneously want to vomit and roll my eyes out of my skull whenever this character emotes itself. It makes it borderline unplayable.

Someday you'll grow up and understand, little boy.

Yeah, it's basically smears in 3D.

>HNNGGG my duck
is your duck okay, user?
abusing him would be a fowl move

>female girls

And now I am going to stop entertaining your bullshit, please piss off.

True connoisseurs have male anime girls as their desktop background.

The human body is a work of art. Embrace it.

Wow, you sure showed me with that .webm of a laughing TV character.

This has to be the least intelligent board on this website by a wide margin.

How do I stop sucking with D.Va?
>mech gets shredded in seconds but you have no HP without it
>shit DPS except at close range; but your gigantic hitbox means getting into close range is a death sentence
>basically impossible to flank a competent team
>it's rare to find an unaccompanied enemy; when they are it's usually a Reaper that assfucks you
>can't use Defense Grid and attack at the same time
It's like -everything- is her counter.

I can't even.

What if you have a female anime boy?

>mech gets shredded in seconds

Yeah if the person shooting at you is Bastion in turret mode

The human body doesn't look like that. That's a cartoon depiction with no blemishes or imperfections that's formulated to make you feel aroused.

>How do I stop sucking with D.Va?
You stop playing D.Va.

No, if it's Bastion in Turret mode then you're dead before you have time to hit E.

Why the fuck are people not sage'ing this topic? Is it a lost art?

Seriously, OP is trolling. Fuck off.

This makes no sense.

D. Va is well solid. She hunts down Widowmakers and isn't afraid of anything.

Why don't you have a healer

>If you like classic femininity you're a pedo


I don't know what happened to you or where you've been

But your mind is bang out of whack mate

Fine too.

I can call your post bait too. That isn't an argument.

You don't. D.Va is bad. Worst ult in game, humongous critbox, low damage outside of point blank (and anyone can escape because she slows to a crawl when firing).

Just awful.


We all want D. Va buffed, but she isn't the *worst* when it comes to pro tier lists.

You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

According to Kotaku if you like women with large breasts you're a lolicon.

D. Va looks like a K-Pop star, complete w/ all the plastic surgery they get. Which is maybe proper for her background story. But seriously, she's just designed to be hot. Who cares. Overwatch has Zarya and Mei, to fill whatever body-type fetish you may have.

Are you fucking serious

That's a legitimate animation technique though.

thats my wife your talking about

she's 19, you projecting summer faggot