Dark Souls 2 is a great game and has better lore, combat variety and fashion than DaS1 and DaS3 combined.
Dark Souls 2 is a great game and has better lore, combat variety and fashion than DaS1 and DaS3 combined
I still prefer kings field 4 to the souls series
That's not unpopular opinion. Nobody except a few underaged edgelords on Sup Forums think 1 was the better game.
My heart belongs to Armored Core, the remaining From games can go fuck themselves.
Is this true or just bait?
I am rushing trough Sly 2 to play DS2.
I think the main game was weaker overall than one and three, but SotFS and the DLCs more than redeemed two. The crown of the ivory king is my favorite section of any souls game.
>frigid outskirts
Was a great zone. Atmospheric as fuck and a good change of pace from the dungeon like design of most other souls zones.
I haven't played DaS3 yet but DaS1 is only superior in terms of boss variety (and only variety) and dodge roll mechanics (DaS2 rolls are still better because you can roll in more directions).
Combat variety and fashion are true but not the lore part