Death Stranding

>The invisible fetus symbolize how Kojima's "baby", the Silent Hill game (P.T.) was still in its infant stages when it was killed, becoming his phantom pain

>The ashore whales is his former studio (Moby Dick)

>crabs and fish are the fans he let down with what happened to MGSV

>Reedus is Kojima's self-insert; samey face but being an white American. (It's no secret that Kojima is a massive westaboo and wake up every morning wishing he was white)

>further reinforced by how Reedus is wearing a handcuff; which is like saying that he is free now from captivity (the whole resignation from Konami)

>the oil is his tarnished reputation he vows to make right

>5 floating man symbolize his biggest achievement yet (the mainline MGS series); looking down at him as if they're saying, "Come on boy, let see how you can top us"

So Sup Forums, I am interested in hearing what your interpretation of the trailer might be.

Other urls found in this thread:

This bullshit actually makes a little sense.
>I don't know what to think

This just makes too damn much sense

I'd be okay with Kojima being an honorary White.

Hitler thought of the Japanese and the Chinese as honorary Aryans, praising their histories as superior to Germany's, and even helped out the Chinese during the war because of that belief.


>literally every thread of kojima games always about symbolism

>and the Chinese
but there literally spics of asia

I love how delusional kojima drones are. I'm glad Konami killed MGS and cucked kojima.

What is with it with these absolutely batshit autistic theories when it comes to Kojima's work?

When he actually does hamfist symbolism, it's almost entirely right in your face. eg. Moby Dick

Why is it okay to be pretentious just because you're Japanese? Had any western developer done this Sup Forums would be chewing him up like feral dogs, but because it's Kojimbo it's suddenly the best and most clever thing ever...?

>Babby's first attempt at interpretation

At least these are more plausible than QUIET IS CHICO XD

>Kojima occasionally takes a shit
>it's a metaphor for the current state of the video game industry

The west has yet to produce a gaming auteur like Kojima or Shinji Mikami. At best we have Sid Meier and Will wright, along with a bunch of hack devs like Tim Schafer and Phil Fish


japs are the most pretentious hacks.

Play re7

I'm willing to let Jap pretentiousness slide cause it usually results in batshit crazy things that are at least interesting to look at. When the west gets pretentious all we get is some boring walking sim about lesbians or dragon cancer.

So, this game is actually a blogpost and not really a game?

You just broke my irony meter

>critical thinking is "autism"
>intellectualism is for fags
>go back to sleep

Why don't you just kill yourself? How's that for symbols? Just fucking hang yourself.

See what I mean? Just plain autism.

>who is todd howard

Good luck being friends with the chinks and the nips. That's gonna result in some awkward parties


Are your buzzwords symbols?

They make about as much sense as OP's autistic post.

Is the joke here that this was flipped?

>norman reedus
fucking D R O P P E D
Why does Kojima surround himself with shitty actors? First Hayter and now this faggot.

Those theories are so fucking horrible, Silent Hill meant nothing to kojimbo. You sound like you started sucking off this idiot during MGS V.

ive ony le seen le walking dead xD

>2deep4u cinematic trailer
>no gameplay
Why is this allowed?

because he's had a studio for less than half a year and likely hasn't made much progress in a new game?
is this a serious question?

The baby is MGS not pt.

Kojima knew he was gonna get axed after PT. What do you think the whole "I'll be back and I'm bringing my new toys with me" dialogue was all about?

cultivating user's booty bruisings

He hasn't been in a single good movie his entire career.

what is boondock saints

Shamefur dispray, commit sudoku.

>The baby is MGS

Oh fuck off Kojima has been wanting to break away from that garbage series for decades but couldn't due to Kojipro being incompetent shitheads.

A shitty movie.

you sure showed me

This one user replying to every post

And you haven't. All you showed me is that you have pleb taste.

I'm assuming so.

>implying the game isn't beached whale hunter feat. a phantom baby sidekick

keep digging that grave

le funny tumblr gif laughing man xdxdxdxdxdxd

She's right. Only reason that shit movie got popular was from 14 year olds who thought it was hella ebin.

MGS is one of the best series in gaming and that is Kojimbo's baby. He knew he was gonna get kicked out after PT because Konami shot that shit down and he put it up anyways, that's why it was taken down and him destroyed.

>changing the subject
I have officially won this argument.

People already forgetting that this literally happened in MGSV lmao.

nobody cares



just stop

there was no argument to begin with are you fucking kidding me?
>this dude fucking sucks
>name one thing he was good in
>no that wasn't good
there was no point in even continuing this

Kojima hated that series and stuck with it for so long due to Konami forcing him and his team being too stupid to make one without him. MGS4 was him taking a huge shit all over the previous games in hopes you idiots would realize he's fucking sick of it and would stop sending death threats over the series finally ending so he can make something unique for once. Kill yourself you're part of the reason Kojima is in this mess from buying any MGS game after 2.

>muh american redneck hick

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

I'm a scientist everything I say is a fact.

>trailers are mysterious
>game is shit
>rinse and repeat for 8+ years

You are officially more autistic than sonic fans, kojidrones. I truly look forward to what excuse you'll make when death stranding finally outs Kojima for the hack he is.

>t-this time hell be a hack for sure?

Is there any developer with a better record? I think MGS is the most consistently good and well received series in gaming too.

>It was all Sony's fault!
>Kojima never wanted to make Death Stranding!

Kojima hasn't made a good game since MGS 3.

I love how Kojima can just make a totally dumb trailer that says absolutely nothing except "Look at how deep I am :-)" and his dumb fans will try to analyze every little detail of it.

It's not a coincidence that his games started sucking, especially story-wise, after Tomokazu Fukushima left. He was the true writer of the MGS series but Kojima gets all the credit.

All samefag

Doesn't matter i won.

Responding to a post that's a response to a post I made isn't samefagging ding a ling.

you sure did bud
print this thread out and put in on the fridge for mommy to see

Fuck you I like it because it looks cool and badass I couldn't give afuck if it's deep or not

>Reedus is Kojima's self-insert; samey face but being an white American. (It's no secret that Kojima is a massive westaboo and wake up every morning wishing he was white)


Sorry dude this movie was anything but "cool and badass".

Just knowing that you'll always remember the day where you lost this argument is enough for me.

did you expect him to make any progress in his game when he has spent all this time traveling the world, eating food, and visiting other dev companies

Danny Devito really hit the fucking jackpot

all these shitty ass movies and he will only be remembered as Frank from IASIP

I didn't say you were replying to yourself, just that all posts were made by you, a desperate attention whore. Which you just confirmed.

Shit you got me. I'm also a transgender who was a little boy that was forced to rape my childhood crush.


Seriously though, this high school dropout HideoUS Kojima should get a real job.

this was from times when does Japanese devs looks like in the picture.... so long ago. Now they are same as western , even worse sometimes.

dude , its a wide known fact ever since mgs 4 released...

fucking dumbass losers

Before MGSV I would have called you an idiot, but you're right. The writing took a huge hit once Kojima was left alone with it, and boss fights and codecs mostly disappeared too. All the fun shit people loved about MGS was definitely not just Kojima's doing.


They need to do way instain reedus> who strand thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?

Japanese pretentiousness is way more stimulating than western, generally speaking.

The imagery and music tends to be great.

>>go back to sleep
jesus christ

everyone who likes Kojima's """philisophies""" or whatever the fuck you losers call it these days has the mental capacity of a 13 year old Muse fan

I don't think Kojima gives way too many fucks about the SJW agenda so I don't think Norman having a baby (and scar) should be taken literally. I believe that beyond the symbols there is a very foreign and uncanny element that was meant to be unsettling despite the liberal west's obsession with celebrating gender reassignment and the inherent issues.

Due to the uncanny valley element of the imagery in the trailer and PT (norman/kojima's previous collaboration) I'm hoping that it'll be a horror game. Spooky sci fi horror would be great.

I know you're just shitposting, but consider that he'll always be considered more successful and well loved than you could ever hope to be.

Maybe knowing that is what fuels your passion for being retarded.


>I'm hoping that it'll be a horror game

Kojima already stated he's making it an action game like Uncharted.

That's bullshit but I believe it

>MGS4 was trash
>Lords of Shadow was trash
>Peace Walker was trash
>MGSV was trash
>Death Standing will be _____

How much involvement did he actually have with Lords of Shadow? I just assumed it was like ZoE where despite his name being on it he had very little to do with it.

it was at e3 this mroing. a developer in ar who kill his three kids.they are taking the three vidya back to hideo too rest. my pary are with the publisher who lost his kjoima; i am truley sorry for their lots.

user is _____


Not a whole lot, but he heavily pushed the project and was the only reason it wasn't axed in early development for being a turd.

He also refused to allow any more IGAvanias to be made because he was convinced Lords of Shadow was going to be a hit that would redefine the franchise ala Symphony of the Night

>action game like Uncharted.

Okay, user. I believe you.

its just random art shit ppl think its deep kektus

not him, but Kojima said Uncharted fans would be comfortable playing it a month ago

that post is just his normal self-mastubation

He also said anyone who thought Quiet was nothing but pure fapbait would be ashamed of their words and deeds once the game came out.