A new game comes out, what difficulty is your first playthrough Sup Forums?

A new game comes out, what difficulty is your first playthrough Sup Forums?

Heroic then Legendary
Legendary is slightly too tedious and I don't feel like the story is worth suffering for a dozen times over for each cutscene.
I'll do it if I actually like the campaign

Ultra Violence
the second hardest difficulty, like everyone else here. Then hardest.

Disregarding Halo difficulty levels, if there is easy/medium/hard, I play on normal my first time just so I can enjoy the game and story without feeling bored because it's too easy. Then hard of course

Hardest available without iron-man

Depends, if it is a FPS, hardest difficulty. I have played so many fucking FPS it hurts.

Hard if the game is actually balanced the best around it such as Doom and Stalker, normal if not.

Normal, if it gets to a point where I can't progress I turn it down to Easy

Non-Strategy: Max difficulty
Strategy: One or two below max difficulty (depends on the game, such as Civilization games having like 7 difficulties)

The second hardest difficulty is usually a good choice.

Hard mode unless that mode just gives enemy free stats

Fucking after the goddamn meme that was The Witcher 3, normal unless it's a FPS like Halo. The combat wasn't fucking hard on deathmarch, it was just goddamn tedious

I always play Halo games on Legendary first because they usually do a really good job at balancing difficulty. Reach's last level was unfair as fuck, otherwise no regrets.

This goes for most FPS because they're so easy nowadays.

FPS hardest but for RPG's either normal or second hardest. Only RPG that has a good difficulty system truly is KH. Had a blast on Critical and it wasn't bullshit pants on head retarded either.

New games, second hardest, mostly because the top difficulty is locked.

Old games on normal.

Hardest difficulty that the game offers at the start. If it's done poorly though or isn't fun, then whatever is the default.

'Done poorly' means if it's actually difficult beyond just making fights longer and less mistakes. Doubling health and damage isn't really fun. Or giving the AI Free resources in those kinds of games.

Hard if the game is known to be easy.

MGR is one of those games that has to be started on hard, otherwise it's half as good because playing on normal doesn't give you that sense of danger.

The one after medium


brave man.

If there's
>Very Hard

Always hard.

Normal. A game should be balanced around normal mode after all, so it should be the perfect difficulty. Though that isn't often the case, unfortunately.

Normal then when I've finished the game and understood its mechanics I go higher.

DMC1 did difficulty levels really well I think.

Normal or Hard, or if theres special cases like STALKER then hardest

MGR is a joke on all difficulties unless you don't upgrade Raiden.

You were supposed to die on reach's last level tho

Second hardest then hardest

if i get a secret ending by playing on the hardest or get better loot on hard, then I will max that difficulty.

Hard then Ultra Hard, after that, European Extreme.

If only the standard Easy Medium Hard scenario, I go Hard. If it has like 5+ difficulties, I usually do the second hardest then hardest on a second playthrough if I liked it.

normal/easy to enjoy it, the hardest on every following playthrough

In general I will start on "normal" because I assume that is the most balanced gameplay experience, and it means I can use the harder settings for following playthroughs. If I find a game is absurdly easy I will pump the difficulty up a notch and if it's frustratingly hard, I'll knock it down a notch.

Can't remember any times that's happened though. I will say that Halo 2 legendary is a fucking pain and I only completed that once, because I don't like giving up. But man, that space station section...

dead space 2 hardcore

New Halo game?
Hard to not rage while enjoying the story, then Legendary with booze for fun times.

You can only save 3 times in hardcore.


>things i'll never achieve
feels bad, man.

FPS: Hardest one there
RPG: Normal most of the time, especially if it uses RNG bullshit.
RTS: Easy most of the time. I like steamrolling the enemy.

>action game
>turn based tactics
>isometric RPG
The second hardest

I'm garbage at RTS stuff, the computers always cheat and I can't keep up

Hardest option provided it doesn't have gimmicks which are meant for later playthroughs such as Ironman and the likes.

Well, Sup Forums?

always the highest difficulty setting only exception is strategy games. ive always noticed that the highest difficulty makes you take advantage of all the mechanics the game has to offer

Usually Easy but if It takes too long I'll just use a trainer

Whatever the hardest non-gimmicky difficulty is.

Good game I'm looking forward to? Normal or Hard, depending on mood that day.

Mediocre game trying to rush through to justify having a huge steam library? Easiest

easiest one so i can feel like a real hero and kick everyones ass

Normal. I very rarely replay anything so don't want a snooze-fest but don't want to be banging my head against it either.

I play through stuff like DmC once on easy and then uninstall.