New call of duty game has it's gameplay trailer during sony e3

>new call of duty game has it's gameplay trailer during sony e3
>no one realizes it's cod
>people are like "This looks pretty cool. Is this ace combat or something?"
>trailer ends and it shows cod infinite warfare


Hating is a a bigger meme than ever.
People came from all around
9 gags, Sup Forums red-it fuck even ifunny to go dislike the trailer.

I ate Infinity ward but I have since MW3

Looked cool until they got out of the plane and started shooting.

i notice that too op

Wasn't that the campaign?

Hating on COD is literally a meme. It makes you look cool, knowledgeable and hardcore. You don't like Madden and broshit like Call of Duty. You're into deep shit like Persona and Knights of the old Republic.

Fact of the matter is, Call of Duty is a mechanically wonderful game that tries to change it up by adding other mechancis. Sure, these aren't always liked, but change isn't for everyone. The games also have an adrenaline-fueled campaign, and depending on the developer, a solid side-mode, such as Spec Ops or Zombies. Friendly reminder that games like Overwatch don't even have a proper singleplayer mode. And of course, the multiplayer. Played by millions everyday and it's still as fun and addictive as it was when Modern Warfare came out. So yeah, it's just memeing. Yay cod suck amicoolyetbros. It's silly.

>Watch gameplay at E3
>Wow this looks alright
>imagining a game where you engage in space battles all the time and board ships and what not regularly
>COD flashes on screen
>get disappointed because it's just going to be 1 of maybe 2 setpeice moments where you do that
>hope dashed

There you go OP

>people didn't recognize the trailer before the name flash

CoD always use the fucking same font for ammo. How couldn't you recognize it?

I was in a discord call with my friends and we were all engaged and then CALL OF DUTY.

It was a glorious equalizer when one and all had gotten trolled. The trailer was cool.

Don't play Call of Duty enough to know this, or recognize it?

>new call of duty game has it's gameplay trailer during sony e3
>no one realizes it's cod
>people are like "k"
>trailer ends and it shows cod infinite warfare

I could tell it was CoD within the first 10 or so seconds, not so much because of the CoD aspects, but it looked familiar to what was put out initially. I wasn't too impressed either way, the dog fighting sequence was probably something that only happens a few times and it's likely to be on rails to a degree. Gunplay and everything didn't look anything special, just flashy.


Because if it wasn't CoD it could turn out to be something interesting eventually, but we all know CoD never changes

Battlefield drones programmed to hate Call of Duty.

CoD is trash, and it's fans are trash.

perfect response.

Because one cool level in a 5 hour game doesn't mean shit if the rest is a bland shooter.

Anyone play Black Ops 3? I'm really scared the space battles are going to be exactly like the air battles in Blops 3. Extremely on rail and you literally control nothing but your own gun while the plane flies itself, and it looked extremely like that in the trailer, so I was kind of underwhelmed.

I don't really get the hate. CoD campaigns have always been great since they are high budget and generally have a decent enough story.

Don't touch the multiplayer but all campaigns are worth a play through desu, it's a good 8 hours of fun.


This this this

>sells millions of copies

im going to set my expectations really low until we see actual multiplayer gameplay.
if what we saw in the demo is similar to what we can do in mp, ill get it.
AW was great

>tfw the sticky realizes it's CoD
I've never seen a thread do a complete 180 so fast.

Bandwagoning. Both Battlefield and Call of Duty will play exactly the same, setting changes for both games will affect nothing in the end. Battlefield fanboys are just taking longer to figure that out.

I think it looks cool and am getting it. Fuck what anyone says, technology is awesome.

>hating on CoD is a meme

I've been on this meme train for years then.

The main reason I hate CoD is for dumbing down first person shooters and games in general. Ever since CoD's success more and more developers wanted the CoD audience, so they proceeded to streamline all their game mechanics so even little Timmy next door could play.

CoD is entry level trash, and not even good entry level.

Blame developers going after COD. COD did its own thing, it wasn't out to kill FPS.

>COD did its own thing, it wasn't out to kill FPS.

And yet it did, with the help of Halo.

>Jack Ü song plays
>people are like "this is pretty cool"
>it's a Skrillex and Bieber collab

It's Call of Duty. They'll fuck it up in some way. Imagine if you saw some cool looking trailer for an open world shooter, and then at the end there was a big Ubisoft logo. Plus most people seemed to give up on it the moment they got out of the spaceships.

How funny would it be if COD outsold BF anyways? I think there's a good chance of it happening too.

Only complete retards didn't realize it was CoD as soon as the dude pulled his fucking gun out.

So I'm not surprised at all that the sticky thread didn't know.

Nick, shouldn't you be asleep?

That scene is fucking funny

>new game at E3
>man and girlfriend oohin and awhing at new game
>looks awesome!
>"oh it's just call of duty"

Sounds like it's straight out of a fucking comedy. Anyways those dogfights look awesome , if they dedicate a mode to it I am all in.

>Ever since CoD's success more and more developers wanted the CoD audience, so they proceeded to streamline all their game mechanics so even little Timmy next door could play.

It's not necessarily the fault of the game though, it's not as if they made it with this intention. Regardless you at least have your reasons for disliking it, the retarded bandwagon is just people mindlessly hating on it for no reason other than it's the cool thing to do.

I was gonna respond with a paragraph of my own, but I'm at a loss. I respect your post user.

Fuck this was fucking me jesus christ i know something is off the moment they went off the plane. and i thought ace combat finally is getting a better voice acting

>See trailer
>Don't know what it is
>Guy gets out of plane
>Know it's CoD immediately as soon as he pulls his gun up and starts shooting
They have had the exact same engine with the exact same animations since CoD 4. It's just CoD in space, nobody thought it looked amazing.

If you see a turd on the sidewalk you think "ew, a turd" and avoid it.
Now if you're walking down the sidewalk and see a Baby Ruth package you'll think "oh sweet, a Baby Ruth."
So you're expecting sweet chocolatey candy - And when you open it, out flops a turd. It looks like a Baby Ruth and came from the package, but you know it's a turd. You can put the turd in whatever package you want to make people think it's not a turd, but it's a turd.

That's literally the CoD trailer. People thought it was a Baby Ruth until they opened the package and realized it was CoD.

>tfw you know the best part of a call of duty game can be pirated

>deep shit like Persona

>dogfights look awesome
>if they dedicate a mode to it I am all in

How do you not know Activision by now? You're getting your yearly trash kid non-game multiplayer, single player and rip off zombies mode.

Honestly, it peaked at CoD 5
MW2 and Black Ops actually had pretty cool story modes, but once the games started going towards the futuristic gimmicky stuff, it just kind of grew old. Sure, I could just play online and get trash talked by 12 year olds and 20-nothings stoned off their ass, but eventually you realize that you throw $60 down for this game on a yearly basis for gameplay that's fun for a few hours until you finish single player and hop into the same multiplayer gameplay you've been getting since the third game, just with more mech suits and wackier grenades every time

War never changes m8

>every shooter should be a Quake clone

While I don't really enjoy the multiplayer, the single player campaigns are worth at least a playthrough. It's mostly 13 year olds hating because they want to fit in with whats popular at the time.

nice try Activision

>You're getting your yearly trash kid non-game multiplayer, single player and rip off zombies mode.

Call of Duty and Halo has completely ruined a generation of gamers. Millennials are now starting to feel "nostalgia" for modern warfare.

Daily reminder that Infinity Ward is making this game.
The same amazing creators that made Ghosts.
Let that sink in for a while.

My problem is that the bits where they were inside the command ship and then out in the fighter flying around dog-fighting and going through space were cool as fuck, but then the second I realized it was CoD I just assumed 99% of that is either completely on rails or incredibly limited.

If that's not the case and the gameplay is actually good then I'll give it a go, but otherwise kudos to them for having a cool trailer/demo.

Also this Ghosts and (in my opinion) MW3 were awful and just mediocre respectively.

It looks cool. It might be the first COD game I buy.

>tfw this is true
>tfw Black Ops trilogy are better MGS games than post-MGS4 games

people thought it was cool because it looked like a space military game with freeroam and stuff.

But when it was revealed it was CoD everyone realized it was just a bunch of scripted sequences.

The last good cod was MW2 by the way



When you realize that it's the same on the rails shit all over again with controls, story, characters that will all feel exactly the same as before then of course you would lose interest.

Thats what happened when they took too long to change anything
They built a reputation for being rehashed garbage appealing to the lowest common denominator
I'm not saying its right, but it is their fault

This game is going to flop so hard they had to bundle an HD remaster of a previous title to ensure some form of profit.
Titanfall 2, BF1, DOOM and a fuck load of hero shooters. This years CoD is already a future-distant memory.

Innovation is slow but at least its happening

Fuck you halo is actually good

At least it proved everybody is a fucking bandwagoner on the hate train.

Post archive link pls, I need to see the asshurt


Might actually pick this one up since I'm a huge sucker for space combat. Haven't purchased a cod since 4.

This, I unironically play COD for the campaign

AW was fucking fantastic
