Why didn't you warn me of these tears Sup Forums? I asked you what I was in for!
Why didn't you warn me of these tears Sup Forums? I asked you what I was in for!
is that the new God of War
Oh god, I see it now.
It was alright. The nipple choice was weird since one affected gameplay and the other choice affected...well it depended on me caring about whether or not this daughter-like character, who I'm told by the game is fairly important to my main character emotionally, having two or one nipples.
As someone who gets deep into story and characters, I actually had a hard time with that decision, but I wasn't losing my main men terry, birdie and shocklord for her nipple.
I felt like a piece of shit when i had to fight them, it wasn't even a challenge, and the worst part is they could have killed me in one turn if they wanted to
I thought that part was weird too. I was such a nice helpful guy the whole game but then my friends turn on me and I'm suddenly a crazy killing machine. His dialogue along with taking out the whole army was pretty badass tho.
The only choice that actively bothered me was crisp. The way the dialogue was I thought I was just asking him to join as a reward, next thing I know I'm threatening his lovers life in exchange for his work.
Oh yeah I remember feeling the same way. It being one guy and all I guess he's got to contrive it a few times to stick with the themes of the game. I'm really happy he had as many party members as he did tho.
You know actually there's only one thing that really bothered me about the game. Shouldn't there have been multiple endings in case you never took joy? Did he run out of time or what?
That part is hilarious
>Having a human hostage is a great apocalyptic resource.
Also, you can actually sell him to the shopkeeper
If you don't take any buzzo says at one point that you have already taken enough, he has made sure of it, implying the amount he forces you to take was just enough. Although it's also implied if brad spent some time to get his wits together he could have stayed human
Really? How much is he worth?
He forced you to OD and you were an addict to them for years, so yeah it makes sense that you couldn't change that.
150 mags, I know you might not like not being the good guy all the time but thats kind of the point of LISA, you have do what's necessary. "You will learn that in this world being selfish and heartless is the only way to survive".
You can give Toby away for free and get nothing or get a new party member to fight along with or even sacrifice. The option to get extra mags is nice too since at that point you might be at zero if you didn't sacrifice an arm
>That picture
Yeah, I just wish there could have been more differences for joyless. There were some cool dialogue changes, and ajeet. But I feel like they could have done more, maybe having him Stay human at least a bit longer or giving the ending a slightly more hopeful outcome, I'm not asking for unicorn rainbow farts but something to make up for the challenge
I picked all of the "Good choices" Throughout besides one
>Returned the guys hen for just cash
>Gave toby for free
>Kept terry (although thats partly because he is my bro
>No joy
>Brought bo back to his brother
>Didn't let anyone die at russian roulette
>Gave up the nipple instead of my party
>Gave up my items instead of an arm (I spent all my mags on armor and sold it back like a minmax bitch)
Only "bad" Thing I did was sacrifice percy for my arm.
Overall I felt good about my decisions, and keeping both arms made area 3 a cakewalk.
I really hate how so many artists draw Brad with no arms, who the fuck would give up their remaining arm for a handful of fucking items? That and no armed Brad looks dumb.
I found not giving up your stuff dumb as hell, it's not like the game is going to become unwinnable without them. You can get new stuff and mags super easy as well. I can only reasonably think giving one away makes sense and even then only for muh bro terry.
You are a gud boi, Percy doesn't counts
My brother, I had the exact same team.
It makes more sense if you think that you've taken away all the supplies not just from you but your teammates. Especially if the choice would've also taken your weapons and armour, as some people speculated that was also meant to happen but Ding backed off of it at some point.
Percy was worthless anyway, he's probably better off being sacrificed really. Again i would only have gave up my arm there for terry, simply because he was probably the nicest person I met out there, that and he actually finished off the asshole's gang who tried to rob me for all my mags. (I actually ended up saving there on my first playthrough and had to restart cus I didn't want the town to die)
It really wasn't the fact that they were OP cus that really didn't matter much, they were just nice people that I enjoyed being around.
>I don't know if you agree, but you are my best friend.
I was going to give my arm till I saw he only takes your mags and consumables so I just save scummed and spent all my mags on armor then sold it.
>It makes more sense if you think that you've taken away all the supplies not just from you but your teammates
naw not really at least once one get to the end and finds out that buzzo only wants to hurt brad specifically
So before anyone asks:
Joyful is disappointing as far as gameplay goes but provides conclusion to the game (series?) and has some serious emotional moments. The OST is pretty fucking badass too.
Speaking of OST, this track is incredibly underrated and doesn't have a chance to play out fully: youtube.com
Also, does this play anywhere in the game? Excellent track anyway: youtube.com
Yeah, but every other asshole doesn't.
They're not even the most OP combination, Shockie can be swapped out for a different fire user, better AoE or Carp and his hilariously OP debuffing abilities.
>tfw I played the painful twice and the joyful once and people still post about shit I have never seen or heard of
jesus christ ding
A game like LISA benefits from discussion. It's cool how video games can hide so much stuff.
>Yeah, but every other asshole doesn't.
thats the point, hes targeting brad specifically. no one seems to know why and the player only finds out at the end
Let me reiterate - Buzzo (and his gang) wants to hurt Brad and him alone, but without food and other supplies his team might get fucked by the cruelty of the world.
did you hug him?
Why the hell would I not?
>give my your items or your arm
>say no
>lose both
>Trying to resist fate
Come on son.
Everyone should have. Brad was flawed as hell but he was trying his hardest.
You get a save point just before incase you were dumb enough to let that happen.
>save scumming
I stand by my decisions
it makes the game better
I didn't choose the lose both option though. Especially because I think it gave you a chance to back out of it. I'm just saying if you wanted to.
I really doubt that Buddy would do it though
he's still your guardian
buzzo wants to hurt brad yes
but as a means to an end he is helping in essentially destroying olathe as well in the process.
he wants to make brad suffer and to do that he needs someone kill of the world with the joy mutants and shit,
I feel that Buddy not hugging Brad is the way the game should be concluded as it shows Brad's final transformation into a joy monster, totally obsessed with Lisa. It's not really about him being her guardian, from Buddy's perspective Brad was a mass murderer who wanted to stop her from making her own decisions, in an effort to make amends for his past.
Did you take your Joy today, Sup Forums?
I agree that it's probably more in-character for Buddy not to hug Brad, but unfortunately I think "Did I do the right thing?" is a much stronger ending line for Brad than "But I loved you," which is why I'm happy with the fact that most people choose to hug Brad in spite of Buddy's characterization.